I am so MAD at QVC:angry:


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Registered Shopper
Jan 31, 2010
3 weeks ago I ordered the Leighton Denny Crystal nail file birthday special.
As yet it hasn't arrived so I called up Customer Services on the 28/08/13 to report it missing.
They said they would send out the Non arrival letter for me to sign and return to them well it arrived this morning.
Now should there have been a RETURN P&P PAID envelope along with the letter??
I am sure that in the dim and distant past when I have had to send this letter back to them they have provided the return envelope and paid the P&P.
So as there was no return envelope I called up CS again and was told that I HAD TO PAY to get the letter back to them and they have NEVER sent out P&P paid envelopes.
So now not only have I not got my nail file I have to pay to tell Q that it hasn't arrived.
So I am not a happy shopper.
This was only my 3rd purchase from Q in the last 18 months and may well be my last.:angry:
Seems like they are adding layers of bureaucracy. You have already told them you didn't receive the file. I don't see why they should make you send them a letter anyway. What is that actually going to do?! Do they think you may be trying to con them out of a nail file?! They should assume what you are telling them is correct, sned you out a file as a priority and then call you to make sure you received it. They should only make you jump through hoops if they have reason to believe that you are not giving them correct information. I hate how QVC are becoming :( Their corporate culture has taken a significant turn for the worse. :(
3 weeks ago I ordered the Leighton Denny Crystal nail file birthday special.
As yet it hasn't arrived so I called up Customer Services on the 28/08/13 to report it missing.
They said they would send out the Non arrival letter for me to sign and return to them well it arrived this morning.
Now should there have been a RETURN P&P PAID envelope along with the letter??
I am sure that in the dim and distant past when I have had to send this letter back to them they have provided the return envelope and paid the P&P.
So as there was no return envelope I called up CS again and was told that I HAD TO PAY to get the letter back to them and they have NEVER sent out P&P paid envelopes.
So now not only have I not got my nail file I have to pay to tell Q that it hasn't arrived.
So I am not a happy shopper.
This was only my 3rd purchase from Q in the last 18 months and may well be my last.:angry:
I also called CS for the envelope in the past and was told I have to pay to send it back.
I think this letter to claim their loss from RM.
It's not that sinister Julian, the letter doesn't just confirm non-receipt but gets the customer to sign an agreement to co-operate with their enquiries (if they make any) and to inform them if the item arrives in the meantime. Without this QVC can't easily claim for the loss against the courier or Royal Mail. I send out the same form when I sell on ebay and the buyer claims the item never arrived. I'm not implying Madmax is pulling a fast one but in terms of ebay it has always resulted in the buyer reporting their item has finally arrived, so from a seller point of view it's the cost of a stamp well spent on my part. There's probably an element of this behind the QVC declaration letter, dishonest buyers may claim they never received an item by email or phone call but signing a letter may be a step too far. The main reason behind the letter is to help them claim against the delivery service.

I completely agree with Madmax that they should include a prepaid envelope (even if it's only 2nd class post which QVC love!). They have included a SAE in the past when I had a spate of items stolen off my doorstep, but when they stopped doing it I queried it. I pointed out that I shouldn't be out of pocket in any way if they or their contractors fail to deliver an item and they suggested that if I sent them the proof of posting receipt from the post office they'd issue a refund for the letter's postage. Fine, I said but how would I get that to them? By post? And what about that postage? Obviously you can weigh the letter at the PO and add the postage receipt to the same envelope but you can see where I was going with this. ...if that letter goes astray the whole nonsense starts again!

If you have a scanner you can sign the letter, scan it and attach the image to an email and QVC will generally accept that and start the refund or replacement process.

