I thought I only disliked Ophelia as a presenter......


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She does the same to me. She has a horrible voice which I can't stand listening to, although as you say she is not common. It is her fake smile that makes my skin crawl. She is like the riddler out of Batman. I like Alex, Jackie is a bit sycophantic over Ruth and childish but otherwise OK, Katie Pullinger OK but she starts every sentence with umm. Like Kathryn and Jilly. Love Glen Campbell and Craigie but cannot stand Ophelia, she is the worst presenter for me. She is so common she really needs a job in Bid Up TV. Coming up in the next owwaaahh. And as for Chloe Everton, she needs to calm it down. The cute little girl act does not cut it at 40 plus, jumping from foot to foot and her accent grates, comin gup in the next show. Used to like Debbie Flint the best but she needs to stop shoehorning her grandkids into every sentence
And I do wish Chloe would stop 'checking herself out' in the monitor. Found her ok(ish) in her early days at Q but now switch channels as soon as she appears.
OMG, I so dislike that woman and I don't know why. Maybe because she just has no tact at all and seems to go at everyone like a bull in a china shop when she's interviewing them. Might be entertaining if she was on QVC with Charlie Brook though, or Lorna Ko :LOL:


I went off her when she commentated on the Grand National when some horses had to be put down. She seemed to have no compassion whatsoever.

Anyone appearing on QVC has to be ultra careful what they say. Whatever you say you 'hate', there will always be someone who disagrees. Maybe that's why many of the presenters come off as syrupy sweet.

If they stuck to the item, just describing it, giving full measurements, options that match the options on screen etc., rather than blathering on about all ethnicities/genders, talking about family life and rudely butting in with nonsense comments they wouldn't have to be so careful.

Chloe preening then bullishly catching up with the presentation, Ophelia trying and failing to speak properly, Chunt's attempts to get sympathy sales while appealing to every creep on the internet, AY's woke PC crap... I could go on forever.

Julia used to be an excellent presenter, doing the job professionally and describing items precisely. What the hell went wrong?

Will is the only one I can watch with the sound up these days.
If you listen to the Kipling promo the lady says kiplin' - drives me nuts!
Nails down a chalk board! Also,one voice over pronounces L'Occitane differently from everyone else...L'OccitAARNE,ugh😬

I bet they are scouring the agencies for transgender presenter as we speak. That box is begging to be ticked! Alison Young will explode with excitement!
Me thinks I've found the perfect candidate...the Elizabeth Grant Ba,sorry (not sorry) 🤭
I do get a bit fed up of seeing the same presenters on TV, was shocked to read Alison Hammond is taking over from Paul OGrady , I can only imagine Bradley Walsh wasn’t available.😲
I cannot fathom why someone who is scared of dogs got this gig. The reason that show took off like a rocket was Paul!
His connection with the dogs, his love and compassion for them cannot be faked. We all knew he was the real deal.
My ears this morning! Her and the Ba talking over each other 😖. Plus,her wig isn't on straight 🙄


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I just sat down and Q was on Kim & Co as I put telly on. Chloe is aggressively speaking over a fashion presenter (I rarely watch fashion as I refuse to pay Q's postage costs).

She's spouting utter crap! Who on earth buys into her sales pitch?
I can’t watch Ophelia for long because she constantly interrupts the BA’s. On another note, what on earth is going on with the eyebrows on the Kim@Co BA, can’t remember her name. Especially the left hand eyebrow 🤨.It looks like it’s trying to escape up her face.
Could it be Jenny? Her eyebrows are a strange shape. Not at all subtle.
I think Alison Hammond would be really good as a Q presenter.
I think she has skills. I can't help wondering if For the love of dogs is almost her nightmare job!
I loved her interview with the famously prickly Harrison Ford. Think it was when the new Bladerunner film came out. She totally disarmed him. It was entertaining and the interviewees (HF & Ryan Gosling) seemed to really enjoy it. If you've not seen it before, here's a link to it. .
Ophelia was doing well on social media, I think, before Q signed her up. Here's the thing, though: many on socual media are actually very introverted and socially anxious. When you are in front of a camera you control, filming footage you edit, that's a different experience and pressure. Us introverts can be interesting, funny, articulate in the right circumstances... but in the wrong situation we are dull, tongue-tied and unable to think through what comes from our brains to our mouths.
I think Ophelia is a square peg in a round hole. I feel sorry for her, but I don't think Q is a good fit for her skills and talents.
I think Alison Hammond would be really good as a Q presenter.
I think she has skills. I can't help wondering if For the love of dogs is almost her nightmare job!
I loved her interview with the famously prickly Harrison Ford. Think it was when the new Bladerunner film came out. She totally disarmed him. It was entertaining and the interviewees (HF & Ryan Gosling) seemed to really enjoy it. If you've not seen it before, here's a link to it. .
Ophelia was doing well on social media, I think, before Q signed her up. Here's the thing, though: many on socual media are actually very introverted and socially anxious. When you are in front of a camera you control, filming footage you edit, that's a different experience and pressure. Us introverts can be interesting, funny, articulate in the right circumstances... but in the wrong situation we are dull, tongue-tied and unable to think through what comes from our brains to our mouths.
I think Ophelia is a square peg in a round hole. I feel sorry for her, but I don't think Q is a good fit for her skills and talents.
So she becomes a "national treasurer" on the back of one interview ? Sorry but being overweight and "bubbly" doesn't warrant being put in the frame for every tick box job. I remember Ruthy saying when her & Eamonn when pushed out, that she would have preferred to have been outed by proper journalists and not a reality show contestant. She is far from a popular choice for Battersea and I think the programme will tank now. Even the BAFTAS haven't asked her back to host.
Hard to decide who has the worst accent for a TV audience, Alison or Ophelia.
So she becomes a "national treasurer" on the back of one interview ? Sorry but being overweight and "bubbly" doesn't warrant being put in the frame for every tick box job. I remember Ruthy saying when her & Eamonn when pushed out, that she would have preferred to have been outed by proper journalists and not a reality show contestant. She is far from a popular choice for Battersea and I think the programme will tank now. Even the BAFTAS haven't asked her back to host.
Hard to decide who has the worst accent for a TV audience, Alison or Ophelia.
I have to agree, but tbh I can't think of anyone who could replace Paul O' Grady in that show. The show was as much about him and his love of dogs as it was showingcasing the work that Battersea do. How many of us wondered every week "is he gonna take that one home himself?" I'm More than happy to watch a different show about rescue animals from Battersea or anywhere else for that matter, but this show sadly died when Paul did. I think they'd be doing the cause a great disservice by plonking in the latest "flavour of the month" presenter to take over, like you say it will probably tank! At a push, I think Colleen Nolan would be a better fit as she's crazy about her animals and has rescued dogs before, but like I said at the beginning Paul O Grady's shoes are pretty much impossible to fill.
I pity the dogs ! I can picture them with their paws over their ears as they hear the shouty Brummie heading towards them " watch out she's on her way, whatever you do, don't look at her or she'll pounce on you with that big open gob"
Woof, woof, pretend you're asleep. She might have treats in her pocket, but ignore them.

