I thought I only disliked Ophelia as a presenter......


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My problem with replacing Paul, is at least find someone who is a complete animal lover, Paul traveled the world doing wildlife documentaries and had many pets, as far as I know AH doesn’t have any and says she is more of a cat person 😲she was also pictured a few years ago riding a very small donkey which in my opinion is dam cruel🤬
I haven't forgotten that donkey ride either when she was in a hot country with Phil Vickery for This Morning, it upset me a lot and I couldn't believe that no-one in the film crew told her to get off the poor struggling animal. Recently, Will Young was on Lorraine and said that he would love to fill in for Paul at Battersea and was hoping he might be asked. He is also a massive animal lover and has rescued his own dogs.
I think Alison Hammond would be really good as a Q presenter.
I think she has skills. I can't help wondering if For the love of dogs is almost her nightmare job!
I loved her interview with the famously prickly Harrison Ford. Think it was when the new Bladerunner film came out. She totally disarmed him. It was entertaining and the interviewees (HF & Ryan Gosling) seemed to really enjoy it. If you've not seen it before, here's a link to it. .
Ophelia was doing well on social media, I think, before Q signed her up. Here's the thing, though: many on socual media are actually very introverted and socially anxious. When you are in front of a camera you control, filming footage you edit, that's a different experience and pressure. Us introverts can be interesting, funny, articulate in the right circumstances... but in the wrong situation we are dull, tongue-tied and unable to think through what comes from our brains to our mouths.
I think Ophelia is a square peg in a round hole. I feel sorry for her, but I don't think Q is a good fit for her skills and talents.
I think Alison Hammond would be really good as a Q presenter.
I think she has skills. I can't help wondering if For the love of dogs is almost her nightmare job!
I loved her interview with the famously prickly Harrison Ford. Think it was when the new Bladerunner film came out. She totally disarmed him. It was entertaining and the interviewees (HF & Ryan Gosling) seemed to really enjoy it. If you've not seen it before, here's a link to it. .
Ophelia was doing well on social media, I think, before Q signed her up. Here's the thing, though: many on socual media are actually very introverted and socially anxious. When you are in front of a camera you control, filming footage you edit, that's a different experience and pressure. Us introverts can be interesting, funny, articulate in the right circumstances... but in the wrong situation we are dull, tongue-tied and unable to think through what comes from our brains to our mouths.
I think Ophelia is a square peg in a round hole. I feel sorry for her, but I don't think Q is a good fit for her skills and talents.
I'm just listening to Alison Hammond on a radio ad (with my fingers in my ears naturally)..a big no from me on that one i'm afraid....whilst we're at it has anyone else noticed the dumbing down of the voices on tv & radio adverts in general over the last couple of years or so?

I popped on the telly in the kitchen whilst I was clearing up just to catch Ophelia look right down the camera and say "This is "BRAN NOO" Nobody needs to hear that!!!
I heard her on the Gatineau show today, saying 'this will renu your skin'. She seems to think quite a lot of words that end in the letter 'g', actually don't. Grinds my gears.
She's like a rash, that Alison Hammond. Why she has to be so manic and over-the-top all the time I just don't know. I find her compete
In tv land its called "bubbly" . If you're loud and constantly giggling - like one or two on Loose Women then you're in !
I'm just listening to Alison Hammond on a radio ad (with my fingers in my ears naturally)..a big no from me on that one i'm afraid....whilst we're at it has anyone else noticed the dumbing down of the voices on tv & radio adverts in general over the last couple of years or so?
Yes, I've noticed it. I'm in the North of Britain and I've noticed that many adverts - especially any kind of government thing or energy thing, the voice in the adverts is a broad Yorkshire or Geordie accent talking to the listener like they are two sandwiches short of a picnic. Totally gets my goat. And why are people with "personalities" always fat people? I don't mean to offend by saying fat but I believe in saying it as it is (and I've been quite fat in my time).

Well I live in Wales and how can I put this?.......most ads on the telly AND radio (they must have to work really hard on getting their agenda across on this format) are obviously not aimed at my demographic.....they need to realise - "Not everybody lives in London".
I’ve noticed that a Yorkshire type accent is used a lot now, too, especially on the funeral and insurance ads. Before that, some years ago,it was always a Scottish accent. I think the advertisers try to pick something that ( they think) sounds honest and reassuring . They do opinion polls from time to time to get which accents promote certain reactions from the public, then we are bombarded with the favourable ones for the next couple of years!
Yes, I've noticed it. I'm in the North of Britain and I've noticed that many adverts - especially any kind of government thing or energy thing, the voice in the adverts is a broad Yorkshire or Geordie accent talking to the listener like they are two sandwiches short of a picnic. Totally gets my goat. And why are people with "personalities" always fat people? I don't mean to offend by saying fat but I believe in saying it as it is (and I've been quite fat in my time).

