Have a safe journey!


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Jun 24, 2008
In this age of social media there are many posts from people who are going on holiday and post "At Gatwick on the way to Malaga" that sort of thing, ok it's probably not wise to announce that your house is gonna be empty for a week or two, but that's another story. Is it just me who hates it when people respond with "have a safe journey" or "safe travels"? What's wrong with "have a lovely time" or a simple "Bon Voyage"? Even though the person is obviously trying to be nice, to me "have a safe journey" implies that air travel is not safe and that somehow they are taking a risk. The people who say they're on the way to a holiday in the uk and they're on a train will get the "have a great time" "enjoy your holiday." There are a lot of people who are very anxious about flying so that kind of message does not help matters. I always post a good wish that doesn't mention "safety" in any way shape or form. What do you think on this?
I always say safe travels for any journey. There are plenty of nutty folks getting on planes... there are even more bevvied up folks... and people who can't behave and or have kids who can't behave and the response to any suggestion they or their little angels need to do better is sadly often met with great offense and aggression.

I think putting your whereabouts on social media in real time is unwise. It's not the same as telling neighbours (who will be keeping an eye out even if you haven't asked them to) and close friends and family.
I know that there are nutters and drunk people on planes along with mechanical problems . Of course with weirdos and drunks there are things you can do to be careful but anything else is out of your control so I just think it adds an element of doubt especially for the nervous traveller. If someone said that me I’d accept their wish graciously as I know it comes from a good place. I’d rather have an “enjoy your holiday “ or Bon Voyage”
In this age of social media there are many posts from people who are going on holiday and post "At Gatwick on the way to Malaga" that sort of thing, ok it's probably not wise to announce that your house is gonna be empty for a week or two, but that's another story. Is it just me who hates it when people respond with "have a safe journey" or "safe travels"? What's wrong with "have a lovely time" or a simple "Bon Voyage"? Even though the person is obviously trying to be nice, to me "have a safe journey" implies that air travel is not safe and that somehow they are taking a risk. The people who say they're on the way to a holiday in the uk and they're on a train will get the "have a great time" "enjoy your holiday." There are a lot of people who are very anxious about flying so that kind of message does not help matters. I always post a good wish that doesn't mention "safety" in any way shape or form. What do you think on this?
A bitsa. Personally, I don't think it's 'that' bad to say you're going on holiday: although, I don't. Not now, anyway. What may be bad is, if you have people who, not necessarily knowing you, but knowing you. Aquaintances and such. I'm weird. If I see people walking behind me: see? know they are, I tend to slow down until they pass. Especially if I'm almost back to the house. Where I am going with this is, if you don't want the 'general public' knowing the house is empty, don't advertise it. But if your 'media' is set to private, it's not so bad. Although, and this is a wander. My aunt went to her son's wedding in Portugal. I house sat, as she had a dog. I put a photo on my 'private' fb, and she 'threw one' telling me she didn't want folk to know she wasn't at home.

And I tend to say safe so and so to people. Again, not all, but those 'special' people, be they family or otherwise. It shows love, not necessarily I hope the plane doesn't crash, or the boat sink etc. ;)

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