Halliday Hair


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Oh yes I couldn't agree more Bauble. Too short is too severe for anyone over the age of about 25 and a shampoo and set style is very old fashioned. There is a hairdresser in the village near where I live and everyone comes out of there with exactly the same style, like her own hairstyle. She has the old hair dryers that you sit with your head inside with curlers in. I must add that I don't go there to have mine done!!
Yes the shampoo and set is one thing, what I really meant was the kind of chavvy, Sharon Osbourne type of thing, swept onto the face and whoofed on top all held together with gel and spray! Seems to be the expected uniform of the over 40s.
You never see goody with her hair just hanging down her face or tucked behind her ear. It's always in a haughty ponytail or the occasional chignon. Its in immaculate condition and she is a great example of an older woman getting away with long hair. Wheen she flicks it out of the way to show the back of a garment she's just doing her job. I also love the way the "better" models tilt their heads down when they show the back, extending the neck and looking altogether more elegant. That wouldn't really work with a big blonde ponytail in the way.

Jilly Halliday on the other hand is a boring mess who looks as though she's dragged herself from the school run to do a bit of presenting. Get some heels on woman.
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I think Jilly is the one presenter on QVC crying out for a make over. Her hair, her fashion and even her sales patter have seen better days!n The hair do was a step in the right direction but she really needs to try harder!
that's another accepted "norm" ie: you're weird if you don't. i've never had the slightest inclination to have my ears - or anywhere else - pierced. i don't want holes in any of my body parts that nature didn't put there thenkyu.

if other people want to have it done fine - but i don't. i don't like seeing it on other people but doesn't mean i don't respect their choice.
they have a model to do that and somtimes a guest presenter too. i suppose for the presenters who can't bear to have the camera off them, they're an unwelcome addition but for jilly AND all the male presenters, the models do what they're paid for.
The earring thing has become a "point to be made" now. She'll never have them pierced. It would be like backing down.

Typical woman :wink:
This debate about middle aged or older women having long hair will always have split opinions. Simply because there is no right or wrong (or standard) solution for which hair length suits certain age or certain people. Jilly obviously likes herself with the hair as it is, otherwise, I am sure she would have changed it by now. We can all have our opinions on her hair, but it's her own opinion that matters.

I personally don't think she will look any better with shorter hair (neither I think she will look any younger sporting a shorter 'do'). Jilly has very much the same type of hair like mine - baby fine and poker straight. This type of hair is NOTORIOUS for not being able to hold any style at all. Trust me, I've been there. However you have it cut or styled, no matter what products you use, in 30-40 minutes it goes as flat as a pancake and as limp as a limp lettuce .

I never ever had a long hair before in my life, not even as a child. Then, five years ago, after the birth of my second child I just decided to grow it out of practical reasons, as I had no time to do school runs, take care of a my newborn and style a difficult head of hair, every morning. As my hair started to grow longer and longer people started complementing me on my hair (which has never happened to me before). Last year I had my third baby and again it has been a godsend not to have to bother with hairdos on a busy morning.

I guess I tick all the boxes that BurlyBear speaks of, in not the most complementary manner in his last post (i.e. mum doing the school run with a long hair, etc), but I don't think I look a mess, mumsy or even witchified as someone else suggested, earlier on. Here is my pic with my baby, taken 3 months ago, judge for yourself, if you wish. I also just turned 39 last week, so hardly a young girl,any more. But, I can honestly say that I have never looked better with such a minimal effort, than I do now with my hair being long, despite pushing 40. My husband also prefers my hair long, so even more reason not to change. If anything, I wish I grew it long, decades ago!
They had Jilly modelling a wig or hairpeice a few months back. She looked fantastic with shorter hair. Far prettier and feminine. The hair "style" she has now didn't really do anything for her when she was younger and absolutely nothing for her now. I like her as a person just not her Hairzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
I lover her long hair.I remember her with a short bob and it was horrendous .....her hair suits her now....
This debate about middle aged or older women having long hair will always have split opinions. Simply because there is no right or wrong (or standard) solution for which hair length suits certain age or certain people. Jilly obviously likes herself with the hair as it is, otherwise, I am sure she would have changed it by now. We can all have our opinions on her hair, but it's her own opinion that matters.

I personally don't think she will look any better with shorter hair (neither I think she will look any younger sporting a shorter 'do'). Jilly has very much the same type of hair like mine - baby fine and poker straight. This type of hair is NOTORIOUS for not being able to hold any style at all. Trust me, I've been there. However you have it cut or styled, no matter what products you use, in 30-40 minutes it goes as flat as a pancake and as limp as a limp lettuce .

