Is everyone else as bored as I am?


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The Christmas jingle is driving me to distraction at the moment. Surely they are not going to keep this up until the day.

Gosh I agree with you on this!!!! QVC has got boring as a whole, every flaming weekend is a "gifting " weekend! All the Christmas stuff is the same tat year after year. How many years have they had them sodding flash pads on or that annoying race track toy that kids would be bored of after 5 minutes. Buy them some Lego or Duplo I say, that will keep them occupied. The clothing brands are boring and generally beyond hideous and I pity that poor plus model they drag out for the Nina Leonard shows, talk about humiliation! I am do thankful for this forum where you can see which TSVs are coming up and can decide if you want them without having to watch the tedious shows.
Please write an essay on the subject "QVC is the mogadon version of television, discuss".

I wish they would stop with all the Christmas stuff all the time. Short bursts would be bearable until December... but every hour of every day is enough to drive you demented if you watch QVC constantly (I don't).

You occasionally get bursts of promo stuff for Breast Cancer Care, and also occasionally for the Royal British Legion... but we have had entire days devoted to overpriced Christmas decorations, overpriced Christmas food, overpriced Christmas gift tsvs, overpriced Christmas gift ideas. It's insane.

Today we are getting a lot of Elemis - and the only good thing about that is that Keeley is safely in Cyprus and Emer is presenting (and the new stylist has not got at her).

I did catch a bit of Craig on this morning with the Kitchen Aid. Seems that the GBBO names of yore are now either too expensive or too good for QVC, so instead we get a perfectly pleasant American guy. I'm sorry, but what about using... say Jilly Jones rather than dragging this guy over the pond? Unless Kitchen Aid are footing the bill, in which case why would QVC care?

I've had to ration my consumption of QVC to just flicking between ad breaks to avoid shouting at the telly.

At present I'm not seeing QVC presenting any compelling cases to shop with them rather than the dreaded high street. Hopefully at some point some bargains will materialise... just not in any category I'm looking to shop in.

If I want to send gifts, I know fine well I cannot rely on QVC - their packaging is deplorable. I can go to any shop with an online presence and get beautifully presented gifts that people will be thrilled to open on Christmas morning... L'Occitane stands out for me in this regard... and I don't get either supersizes or miniature sizes foisted on me.

Bah humbug! I'll save my Christmas cheer for nearer the event.
Bit further north for me, into the heart of distillery country and of course over to Skye for an extended visit to Talisker distillery and then a few days in Fort William....

I'm very much a city person. Plus at one time I lived in Edinburgh and worked in Falkirk. I love the thought of the Highlands and islands, but I don't do well out of urban environments
Please write an essay on the subject "QVC is the mogadon version of television, discuss".

I wish they would stop with all the Christmas stuff all the time. Short bursts would be bearable until December... but every hour of every day is enough to drive you demented if you watch QVC constantly (I don't).

You occasionally get bursts of promo stuff for Breast Cancer Care, and also occasionally for the Royal British Legion... but we have had entire days devoted to overpriced Christmas decorations, overpriced Christmas food, overpriced Christmas gift tsvs, overpriced Christmas gift ideas. It's insane.

Today we are getting a lot of Elemis - and the only good thing about that is that Keeley is safely in Cyprus and Emer is presenting (and the new stylist has not got at her).

I did catch a bit of Craig on this morning with the Kitchen Aid. Seems that the GBBO names of yore are now either too expensive or too good for QVC, so instead we get a perfectly pleasant American guy. I'm sorry, but what about using... say Jilly Jones rather than dragging this guy over the pond? Unless Kitchen Aid are footing the bill, in which case why would QVC care?

I've had to ration my consumption of QVC to just flicking between ad breaks to avoid shouting at the telly.

At present I'm not seeing QVC presenting any compelling cases to shop with them rather than the dreaded high street. Hopefully at some point some bargains will materialise... just not in any category I'm looking to shop in.

If I want to send gifts, I know fine well I cannot rely on QVC - their packaging is deplorable. I can go to any shop with an online presence and get beautifully presented gifts that people will be thrilled to open on Christmas morning... L'Occitane stands out for me in this regard... and I don't get either supersizes or miniature sizes foisted on me.

Bah humbug! I'll save my Christmas cheer for nearer the event.

My money's on him being a no-name actor/presenter type from one of the many London casting agencies shopping telly channels get on-air staff from, rather than a bod transported from the US to the UK at QVC's expense (like the redheaded woman who used to do the NoNo thing). Unless Q said he works for the company.

I'm so fed up with Christmas already I'm ready to go Satanist instead.
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I'm very much a city person. Plus at one time I lived in Edinburgh and worked in Falkirk. I love the thought of the Highlands and islands, but I don't do well out of urban environments
I live in an urban environment and always have but would be happy living in the wilds of the highlands but would love to live on Skye. It's the bleakness and open space plus the scenery and not forgetting some great pubs and my favourite distillery. Skye is somewhere I have been going to long before ether bridge was built. Just love the place. Saying that however, I could live in Edinburgh which is by far my favourite city.
I used to have QVC on in the background, but have even stopped doing that ! I have turned on lately just to turn back off again!
I live in an urban environment and always have but would be happy living in the wilds of the highlands but would love to live on Skye. It's the bleakness and open space plus the scenery and not forgetting some great pubs and my favourite distillery. Skye is somewhere I have been going to long before ether bridge was built. Just love the place. Saying that however, I could live in Edinburgh which is by far my favourite city.