Good Luck!
I got a leighton denny crystal file from amazon much cheaper than Q, sorry to hear you are having such a faff.:( madmax
Once the file failed to arrived I found one on Ebay for about the same price with free P&P.
I ordered it on the Wednesday and it arrived on the Friday.
I have just posted back my letter and am now awaiting their phone call then and only then will they start to process the refund.
I know that there are always going to be people who will try and pull the wool over Q's eyes and try and get something for nothing but for a item costing under £20 includig P&P IT MUST COST THEM MORE IN ADMIN.
they cant claim anything back from royal mail so the form seems pointless
Last year seemed to be a bad year for things going missing. I was missing about one in three items last year. Yes its annoying, but nothing to get upset about. For me they say that items should arrive in 10 - 14 days and normally they arrive between the 6 and 9th day. If I haven't got the item on the 14th day, I send an email to Customer Services, they email me the form and I scan, sign and email it back and then they action it to my request.
Hmm, but I wonder how they can claim against Royal Mail for an item that was sent by regular unrecorded mail? If you send someone a letter and they don't receive it then getting a signed statement from the addressee will not make one iota of difference and would not serve to strengthen your case!! I'm quite sure Royal Mail would tell you to shove off and that it should have been sent recorded. Because there is no tracability that the letter / package was ever sent in the first place. I don't think QVC would have sent a nail file via a very expensive delivery method. I'm fairly sure it would have been sent by ordinary letter mail.
It's not that sinister Julian, the letter doesn't just confirm non-receipt but gets the customer to sign an agreement to co-operate with their enquiries (if they make any) and to inform them if the item arrives in the meantime. Without this QVC can't easily claim for the loss against the courier or Royal Mail. I send out the same form when I sell on ebay and the buyer claims the item never arrived. I'm not implying Madmax is pulling a fast one but in terms of ebay it has always resulted in the buyer reporting their item has finally arrived, so from a seller point of view it's the cost of a stamp well spent on my part. There's probably an element of this behind the QVC declaration letter, dishonest buyers may claim they never received an item by email or phone call but signing a letter may be a step too far. The main reason behind the letter is to help them claim against the delivery service.

I completely agree with Madmax that they should include a prepaid envelope (even if it's only 2nd class post which QVC love!). They have included a SAE in the past when I had a spate of items stolen off my doorstep, but when they stopped doing it I queried it. I pointed out that I shouldn't be out of pocket in any way if they or their contractors fail to deliver an item and they suggested that if I sent them the proof of posting receipt from the post office they'd issue a refund for the letter's postage. Fine, I said but how would I get that to them? By post? And what about that postage? Obviously you can weigh the letter at the PO and add the postage receipt to the same envelope but you can see where I was going with this. ...if that letter goes astray the whole nonsense starts again!

If you have a scanner you can sign the letter, scan it and attach the image to an email and QVC will generally accept that and start the refund or replacement process.

Good Luck!
I now look on amazon and e bay as I am finding QVC very expensive especially P and P.
What if your disabled etc how would you be able to get a stamp and post it. I wonder what QVC would say about that. As they bang on above people doing there Christmas shopping (for example) as they can't get out of house. Yet if items get lost via courier/royal mail your expected to sign a form. Put a stamp on it and post it.
Plus QVC should pay for cost of stamp for everyone as its costing us the customer money more on top of what everybody else's paid for it. Its so unfair.
If someone was disabled I expect their homehelp or carer would get the stamps. I think this whole thing i pointless. QVC can't claim anything from Royal Mail for a normal unrecorded letter. They could quite easily accept an email / scan so it seems my hypothesis is correct! They are adding unnecessary layers of bureaucracy. Were it me I would write a stern letter with their form, scan it and send an email, then return the form without a stamp and let them pay at the other end. If they didn't receive the letter they could hardly deny receiving the email. Seems like a whole heap of hassle though. Just go buy a nail file from Superdrug next time innit!
I had letters on 3 separate (years apart) occasions from Royal Mail asking me to confirm non-receipt of QVC items I'd reported missing. I thought, given the size of their QVC contract, Royal Mail may be more accountable for missing items than they are over items sent by the ordinary man in the street, in the same way the cost per parcel will likely be lower than the cost to an individual.