If they stuck to the item, just describing it, giving full measurements, options that match the options on screen etc., rather than blathering on about all ethnicities/genders, talking about family life and rudely butting in with nonsense comments they wouldn't have to be so careful.

Chloe preening then bullishly catching up with the presentation, Ophelia trying and failing to speak properly, Chunt's attempts to get sympathy sales while appealing to every creep on the internet, AY's woke PC crap... I could go on forever.

Julia used to be an excellent presenter, doing the job professionally and describing items precisely. What the hell went wrong?

Will is the only one I can watch with the sound up these days.
I don't like to listen to Will. His voice is too high pitched and it gets on my ear 'oles. No doubt he does his job well, but the voice annoys me.
I have to agree, but tbh I can't think of anyone who could replace Paul O' Grady in that show. The show was as much about him and his love of dogs as it was showingcasing the work that Battersea do. How many of us wondered every week "is he gonna take that one home himself?" I'm More than happy to watch a different show about rescue animals from Battersea or anywhere else for that matter, but this show sadly died when Paul did. I think they'd be doing the cause a great disservice by plonking in the latest "flavour of the month" presenter to take over, like you say it will probably tank! At a push, I think Colleen Nolan would be a better fit as she's crazy about her animals and has rescued dogs before, but like I said at the beginning Paul O Grady's shoes are pretty much impossible to fill.
ITV are not very good at recognising when to shelve a successful series.
When Mark McManus died, they didn’t shelve Taggart, and got several more very successful years out of it.
They need to call it quits on This Morning after the Phil and Holly shenanigans, but no… Cat Deeley and Ben Shephard are being wheeled in with the hope of resuscitating one of their flagship daytime programmes.
Given the untimely death of POG, reimagining a show about rehoming dogs could have given them a great opportunity to show respect to Paul, rather than treat him as a replaceable cog in the wheel. He really wasn’t.
My problem with replacing Paul, is at least find someone who is a complete animal lover, Paul traveled the world doing wildlife documentaries and had many pets, as far as I know AH doesn’t have any and says she is more of a cat person 😲she was also pictured a few years ago riding a very small donkey which in my opinion is dam cruel🤬
My problem with replacing Paul, is at least find someone who is a complete animal lover, Paul traveled the world doing wildlife documentaries and had many pets, as far as I know AH doesn’t have any and says she is more of a cat person 😲she was also pictured a few years ago riding a very small donkey which in my opinion is dam cruel🤬
I did actually think of Colleen Nolan there as she really is devoted to her animals. I looked her up after this having thought and it turns out she has 5 dogs, including a three legged Yorkie, three cats, three goats and a horse! I also remember her getting rescue dog on one of the shows. If they must replace Paul which I still think would be a big mistake, at least Colleen is soft spoken and speaks in calming tones which I'm sure is better when working around nervous animals! Alison is extremely loud and extremely excitable which is fine for some shows, but certainly not this one!!!
They could have had me to do a show on rescue dogs - I'm highly experienced, love dogs, all my dogs have been rescued and I'd have 100 if I had room. They don't have to be cute, don't have to be friendly, don't have to be easy to manage. I always take the one most in need or on death row or that no one wants. I want them. To make a dog rescue show with someone who isn't that into dogs is insulting to the dogs. So it's all about her then, not them. Not great.


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