I love the thought of being somewhere like that, but I'm so used to having city sounds in the background 24/7 that I can't settle when they're gone! Trips to the wilds of Cornwall or Wales are fine in theory, but have me on edge after a day!

Saying that, I'd love to attempt one trip round the Highlands, but it would need to start at Edinburgh and finish at Glasgow (or vice versa) to give me an incentive
:mysmilie_851: Agree, agree, agree. I don't know how the presenters keep their eyes open, the stuff is so boring and a rip-off into the bargain. Q should be marketed as a cure for insomnia - anything more than 10 mins or so of watching, and your eyes close of their own accord. (And share the Marmite sarnies around while you're at it, LATI, I'm peckish)! :mysmilie_5:

From someone who once could have made Q shopping into an Olympic sport I would now rather watch paint dry than watch Q, it would be soooo much more interesting!

Even though I am not interested in beauty products I can see that it is the same old same old over and over again on a weekly basis so surely even the most devoted beauty product buyer must be bored out of their skull?

I'm not entirely sure just what they have dropped from the schedules to allow for the unending Christmas tat which seems to on every other hour, as Elemis, Gatineau, Decleor etc seem to be on as often as ever.

Jewellery seems to be LRose or even worse Eek, and more Eek.

Yong Kim and together seem to have taken over the "fashion" hours.

And surely everyone in the U.K. Who wants Kipling bags has them by now, hour after bleeding hour or those b****y monkeys

Rant over - Off now for a Marmite sanie.
Please write an essay on the subject "QVC is the mogadon version of television, discuss".

I wish they would stop with all the Christmas stuff all the time. Short bursts would be bearable until December... but every hour of every day is enough to drive you demented if you watch QVC constantly (I don't).

You occasionally get bursts of promo stuff for Breast Cancer Care, and also occasionally for the Royal British Legion... but we have had entire days devoted to overpriced Christmas decorations, overpriced Christmas food, overpriced Christmas gift tsvs, overpriced Christmas gift ideas. It's insane.


Couldn't agree more. I hate, absolutely hate, the promotion of Christmas so early. If QVC think I am going to buy Christmas items now they are wrong. Just a few shows now and then, with no sign of a Christmas tree or present in the background, would be OK till maybe the first week in December, but so early in the year is just wrong.
Is that Michael Bubble type Christmas promo on continuously all day? Every time I channel hop it's on, the song is so flesh creepingly, embarrassing. I do love Christmas but even I think it's taking the early pi*s
Yep, I am bored bored bored. Same shows, same items, all the time, and repeat zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
My money's on him being a no-name actor/presenter type from one of the many London casting agencies shopping telly channels get on-air staff from, rather than a bod transported from the US to the UK at QVC's expense (like the redheaded woman who used to do the NoNo thing). Unless Q said he works for the company.

I'm so fed up with Christmas already I'm ready to go Satanist instead.

She featured in a tv documentary where she was producing a west end musical - the name escaped me, (Craig Revel Horwood was on board to do the choreography, but then jacked), and because she was putting up a lot of the money she needed to do other 'work' to bring the cash in, so she took the job as ambassador for No No.
She featured in a tv documentary where she was producing a west end musical - the name escaped me, (Craig Revel Horwood was on board to do the choreography, but then jacked), and because she was putting up a lot of the money she needed to do other 'work' to bring the cash in, so she took the job as ambassador for No No.

Well, she must have needed a LOAD of cash, no questions asked, because I've also seen her on those crappy infomercials they show on tv at 3am that I'm convinced are to either stop/help people commit suicide (could be either/or really)
Oh it's great all this Christmas hype, & NOOOOOO I haven't been on the Wine Tubes they were peddling a few days ago (well it would take a Lottery win to buy enough to get worse for wear on those) but I am getting so much enjoyment logging onto my bank accounts & looking at the balances which are far higher because I am not watching & buying/wasting my hard earned pension.Keep it up QVC!
QVC is definitely boring and repetitive if you tune in regularly but, although in the past I have gone through phases of watching QVC for the sake of it, luckily, like many of us on here, I'm quite good at seeing through the BS and being selective. My downfall is "bargains" (what I see as bargains, although I'm not sure anything's a bargain if you don't really need it!), and I still think there are occasional genuine bargains on QVC. Fortunately I don't have to watch shows to identify them because I can get all the info I need on here - and long may that last.

We must be in the minority with our views on here as QVC are certainly not suffering ....


Turnover has climbed past £470m at TV shopping channel group QVC UK, following a year of growth across all product categories.

The latest set of accounts for the company, which changed its name from QVC in May 2015, show that it generated a turnover of £470.2m in the 2015 calendar year. This represents a 6 per cent year-on-year rise.

Pre-tax profits rose by 24 per cent to £58.2m over the same period. And QVC UK's average headcount rose to 1,876 in 2015 from 1,504 in 2014.

A report filed alongside the accounts said: "Turnover increased by £26.3m year on year to £470.2m, an increase of 6 per cent. This was driven by growth across all product categories. QVC continues to invest in developing partnerships with brands and bringing new and exciting products to its customer base.

"The company continues to develop its multi-platform growth strategy to increase reach to new and existing customers and grow market share. Investment in development and enhancement of the brand is also a key focus."
I feel exactly the same. only watch the Venetian jewellery, but buy it direct from Arezzo, wonderful service and good prices, and Bobbi Brown seems to have disappeared as has the lovely lady who presented the Italian plated gold. all the presenters are spouting self important drivel which we have all heard hundreds of times.

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