🤣 totally agree. Advertising agencies pick the accent to fit the demographic. Geordie and Yorkshire for funerals, equity release, and the over 60s who like their tea. The rest of the voice overs are a mixture of West Indian, American, estuary English, and of course Scottish - for reassurance !
Yep, body positive is in full swing, Lizzo the fat pop star can't be called fat, but she's hardly an advert for healthy eating, Andi Oliver the bald tv "personality" on Great British Menu needs to rethink her wardrobe or lose weight.
OK I'm harsh, I know that, and we can't all be slim (l have spent years being a 22, but I'm tall with thin legs which helped- but recently lost weight as I want to live longer), but when you're on the tele optics are everything. And "fat" may not be spoken, but everyone thinks it.
Waaaay back when I was at college in the Midlands and mixing with others from ‘the South’ I was mocked ( well mildly, asking me to say certain words that we Northerners say differently).Then at the beginning of my working life I visited London in a business environment and was conscious of my Northern accent.It did affect my confidence and I now welcome the variety of accents on TV, although I think some ‘Northerners’ make it too obvious for effect but times have moved on and for the better.
🤣 totally agree. Advertising agencies pick the accent to fit the demographic. Geordie and Yorkshire for funerals, equity release, and the over 60s who like their tea. The rest of the voice overs are a mixture of West Indian, American, estuary English, and of course Scottish - for reassurance !
Yep, body positive is in full swing, Lizzo the fat pop star can't be called fat, but she's hardly an advert for healthy eating, Andi Oliver the bald tv "personality" on Great British Menu needs to rethink her wardrobe or lose weight.
OK I'm harsh, I know that, and we can't all be slim (l have spent years being a 22, but I'm tall with thin legs which helped- but recently lost weight as I want to live longer), but when you're on the tele optics are everything. And "fat" may not be spoken, but everyone thinks it.
In my memory they always used a Scottish accent for anything to do with finance/banking, but I suppose it's now felt that it reinforces a negative stereotype. It seems still ok to suggest that the Yorkshire accent is synonymous with plain speaking hence all the funeral ads.
The "go to" term is "curvy" these days, but it still seems acceptable to use the word skinny and thin even though the words slender or slim are a lot more flattering!
I've watched This Morning since I had to retire with ill health. I watch it for a few segments like the medical, cookery, fashion, beauty and papers.

The last few years it's been getting worse and worse. The presenters sit together waiting for the cookery guests to do their bit but they just talk crap over them. The guests try to explain their ingredients and steps in a limited time but I see some getting flustered because of the annoying presenters butting in and talking to them.

Very much like the annoying presenters interrupting the guests halfway through their description just to tell viewers something's going fast and you need to buy now etc.

Phil and Holly really outgrew their boots. I saw their on-telly personalities get ruder and ruder over the years. I see Hammond following them. I'm bordering on angry when I see her smile at the camera while tucking a beauty item or whatever into her bra. FFS! She's a highly paid person who can more than easily afford anything they show on air.

She's off-putting on the food items, too. She digs into everything then walks on. I wonder if that food then gets wasted. I hate needless wastage!

She's also managed to get friends on TM and some of them are simply idiots and amateurs. Dermott has tried to be the voice of reason on the programme - I'd love to know what he really thinks.

She's a really bad fit for Paul's old programme. I believe she's only recently become a pet owner and certainly never came across as a dog lover on TM. Other presenters always greet the animals and give them a bit of love but she's always been reluctant. I can't imagine her being so loving and patient as Paul was. That's the only programme that's regularly brought me to tears. I miss him. I'm sure the dogs miss him, too.

The new hosts? He's bland and Cat Deeley seems a bit dense. Thank the lord for fast-forwarding!
I've also noticed that the energy companies use "friendly" northern accents to reassure you if your bill is a bit expensive & you can't afford to turn the heating up/on...and for some reason we seem to get "edgy" european accents when they're desperately trying to flog their electric cars...laughable.

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