Happy Gardening. Not.


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Jul 8, 2008
[mum writes]

If it was gardening, I wouldn't mind. Sorry if I'm boring the pants off you with my protests, but yet another TSV of Richard Jacksie, on Saturday night of all times, with umpteen hours during the day on Sunday. This is one person who won't be tuning in at all. I used to love gardening, when I was able to do it, but this is just a boring and repetitive sales pitch.
I am a gardener but I don't watch these shows much, as Richard Jackson spouts the same old drivel. I have found most of his claims fall short, I have never had a bowl full of fruit from strawberries, though he claims kilos of fruits.
I do shop from Hayloft but mostly direct!
All Q TSV are repetitively boring beyond belief. I'm not interested in the beauty shows and to me they seem to take up 90% of airtime, if it's not TSV its beauty days, or beauty weekends but in actual fact the day the schedule doesn't include numerous beauty shows are rarer than hen's teeth

Then there are the vacuum cleaners and steam mops.

Although I am not overly interested in Kipling at least they are watchable.

I see there are 3 hours of gold on this afternoon and whilst I love my jewellery who can spend 3 hours on a Monday afternoon watching one show and if you are not into it it's hardly fair

I watch little now and buy even less.
To be honest i love gardening and have done for 30years and i dont know why i watch because i cant stand the little gnome probably just in case i see something new although i have not bought anything for a long time,funnily enough i see he has got his son in on the act on qvc the word nepotism springs to mind.
Groan ! - I agree with EVERYTHING that's been said above.

QVC need a bloody massive shake up with their product range. Its the same old dregs week in week out. I remember 'blue moon shows' where one off gifty bits were on air; a time when dresses weren't even on the inventory; Temp-tations oven to table ware had me diving for the phone; and Dreamkeeper had yet to invent stoles and shawls; There's more to life than a sodding Yankee Candle every other day, bedding at least once a week, and now Richard Jackson on daily until next Christmas !!!!

I came across a box in my dressing table today. It was accompanied with a magazine article, and the delivery note. Date: 24.2.04 Price: £88 Item: Zandra Rhodes 9ct gold half face ring surrounded by emeralds - and it still fits !! A little bit of nostalgia of the good old days.
those days are gone alas qvc is so slick now its all about the sales pitch rather than the goods.
If only their "slickness" manifested itself to delivery ,CS etc.

The presenters became so annoying I stoped listening and only watched.
Then it became so boring and overpriced I mostly bought from clearance.
Now I don't even bother with clearance as the postage makes it overpriced and there is nothing to tempt me anyway.
Gee another boring weekend to look forward to ....this morning we had the dynamic twosome Marverine
and smarmy Craig for the first few hours.:mysmilie_10: QVC know how to spoil us....
I don't know why QVC stock expensive fertilizer separately - they peddle plenty of overpriced s**t in every show! :mysmilie_13:
Thing is, some of the Q sales assistants have an honest, (however misguided), self belief of celebrity status.

Yet, I have to see any them on genuine mainstream TV programming, away from the ivory towers of the Q bubble of twatter, facebook and guff.
Yes, I've often thought this. If they were honestly that good, then they would have been snapped up to do the One Show (its about their level).

I should imagine once you have shopping channel presenter on your cv, then that's the kiss of death - there is no way you are going to be auditioning for Downton Abbey !!!!
Although the gardening shows are probably the only ones that I can watch all the way through (although the TV is usually on in the background) I do not understand how nearly everything is "Richard Jackson's" this, that and the other. Weed killer, slug pellets, lawn magic, flower power etc etc. Did he really invent them all or just jump on someone else's bandwagon? And as he is an 'expert' he doesn't really need another presenter standing there while he explains (for the umpteenth time) what the products do. I think most of the presenters are surplus to requirements (in a lot of the shows) and are just there to feel important (or to encourage blooming tweets all the time.)
most of these wanna be show biz types have massive ego's and loathe the general public but court publicity at the same time
Its the way some of then fawn over people like Richard jackson as though he is some sort of gardening messiah i dare say someone like Simon B will be kissing his feet at the weekend RJs that is not his own although i would not put that past him.
It's no secret I like watching Richard - he got me into gardening at a difficult time and it's been a bit of a lifesaver for me and gave me a hobby which I spend a lot of time doing. However, the shows are just really sales shows now and you don't get the growing hints and tips you used to get. Each show is the same with the same products whereas before there was a lot of variety. I do buy Richard's products and they do work but you pay a premium. I hate the shows with Simon Biagi acting like everything is a miracle and outstanding value, talking to us all like we have serious learning difficulties as well. I don't watch as much now, I record the shows and just fast forward to the plants.

i think qvc should promote more plants i would buy loads of bedding in the summer but not 6 busy lizzies for £20..qvc have lost thier way
Our local shop "Crilly's" sell Busy Lizzies. £2.99 for 12. That's a reasonable price. Plants I have had from QVC have always been really poor, spindly and even mollycoddling them for 2 months have not helped. Those I have bought from Ebay over the years have been much bigger and better. :)
My OH won`t watch or listen to any gardening show or programme because he`s a landscape gardener by trade and he says a lot of what`s said and sold on these programmes is rubbish and a ripoff. Mind you he creates wonderful gardens for other people but our own garden leaves a lot to be desired but he spends 5 or 6 days a week working for other people, he considers it a busman`s holiday to do his own garden.
As for me, well I can`t think of anything worse than gardening. I`d wash and iron a whole football team`s kit before I`d tackle a garden.
Never mind, Gardener's World starts again soon. I'd rather watch Monty Don any day rather than RJ.

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