Interesting Liz Earle reviews


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Sep 24, 2009

I was just looking through the LE products on QVC and noticed one kit had a review saying that cleanse and polish caused both her and her friend to have a terrible allergic reaction. I know C&P doesn't suit everyone, my own sister had a bit of a reaction to it, but anyway I was a bit suspicious (my lawyer instinct kicking in), so I clicked to look at all the reviews on that one individual.

Now is it just me or is it a bit shady that the only products reviewed are LE ones for which the individual only gave 1 star and for which the comments are almost exactly the same and they were all left on the same day?. Plus, if something had given you such a bad reaction once, would you purchase it another couple of times after? I just wonder if this is someone with a problem with Liz?

What does anyone else think?
Hmm very interesting, bad English as well. I can't imagine why she bought so much LE if she kept reacting.
I noticed this too and thought exactly the same as you ! There are suggestions in the review that Liz doesn't use botanical ingredients to my mind. Why didn't these people send the stuff back to QVC and/or contact LE direct , I ask myself ???? I would have been on the phone like a shot if my reaction to the products was so bad.

OK, I'm a huge LE fan and have just spent a fortune on her website in time for Xmas so I may be biased but I have the most sensitive skin and was going to be hospitalised with v bad eczema when I started using the range as a last resort 10 years ago. Never looked back and wouldn't swop for anything !!
I'm quite annoyed that this person was allowed to post reviews which don't relate to these item numbers - they bought a TSV 2 years ago and it didn't suit their skin! Big wow! They should have used to 30 day MBG. I wonder what rattled their cage and caused them to post now?

Curious x
mmm now i can't use most of the liz earle face range but would never post that many bad reviews primarily because I have an allergic reactive skin and that doesn't mean the products are rubbish - wish i could use the whole range and love the body products :)

As you say if the products were so awful why buy so many kits. THe reviews are all quite similar and look a bit dodgy to me. I don't know anyone who i've given skincare too that would have an almost identical reaction to me not even my mum or sister.
I'm surprised the review that casts doubt over the ingredients being botanical got past the screening system and made it to the website. As for having a reaction to products, surely you can react to anything whether it's natural or not.
You can click on 'report inappropriate review' and then they get looked at more closely. I did this for someone who posted a review the day of a TSV - how could they have known to write a review and it therefore wasn't about an exact product. The review got removed.
It looks like someone with an agenda to me and I am surprised that QVC passed them to be published.
You can click on 'report inappropriate review' and then they get looked at more closely. I did this for someone who posted a review the day of a TSV - how could they have known to write a review and it therefore wasn't about an exact product. The review got removed.

I agree that reviews available before the launch of an item are suspect but lately they have had this thing about a customer panel having previewed the item and they phone through a review so I suppose this could be the case sometimes but surely that would be mentioned in the review.
I am a member of the QVC customer panel, and regularly get asked to use a TSV that is coming up in a couple of weeks time. I am then asked to give a written report on what I thought of the TSV about 3 days before it goes to air. If I like it I am asked if I am willing to speak on the phone while the item is on air , what I thought of it, how it compared to something similar I might have used tried from the high street etc. If I didnt like it, again I have to say why, it doesnt stop it being a TSV but prepares them for returns and comments. But I have never been asked to write a review for the product the day it goes to air. But I suppose there is nothing from stopping me doing it, and I suspect some customer panelists might think its a good idea to do so.
The one I was referring to was the Charlie Bears TSV. It was just going on about what a great brand they are - nothing to do with those particular bears. They got great reviews - including from me when people received them but there could have been issues with them which means that the review would have been misrepresenting them.
I'm quite annoyed that this person was allowed to post reviews which don't relate to these item numbers - they bought a TSV 2 years ago and it didn't suit their skin! Big wow! They should have used to 30 day MBG. I wonder what rattled their cage and caused them to post now?

Quite; people should only be allowed to post reviews for items they have actually bought! Soon as I saw this thread I knew exactly who it was referring to as I'd noticed these 'reviews' myself a few days ago!

