I have to agree with alot of the comments on here.
My heart goes out to those dedicated to working in the NHS (not the highly paid doctors of course who are also dedicated but the money they make more than makes up for it - oh and GPs... don't get me started...) but those who work so very very hard and with such dedication but who are unable to do their jobs as they wish due to so many reasons, such as lack of support and enough nursing staff to go around.
I recently had to attend hospital with a member of my family who was wrongly diagnoised by a nurse, a second nurse, a junior doctor, our GP, another nurse until finally a fortnight later we found ourselves by 'a miracle' infront of someone who gave the correct diagnoses.
People in government should not have private health care but when they need the services, have to go to A&E, wait 2-4 hours, be wrongly diagnoised, go back two, three times over a fortnight (whilst being in agony), then have to wait a month for their MRI scan, then wait a fornight later for their results then try to get a date for their op, which will be another 4 months later only to cancelled on the morning with another indefinate wait.
NOT... oh yes Mr so and so, can we please book you in for your MRI this afternoon with the results tomorrow, op if needed next week? Pleeeeeeese!
I totally agree with Ingrid, good on her.