I wish I knew the names - - - - - - >


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I don't give a flying fig what they want to say about me, but I hate the way they come on here and torment the likes of Tristar when he's done them no harm as far as I know - they must be awful people and not the sort any decent person would want to consort with. That's me said me piece!

Have you reported any posts you feel are tormenting? Graham and I do ask that posts are brought to our attention that are offensive or bullying.
I don't give a flying fig what they want to say about me, but I hate the way they come on here and torment the likes of Tristar when he's done them no harm as far as I know - they must be awful people and not the sort any decent person would want to consort with. That's me said me piece!

How do they torment Tristar?

You need to look closer to home for that... you and your buddies that keep insinuating that others are picking on him are only fuelling his own fears and insecurities... why can't you see that?

Tristar has his own issues and freely discusses them... he takes things to heart and often sees things differently to the majority opinion. You do him no favours by simply agreeing with him where it would be better for him if you helped him to see that no offence was intended.

I don't think it's fair to Tristar to discuss this further without him being involved.
That's a shame, I think it's rather odd that people go in private group to discuss everyday comments on here, well wierd! But if they get some sort of satisfaction out of it then I guess that's up to them. I'd like to think that any sane person wouldn't indulge & leave that group. Apart from anything else it's clearly a waste of time as the intended recipients will never read it! Quite comical really.

that's what i wanted to do but couldn't find a way out - never have been very good with puters. fortunately i was booted out because i didn't like what they do and said so.

Have you reported any posts you feel are tormenting? Graham and I do ask that posts are brought to our attention that are offensive or bullying.

as i said in the thread you closed - yes, many people have. and not only posts about tristar.
Have you reported any posts you feel are tormenting? Graham and I do ask that posts are brought to our attention that are offensive or bullying.

would it do any good? posts were reported last week, as we've said tonight, but weren't immediately deleted.
that's what i wanted to do but couldn't find a way out - never have been very good with puters. fortunately i was booted out because i didn't like what they do and said so.

Sorry Janie, I didn't mean to assume or be disrespectful. Blimey, the group sounds like a bliddy awful one to be in! I just think that usually the ones hurling the insults, (yes I've seen a couple last weekend on here not the secret squirrels private one as I'm not a member), invariably just make themselves look twats lol.
In fact, sometimes it's better if the posts stay up, providing they're not too offensive, for everyone else to see how ridiculous they are.

That said, I'd really appreciate it if we could have ST Q forum back to the way it was, funny & informative x.
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And he is ver dramatic

Im not taking sides with anyone but for heavens sake Lynn let it drop and give the bloke a rest. We are all different and we all express ourselves in different ways.

This debate is so unhealthy and has now turned into insidious bullying - and that comment isn't directed specifically at you Lynn it's a general comment.
How do they torment Tristar?

You need to look closer to home for that... you and your buddies that keep insinuating that others are picking on him are only fuelling his own fears and insecurities... why can't you see that?

Tristar has his own issues and freely discusses them... he takes things to heart and often sees things differently to the majority opinion. You do him no favours by simply agreeing with him where it would be better for him if you helped him to see that no offence was intended.

I don't think it's fair to Tristar to discuss this further without him being involved.

"they"? don't you mean "we", as you seem to be in full agreement with what that group does? You say Tristar has "issues", I said that last week and someone picked up on it and implied that I shouldn't have said it, as tho it was an insult. To me he seems very vulnerable and I can no more walk by on the other side than I can fly in the air - I hate the bullying behaviour that he's been subjected to on here.
would it do any good? posts were reported last week, as we've said tonight, but weren't immediately deleted.

As I said, every report is looked at on a case by case basis! Graham and I are not here 24/7 but we do look at any reports as soon as we see them.
Sorry Janie, I didn't mean to assume or be disrespectful. Blimey, the group sounds like a bliddy awful one to be in! I just think that usually the ones hurling the insults, (yes I've seen a couple last weekend), invariably just make themselves look twats lol.
In fact, sometimes it's better if the posts stay up, providing they're not too offensive, for everyone else to see how ridiculous & spiteful they are.

nothing to be sorry for. just explaining that i saw it with my own eyes before i made my escape.

i tend to agree with you about leaving the posts up to shame the poster but the problem with that is, it's unpleasant for the victim and these people have no shame anyway.
Give who a rest I have never said anything to Tristar apart from calling him a bit dramatic
Just one more interjection, if I may....tomorrow, February 2nd is Groundhog Day. Any similarities are purely coincidental. Now I shall give my Shiraz my full attention.

(and I abandoned the Hotcakes and Eek page too.)
Well I am getting fed up with this now as its going round and round! I've had enough, goodnight All, lets hope we have a better day tomorrow. :mysmilie_504:
If I were Tristar I would be sitting back, laughing at all the attention I am getting after only one post!
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