I wish I knew the names - - - - - - >


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Some one show me a post where Tristar has been bullied,
Please let's not go there. With all due respect if someone comes on here with a list & details what purpose does that actually serve other than to rake eveything up again? Tri doesn't need that & nor does anyone else. Suffice to say quite a few seem to have witnessed it. As decent people we have written a suitable response when it has arisen. END OF!
Only if you start causing trubble Stato, and then make friends. I much prefer the good old banging together of heads.

Jude xx
thank you for the lecture tiddly..perhaps YOU could try helping Tristar then as you'd obviously do it far better than I can?

This site is supposed to be for fun not therapy... it was not a lecture, it was a generic observation and NOT about Tristar.

You are not helping Tristar by continuing to discuss him without his knowledge / permission... that could be construed as bullying behaviour in itself... seriously, please stop.
why do I keep having that other quote running thru my head..."methinks the lady doth protest too much.."..??
I think the important point here Lynn is that it really only needs to be one person who feels bullied for it to be an issue.

If a member feels they are being bullied then they should report this and if others think they are seeing someone being bullied then they should report it.

All this going round in circles dragging the issue of cliques, gangs etc...into many threads is getting no-one anywhere!!!

Everyone has a life away from ST and if that involves being on FB, Twitter, Digital Spy or anywhere else on the internet then it does.

It really is time to move on from this issue and if any other threads descend into the same issue then they will be closed a lot sooner than this one as enough really is enough.

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