If you "won christmas"


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Jun 24, 2008
Very silly thread I know, but 'cause if I actually did "win christmas" (and we all know that ain't gonna happen) where the feck would I put it all! Those of you who read my "bike box" thread in the drop would know how much trouble I had smuggling that into the house, and that's just one box. Ok, If I won, I wouldn't have to be all cloak and dagger and try and hide any of it, but I literally, simply, totally wouldn't have the room to put any of it. Might just be able to accomodate one of the vacs and a steam iron, and some smaller boxes. Surely they must have some kind of arrangement for a winner who lives in a small space. Don't get me wrong, there's a lot smaller places out there than mine, it's not a bad size but I still have to be mindful of what I buy.

They showed last year's winner receiving her stuff, obvs there was some trick camera work going on, but she lived in what one would consider a reasonable sized house, the poor old girl's living room was completely blocked up once they'd finished dumping all the stuff off. I would imagine that after filming had finished they helped her transfer stuff to the spare room, the attic, the garden shed or what have you..but what if she had lived in a small flat in a tower block, or a bedsit type thing? With this prize, is the onus on the entrant, who lets face it may not even realise they've entered the competition (as it's automatic with any order) to make sure they've got enough room to put everything? This is obviously gonna be a problem, unless the production team do some "homework" ie, using such thing as a trial draw/google maps etc until they come up with something suitable!

Perhaps they could give the winner vouchers to represent some of the bigger products and that they can get them delivered elsewhere or at another time. Just couldn't picture the team carrying all that stuff upstairs and round corners into my flat, just couldn't be done! They'd have to leave it all lined up on the pavement- then wtf would I do with it. Hire a van to take some of it to my son's house, see if they'd deliver it there instead. Surprised that haven't said anything....it's such an enormous prize!
I live in a timy studio flat and have no space for any of the goods. Not being funny, but I would probably give the entire prize to the local YMCA to distribute to the hostel residents as Christmas presents. Having been a resident in one of thse institutions, 20 years ago, items like these would have been a big help.
Brilliant idea Greg, never thought of that but yes, you could donate some of the stuff to good causes definitely!
That's the best plan; keep two or three items you really want and give the rest to charity. If you think you're going to get rich on eBay selling any of these items you're badly mistaken, unless you're really desperate for an extra £100 or so. I've seen someone selling a secondhand item described as new and they were asking less than half the retail price for it.
When I heard the words " win Christmas," It reminded me of a Good Life episode where Margot orders Christmas from Harrods and it arrives in a van .
That's the best plan; keep two or three items you really want and give the rest to charity. If you think you're going to get rich on eBay selling any of these items you're badly mistaken, unless you're really desperate for an extra £100 or so. I've seen someone selling a secondhand item described as new and they were asking less than half the retail price for it.

I agree that it would be a really good idea to donate some of the stuff, but seriously folks is there anyone on here that has the room to store even half of that stuff, before you start allocating it? One would imagine that IW would be in touch a good while before they actually delivered it, and I guess with that you could organise the collectors to come along after filming has taken place to pick up anything you've decided that you would like to donate, and for filming purposes, perhaps they just photograph the empty boxes in your front room, then sort out the nitty gritty later. I'd just be interested to know what they do, so if any IW insider can shed any light, I'd be intrigued to know. Like I said I'm sure they didn't drive off and leave poor Sylvia without a functioning living room. Had visions of the poor old love laying on the floor trapped under the weight of a steam press and a bike box and the poor cat howling in the kitchen for its dinner!
I still think it's a great prize, though in practical terms it might have been better if they'd offered the prize in the form of an equivalent voucher that can be used for purchases that guaranteed delivery before xmas. Possibly that's what they do, send a voucher by recorded delivery. Surely they can't have really just loaded the stuff into a van and driven 2 hours down the motorway...could've have been 5 hours if she'd lived further afield! I know I'm sounding stupider by the minute here...somebody help lol!!!!! This prize, the way they've made it look at least, is a logistical nightmare, if not impossibility!!!
I expect the winner has already been notified, and a crew have been booked to film the "Surprised Chump" receiving said Christmas bundle. Don't be surprised if you don't win! :mysmilie_59:
I expect the winner has already been notified, and a crew have been booked to film the "Surprised Chump" receiving said Christmas bundle. Don't be surprised if you don't win! :mysmilie_59:

Oh yes, I realise that part - But for as much notice as they give me, my flat ain't gonna get any bigger! Yes, and I know I'm not going to win either lol!!!!

I'd strongly imagine that the crew discuss logistics with the winner plenty of time before filming takes place, and yes, they probably would allow the prize to be delivered to a larger premises ie a relative's home. They'd just have to say "Ethel lives in one bedroomed attic on the 40th floor of a tower block, so we're delivering the prize to her Daughter's palatial home down the road!"
Lovely thought, Greg.
I live in a timy studio flat and have no space for any of the goods. Not being funny, [B]but I would probably give the entire prize to the local YMCA to distribute to the hostel residents as Christmas presents. Having been a resident in one of thse institutions, 20 years ago, items like these would have been a big help[/B].
merryone, definitely think your idea of the voucher, so you could buy what you want, would be the best one. However, as this is IW, would anyone have thought of that, I wonder?
I agree that it would be a really good idea to donate some of the stuff, but seriously folks is there anyone on here that has the room to store even half of that stuff, before you start allocating it? One would imagine that IW would be in touch a good while before they actually delivered it, and I guess with that you could organise the collectors to come along after filming has taken place to pick up anything you've decided that you would like to donate, and for filming purposes, perhaps they just photograph the empty boxes in your front room, then sort out the nitty gritty later. I'd just be interested to know what they do, so if any IW insider can shed any light, I'd be intrigued to know. Like I said I'm sure they didn't drive off and leave poor Sylvia without a functioning living room. Had visions of the poor old love laying on the floor trapped under the weight of a steam press and a bike box and the poor cat howling in the kitchen for its dinner!
I still think it's a great prize, though in practical terms it might have been better if they'd offered the prize in the form of an equivalent voucher that can be used for purchases that guaranteed delivery before xmas. Possibly that's what they do, send a voucher by recorded delivery. Surely they can't have really just loaded the stuff into a van and driven 2 hours down the motorway...could've have been 5 hours if she'd lived further afield! I know I'm sounding stupider by the minute here...somebody help lol!!!!! This prize, the way they've made it look at least, is a logistical nightmare, if not impossibility!!!
Had to laugh the other night watching Barra Boy trying to sound sincere and caring when he spouted off about the competition to win Christmas.
Just to let you know that it would seem that I didn't "win Christmas"....hey ho! So I don't have to worry about where I'd put everything lol!

To be fair I'm not quite sure I bought anything in the qualifying period, so I guess that's the reason, as well as not having a cat's chance in hell even if I did!

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