I wish I knew the names - - - - - - >


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OK - now we're going round in circles...

Can't we just accept that:

1. this is an open forum and we are all different - we can disagree with an opinion without disliking the individual.
2. if people meet on here and want to carry on speaking outsite of this site then that is not illegal, immoral or underhand - it is just life.
3. any group of individuals can strike up friendships and create their own groups if they so wish.
4. eh, that's it.
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but you read BB's post did you - it allegedly involves talking about members of this forum, and not in the most respectful of terms - that's ok with you is it?
When I joined in Oct 2012 I recall having some really great discussions on here, a giggle, tips on the LG sale, opinions on TSV's that enabled me to make an informed choice. I'm a novice so don't know much about what went on prior except what I've gathered from subsequent posts, (ta for the heads up Burlz). Just seems such a shame that there's upset & threads having to be closed etc. :confused:
It doesn't sound like a very nice group. I'm glad I don't do facebook. I'll stay over here thanks. They'll all be having a field day with what's been going on over here of late.
OK - now we're going round in crcles...

Can't we just accept that:

1. this is an open forum and we are all different - we can disagree with an opinion without disliking the individual.
2. if people meet on here and want to carry on speaking outsite of this site then that is not illegal, immoral or underhand - it is just life.
3. any group of individuals can strike up friendships and create their own groups if they so wish.
4. eh, that's it.

Well said!!!

It really is time to put this issue to bed and get back to all things ST!
but you read BB's post did you - it allegedly involves talking about members of this forum, and not in the most respectful of terms - that's ok with you is it?

Eh, yes it is... they can say what they like because it is in a private room... just like with anywhere else in life.

If they start having a pop here then I would take offence - but what I don't hear won't hurt me.
but you read BB's post did you - it allegedly involves talking about members of this forum, and not in the most respectful of terms - that's ok with you is it?
True, it's certainly not ok but just think Carol, who ever is doing this are just winding each other up as no one else can see it, or indeed, wants to necessarily lol x.
but you read BB's post did you - it allegedly involves talking about members of this forum, and not in the most respectful of terms - that's ok with you is it?

Hell, sticks n stones and all that. You can't control the actions and words of random folk on the internet. To try would drive you nuts- there are just too many weird folk in the world. On FB and on here! (Kidding, naturally)
"There is only one thing in life worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about." Oscar Wilde.

This is fuel to the fire of both the 'Hot Cakes and Eek' page and QVC's Facebook angels. That's all I want to say.
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When I joined in Oct 2012 I recall having some really great discussions on here, a giggle, tips on the LG sale, opinions on TSV's that enabled me to make an informed choice. I'm a novice so don't know much about what went on prior except what I've gathered from subsequent posts, (ta for the heads up Burlz). Just seems such a shame that there's upset & threads having to be closed etc. :confused:

Could not agree more Nikki, I used to enjoy the good discussions on here, recommendations, forthcoming Tsvs etc,I probably would not have bought a LG bag had it not been for the sale info on here, and now I have a great collection! shame recently threads have upset a good few people on here, lets hope things improve, I hope I have not offended anyone
Eh, yes it is... they can say what they like because it is in a private room... just like with anywhere else in life.

If they start having a pop here then I would take offence - but what I don't hear won't hurt me.

True, it's certainly not ok but just think Carol, who ever is doing this are just winding each other up as no one else can see it, or indeed, wants to necessarily lol x.

Hell, sticks n stones and all that. You can't control the actions and words of random folk on the internet. To try would drive you nuts- there are just too many weird folk in the world. On FB and on here! (Kidding, naturally)

I don't give a flying fig what they want to say about me, but I hate the way they come on here and torment the likes of Tristar when he's done them no harm as far as I know - they must be awful people and not the sort any decent person would want to consort with. That's me said me piece!
So it seems we are a divided camp.
That's a shame, I think it's rather odd that people go in private group to discuss everyday comments on here, well wierd! But if they get some sort of satisfaction out of it then I guess that's up to them. I'd like to think that any sane person wouldn't indulge & leave that group. Apart from anything else it's clearly a waste of time as the intended recipients will never read it! Quite comical really.
Can we go back to discussing shopping channels instead of each other. I don't have a problem with people talking about me, can't imagine they'd have much to say. I can't remember the last time I "Disliked" a post but I have reported a couple in the past few months and I'd suggest anyone who feels offended does the same; it works better than "disliking". If it's not offensive per se but you disagree with the opinion then state your viewpoint. How hard can it be?

Jude xx
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