You don't have to send an item via signed for or special delivery to claim from Royal Mail (though it helps) I'd always get a proof of posting receipt, but that comes from ebay habit. There's not an exact comparison between a private customer posting an item and a large commercial company that will have negotiated it's own terms with RM, Hermes, Citipost, DX etc. I suspect that the process of printing the address labels for each QVC purchase is akin to a business using an old franking machine that tots up the postage used for billing by the carriage company.

QVC's long-winded process is bad enough but having to fork out to post their declaration back to them adds insult to injury. Other mail order companies will resend an item and send a label to return the original despatch should it ever arrive. In fact QVC have done exactly this on occasion - tends to be higher value, time critical items , I remember someone on this forum years ago, kicking up a fuss and QVC despatching a replacement by special delivery, but that was probably back in the days when they won awards for their customer service

QVC will accept a faxed or emailed copy of the signed declaration - I mentioned this above.
Thanks Akimbo. I will remember to come to you if I have an Ebay questions! A while back I ordered some tablets of a sports supplement and it clearly stated "tablets" in the listing and in the picture yet they sent gelatin capsules (which I won't eat). I raised a dispute case and they tried everything to worm their way out of it. and made several false promises, In the end they offered half my money back and I was so furious I sent them a final demand, stating that unless I got my full amount back I would pursue the matter in court. I got my money back within 3 hours.
I had letters on 3 separate (years apart) occasions from Royal Mail asking me to confirm non-receipt of QVC items I'd reported missing. I thought, given the size of their QVC contract, Royal Mail may be more accountable for missing items than they are over items sent by the ordinary man in the street, in the same way the cost per parcel will likely be lower than the cost to an individual.

You don't have to send an item via signed for or special delivery to claim from Royal Mail (though it helps) I'd always get a proof of posting receipt, but that comes from ebay habit. There's not an exact comparison between a private customer posting an item and a large commercial company that will have negotiated it's own terms with RM, Hermes, Citipost, DX etc. I suspect that the process of printing the address labels for each QVC purchase is akin to a business using an old franking machine that tots up the postage used for billing by the carriage company.

QVC's long-winded process is bad enough but having to fork out to post their declaration back to them adds insult to injury. Other mail order companies will resend an item and send a label to return the original despatch should it ever arrive. In fact QVC have done exactly this on occasion - tends to be higher value, time critical items , I remember someone on this forum years ago, kicking up a fuss and QVC despatching a replacement by special delivery, but that was probably back in the days when they won awards for their customer service

QVC will accept a faxed or emailed copy of the signed declaration - I mentioned this above.
Once I received some jewellery- well it was the box and paper packaging but no jewellery and in a Royal Mail 'we are sorry but it got damaged' bag with covering letter. On calling QVC I got a refund on the spot and they sent me EVERYTHING needed, freepost label packaging and a personal letter. That is the one and only time that has ever happened to me. Through the 15 year plus time I've been with them and not received items, I have never received non delivery letter for weeks and on 3 occasions, didn't get it all and had to request it again weeks later. I do think they delay on purpose because they have your money gaining interest and as they have lost out on the non delivery are making as much back on the loss as they can. I am extremely cynical with QVC now, I have no loyalty to them at all and when I first joined this forum was a 'fan' of them. Too many times I have had bad experiences or read about their diabolical tactics and just see them as money grabbing barstewards (excuse my language) now and never support them. I do purchase what I consider bargains from them, hence why I still frequent and read here.
I had the same letter not long back, but never had a return envelope with it.
Yes Nora, I went on so much I forgot to add, it frustrated me that I had to pay for the cost of the mailing of the letter and never got that back, so I started to request it back by not asking for a replacement but a refund- that way everything was eventually paid back but AGAIN, like getting blood out of a stone.
Yes Nora, I went on so much I forgot to add, it frustrated me that I had to pay for the cost of the mailing of the letter and never got that back, so I started to request it back by not asking for a replacement but a refund- that way everything was eventually paid back but AGAIN, like getting blood out of a stone.

I asked if they would refund the postage from the letter to my account along with the cost of the item and they refused Loujareth!

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