As to their 'agenda', my first thouight was they were either:
a) The stupidest person on the planet or
b) Somebody with a grudge/rival interest/whatever pretending to be the stupidest person on the planet!
(Personally, I think it the whole thing has more than a whiff of troll about it, maybe the QVC equivalent of an e*** auction wrecker but who knows......there are some real strange people about......?)
These type of reviews should not even be published, the sheer fact that this reviewer has questioned the authenticity of the ranges botanical ingredients is ridiculous.
Quite; people should only be allowed to post reviews for items they have actually bought! Soon as I saw this thread I knew exactly who it was referring to as I'd noticed these 'reviews' myself a few days ago!

As to their 'agenda', my first thouight was they were either:
a) The stupidest person on the planet or
b) Somebody with a grudge/rival interest/whatever pretending to be the stupidest person on the planet!
(Personally, I think it the whole thing has more than a whiff of troll about it, maybe the QVC equivalent of an e*** auction wrecker but who knows......there are some real strange people about......?)

Someone posted a review of a TSV before they had it and I emailed QVC asking why this review was on the website. QVC said you don't have to buy the item to review it, you can do a review from seeing it on the website or television. There's no check that you have bought an item you are reviewing and I suppose you might review something you received as a gift. If there was one product in the LE range that you didn't like you could do a negative review for all the kits that contained that product.

However this person claims to have had a reaction to products but has stupidly carried on buying from the range, which most of us wouldn't, and didn't return them, which a lot of us would.

As for casting doubt on the products being natural because they have caused a reaction, that's nonsense, severe nut allergies can kill people so does that mean nuts aren't natural?
As for casting doubt on the products being natural because they have caused a reaction, that's nonsense, severe nut allergies can kill people so does that mean nuts aren't natural?

I had a fairly nasty allergic reaction to a very 'natural' product I tried a few months back (literally, face in bowl of bowl job it burned so much on day 5!) & am convinced it was a reaction to one of the completely lovely & natural ingredients in the product, as having gone through the ingredients list, realised I was already ok with the relatively few synthetic ingredients it did contain! Just unlucky really!
To suggest something is not 'natural' because your skin reacted to it is ludicrous (not to mention bordering on the libellous!) - I carry round a handbag full of drugs to keep a lot of the lovely natural world outside from potentially polishing me off whenever I step out my front door! A total best! lol
I know people can write reviews about items they haven't purchased under that item no because before now I have reviewed halo on its own when I have bought it in a tsv, and likewise various mascaras etc, but I've never written one 2-years after buying something!

I wondered whether it was someone who had worked for the brand and been fired or something. It was the way they kept using "botannical" that got me suspicious. I'd always be very careful before suggesting that something wasn't as sold.
I am a member of the QVC customer panel, and regularly get asked to use a TSV that is coming up in a couple of weeks time. I am then asked to give a written report on what I thought of the TSV about 3 days before it goes to air. If I like it I am asked if I am willing to speak on the phone while the item is on air , what I thought of it, how it compared to something similar I might have used tried from the high street etc. If I didnt like it, again I have to say why, it doesnt stop it being a TSV but prepares them for returns and comments. But I have never been asked to write a review for the product the day it goes to air. But I suppose there is nothing from stopping me doing it, and I suspect some customer panelists might think its a good idea to do so.

I agree that reviews should be specific to the item they are reviewing, though I don't feel they have to purchase the item from QVC - maybe that's why a review comes up so quickly.
:cheeky: I am more interested in how to become a member of the QVC customer panel! :cool2:
I agree that reviews should be specific to the item they are reviewing, though I don't feel they have to purchase the item from QVC - maybe that's why a review comes up so quickly.
:cheeky: I am more interested in how to become a member of the QVC customer panel! :cool2:

....I was at a QVC event in Harrods with my sister, (I was invited there for a preview of their Gem Day a couple of years ago), and we were asked if we would like to be on the Customer Panel,...seemed rude to say no, as we were there being treated extremely nicely, meeting QVC models, presenters, management and buyers, and eating some wonderful food......We had our photo's taken and had to fill in a questionaire about our favourite presenters and products, and our least favorite. To be honest we didnt think we would hear any more about it, as we were quite honest in our answers,....but we did hear not long after that we had been chosen.

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