I never ever had a long hair before in my life, not even as a child. Then, five years ago, after the birth of my second child I just decided to grow it out of practical reasons, as I had no time to do school runs, take care of a my newborn and style a difficult head of hair, every morning. As my hair started to grow longer and longer people started complementing me on my hair (which has never happened to me before). Last year I had my third baby and again it has been a godsend not to have to bother with hairdos on a busy morning.

I guess I tick all the boxes that BurlyBear speaks of, in not the most complementary manner in his last post (i.e. mum doing the school run with a long hair, etc), but I don't think I look a mess, mumsy or even witchified as someone else suggested, earlier on. Here is my pic with my baby, taken 3 months ago, judge for yourself, if you wish. I also just turned 39 last week, so hardly a young girl,any more. But, I can honestly say that I have never looked better with such a minimal effort, than I do now with my hair being long, despite pushing 40. My husband also prefers my hair long, so even more reason not to change. If anything, I wish I grew it long, decades ago!

You look very pretty IceT and that baby is adorable. I might mention though that you differ from Jilly by having a fringe,which adds interest, and I'm sure a detect a smidgeon of teasing around the crown to give a little height? Either way it isn't plastered to your scalp which seems to be the look that JH favours.

Your pic of the little one makes me wonder if Q have ever sold a baby/children's wear line and I am going to post a thread to see what people think of this idea cos I reckon it's genius!
You look very pretty IceT and that baby is adorable. I might mention though that you differ from Jilly by having a fringe,which adds interest, and I'm sure a detect a smidgeon of teasing around the crown to give a little height? Either way it isn't plastered to your scalp which seems to be the look that JH favours.

Your pic of the little one makes me wonder if Q have ever sold a baby/children's wear line and I am going to post a thread to see what people think of this idea cos I reckon it's genius!

lovely pic icet :clapping:

Lovely happy photo and a beautiful baby.

Thanks very much (little Edward waving :hi: )
Like Gilly I don't have pierced ears - and in fact it was the norm (unlike now) 40 years ago to be pierce free, which was why there was far more choice of screw and clip on earrings. I remember only too well of girls at school turning up with festered and weeping ear lobes, and wearing 'sleepers', ugh, put me off for life. I know methods have changed but there was always the risk it could happen to me, so no thank you. I remember too of very old ladies having stretched fleshy ear lobes, again not a pretty sight.

I now think it is one of the last great discriminations in life - along with the other one..................... toe post ****** sandals !!!!!!!!
My mum has never had her ears pierced, but she loves earrings it's hard to find clip ons but I always try to get her a pair for Christmas, I have my ears pierced 3 times though, and I am also growing my hair as long as possible! I lost a lot of my hair due to medication and illness and it's grow back really weird! Completely different texture to the rest of it, so am trying to grow it long to weigh it down a bit otherwise I have Ronald McDonald's hair at the back and poker straight on top! I think sometimes it would be easier to chop it off but I have humongous ears and short hair really doesn't suit me!( god I've described myself as a right munter! And no I'm not posting a pic!)
No ventilation holes in my ears either.
It just never appealed to me despite the fact that my grandmother, mother & siblings had pierced ears.
As for "toe post ****** sandals" - lol - I used to be able to wear them years ago, but not now. My toes seem to have tenderised.

Lovely pic IceT
I had my ears pierced a couple of years after I left home (a long long time ago) as my step mother didn't approve of pierced ears. I've never worn heavy earrings so my lobes are still normal. I wear earrings every day and I enjoy choosing a pair out of my Lori Grenier jewellry case (that really ugly but practical plastic twirly thing that was a TSV a while back). I can only wear gold and silver as I have a nickel allergy. I am on the look out for a pair of gold sleepers to replace one that I lost but they are so expensive now.

As to toe posts I struggle every year to break in my toes to accommodate them. But I like the noise that flip flops make when I walk. It kind of reminds me of having my bottom smacked.
Well I had my ears pierced as a small child.I love earrings and they are my obsession (why don't we get any earring TSV's anymore???).Like its been said I'm very careful/worried/mindful of "sagging lobes"......I tend to take my earrings off as soon as I'm home and just can sleep in them anymore..not even studs.My "holes" are perfect still :blush:

If I've worn a "fashion" earring one day,I tried to wear a gold or silver the next...and the fashion ones can irritate a bit.

I don't see why JH should be slated for not having her ears pierced.Its all personal choice isn't it? I don't feel any different about those that can't drive,choose to be vegetarian...

as for toe post,the old toes need to "man up" at the beginning of the summer (??????) and then they get used to them!!!

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