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Ooooo there might be one locked away somewhere, you know - the one no one talks about ........I do love a scandal

It's probably Shaun :54:
She looks like she has...why does she insist on wearing those silly little jackets?...they make her look like the Hunny monster :thinking2:
She has one called Laura, who loves purple things, she always goes on about her
She has one called Laura, who loves purple things, she always goes on about her

Oh, is that the special needs one :thinking2:

And no I'm not taking the piss out of Laura, I just don't think everytime Den mentions her she has to add on "she has special needs".....there's no need.

I have special needs :13: but I'd hate my mum to tell all and sundry!
I totally agree about the no need for special needs thing. She slaps it into places where it is totally irrelevant and makes me feel like all she sees her daughter as is 'a special needs person' and not for who she really is. Imagine if you were Laura watching that???? annoys all hell out of me.
I have posted about it before and as if by magic Dennice stopped doing it for about a week, then she's back, telling us all about how Laura dribbled her way through 3 sets of clothes a day when she was little (just to sell a flaming iron).
Imagine the embarassment!!!!

Den, she's special needs, not blind, deaf and dumb to your seeming hangups about it!!
TBH I've never heard her say it but then again I don't watch IW much.Have to agree though, it's really not necessary to keep on about it. She should have more respect:thinking2:
I have a special needs child and I really don't mind her mentioning it, sometimes it's so isolating that it's nice to know that there are other people out there in the same boat. It's often so hidden and you get the feeling that everyone else has a perfect life while you don't.
I have a special needs child and I really don't mind her mentioning it, sometimes it's so isolating that it's nice to know that there are other people out there in the same boat. It's often so hidden and you get the feeling that everyone else has a perfect life while you don't.

Life is what you make of it, just because other's have, what looks to the outside world, as a 'perfect' life, doesn't necessarily mean it is....they just don't feel the need to ram it down other peoples throats.

I'm sure Laura must feel less than 'perfect' in her mother's eyes, otherwise why would Den keep going on about it. I feel Laura is quite capable of going through life without the stigma of Den's constant " meet my daughter, she's special needs" afterall she has a job and quite a few friends, so she can obviously stand on her own two feet.....I think Den uses Laura for sympathy and 'look at me I'm burdened by my child'.... I, personally, think it's disgusting, especially on a much watched satellite channel.
Life is what you make of it, just because other's have, what looks to the outside world, as a 'perfect' life, doesn't necessarily mean it is....they just don't feel the need to ram it down other peoples throats.

I'm sure Laura must feel less than 'perfect' in her mother's eyes, otherwise why would Den keep going on about it. I feel Laura is quite capable of going through life without the stigma of Den's constant " meet my daughter, she's special needs" afterall she has a job and quite a few friends, so she can obviously stand on her own two feet.....I think Den uses Laura for sympathy and 'look at me I'm burdened by my child'.... I, personally, think it's disgusting, especially on a much watched satellite channel.

I agree. When selling a jacket, what has "my daughter Laura would love this, she is special needs" got to do with anything? :confused: I don't know anything about her 'other' daughter, she never gets a look in :rolleyes:

.........and as for her 'middle daughter', I'm still non the wiser :wink2:
I agree. When selling a jacket, what has "my daughter Laura would love this, she is special needs" got to do with anything? :confused: I don't know anything about her 'other' daughter, she never gets a look in :rolleyes:

.........and as for her 'middle daughter', I'm still non the wiser :wink2:

Maybe MC Wrapper has lent her one :thinking2:
Presenters sell using their families all the time, so what's so distasteful about mentioning your child has special needs if thats part and parcel of who they are. I celebrate my childs difference because I spent so long in denial and trying to hide it (you have no idea what it's lke to have people stare and pass comment at the thing you love most in the world if you have not had a special needs child).

I still think its refreshing that I can watch someone on TV that I know has shed a million tears over her child but still got through the other side.
I find it distasteful the way she uses Laura as a selling point - like already mentioned, we never hear anything of her other daughter/daughters...sorry for the pun, but what's so special about Laura apart from her condition, surely all children should be on an equal footing....apparently not in the Robinson household.

I know all the presenters mention their families, usually as a funny anecdote or something relevant to what's happening at the time....not constantly, for unacceptable reasons, as in, "oh, this decoupage is purple, my daughter would love this, she's special needs" "This coat has a hood, my daughter would love this, she's special needs" "This frying pan goes into the oven to gas mark 4, my daughter would love that, she's special needs" " ad infinitum.

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