How many......


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I cant agree more Anna and am so refreshed to hear someone else say it!!

Laura would love this for walking the dog, she's special needs...... I find Dennice disgusting for even mentioning it on air. Its like the old adage of telling someone something often enough they believe it, Laura is soon going to feel all she is to Den is special needs!

I'd love for Laura to come on a do a stint on air, Hi My Mum would love this it's big enough for her enormous ass! or, my Mum would love this for walking the dog, it's so big it'll even fit her elephantine figure. :p

I jest of course :p
You two should get married :p
Got the arguing off pat already!! And we know who would wear the trousers.....the one NOT in the hideous Kaftan, sorry Fashtan :p

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