Honora TSV Email


Help Support ShoppingTelly:

Price is fantastic and they are lovely - congrats to all who have bought them :)

I thought I would give in but IRL i'm not that keen - I think the silver settings look a bit nothingy and the pearls a bit small, a little quantity over quality. As i'm not one who needs a pair of earrings every week I would rather invest in a more expensive single set so i'm holding off.

I have doubt the people who have bought will love them though, one of the best TSV's I have ever bought was the similar stud set to this last year and they are simply beautiful.
Did you go for them,Red?

I did indeed, Marzy! :)
I've been wanting them to do a Honora drop earring TSV for ages.

Wow it's been ages since we've been on here at the same time!
I'm usually :24: but wasn't going to risk missing them.

Hope you and yours are well.

just to bring forward the email image..


some serious lighting going on there, makes me wonder are the first ones the greens!

...and the blue ones might be the black?

I will if you will.......although I wanted blue!

I wonder why you want blue pearls? :33:
Right ladies, I am off to bed before I do any more damage to the turkey fund! xxx
You could put them on cheque hold in case they sell out by morning and have some thinking time. :24: Yes I could probably still shop in my sleep!
Me too BH. I didn't wait up, thinking 'if they are still available in the morning, then I am meant to have some' and what do you know? :1:
I got mine this morning...DH really is a love, I said I was dithering and he said "well at that price buy them and send them back if you don't like them"
Yes he is one of a kind and no you can't have him he's all mine!!
I went for them too. we are haning a big family lunch on Boxing Day and these will be table presents for the women.......and I get to keep two pairs. :lol: (The Chocolate and the Pistachio ;))

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