How Boring!


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Jun 24, 2008
How boring is QVC getting? a 24hr craft day yesterday and a diomonique day today, last weekend it was fashion all weekend, this weekend we are being treated to a christmas weekend . They do seem to be running out of ideas.:mysmilie_845:
I agree with the above post to a certain extent but what exactly are QVC supposed to do?? Granted, I fnd viewing less interesting than I used to but maybe that is becuase I am used to it. It's like saying a supermarket is boring, or a department store. I enjoy going to Ikea now and then and there are some days that I would kill for an afternoon mooching around Marks and Spencers but if I went every week/day it would be boring.
I think we're all so used to the same things year in year out now that it's more stale rather than boring. I think in some ways it's pleasant as it's a gentle reminder of where we are in the year and what to expect (particularly with things such as Christmas launch in October) but in others it's frustratingly dull. Craft Day isn't for me really (though I know many people love and enjoy it) and whilst I like Dyyymerrneeek I can't watch 24 hours of it nor will do (nor buy).

Christmas gifts weekend is just going to be the same patter of - 'buy now and get prepared early so you're not stressing yourself out or murdering all your loved ones and putting them in the mincemeat come Xmas Eve' and 'why not buy this and TREAT YOURSELF as you'll be the one doing all the hard work come Xmas and you deserve a gift..' etc.

Will I be watching? - yes, of course I will. Will I buy? - probably not - and therein lies the crux. Two, three years ago I would have been sucked in. Why yes! Yes, I do need to spend £67.34 on some overpriced blobs of soap and a bottle of shower gel for me, because I literally actually deserve it - there are seventeen other components in the set I can handily split into gifts for people and it's all on 54 easy pays, so I can still be paying it off come next Christmas when the FUN STARTS AGAIN!!

I am off for a lie down

It is a bit dull but I think I am going to tune in to the visual valium of Dimonique Day to soothe me after the cuts have been announced...........
Well as a non-crafter & someone who doesn't do sparkle these two days have been a total turn off..literally. Nor will I be tuning in at the weekend or Monday as the 'C' word is not mentioned in my house until December under pain of death.:tongue:
I agree with the above post to a certain extent but what exactly are QVC supposed to do?? Granted, I fnd viewing less interesting than I used to but maybe that is becuase I am used to it. It's like saying a supermarket is boring, or a department store. I enjoy going to Ikea now and then and there are some days that I would kill for an afternoon mooching around Marks and Spencers but if I went every week/day it would be boring.

Fair point, but would you go into M&S and spend the whole day just looking at one narrow range out of all their products?
God I know, hearing about that in October drives me mad! its bad enough the shops are starting to go all 'christmassy' already but a whole weekend of christmas crap is just too much.

PS I'm honestly not that bah humbug, I do love christmas, just in December when its meant to be loved! lol :grin:
But even a lot of us crafter's found craft day boring!!!......
not necessarily QVC's fault just that we have seen it all before:yawn:.....
need to find some inspiration from somewhere, haven't even started making my christmas cards yet.......
some people make them in the summer!!:nod:

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