ha bl00dy ha!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Jun 24, 2008
jus watchin lulu's TSV......yes i like her products BUT she has jus said her skin is down to these products!!!!!!!!!!!!!!LOOK at the difference in her face an her neck....she has had work on her facE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GOOD GOD DO THEY THINK WE ARE STUPID!!!!!!!!
jus watchin lulu's TSV......yes i like her products BUT she has jus said her skin is down to these products!!!!!!!!!!!!!!LOOK at the difference in her face an her neck....she has had work on her facE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GOOD GOD DO THEY THINK WE ARE STUPID!!!!!!!!

Yes, why do you think she is there!!!!!

Never watch, the voice grates and keep waiting for her face to crack....reminds me of my son's highly polished shoes that were kept for parade. One knock and the lot fell off!!!!:smirk:
I suggest she renames it from the Time Bomb formula - to her PENSION POT formula !

All the has beens are at it. Linda Lusardi and her eidelweiss concoction; Anne Diamond and her no sell gold/silver designs ; Michael Parkinson (sorry, Sir) flogging funeral terms, even Twiggy had a go with her own cosmetics line, then she got lucky with M & S, and now Barbara Windsor's at it promoting Bingo !

Sad sad sad
Lulu should'nt be allowed on to spout this rubbish.It's so obvious that she has had work done and if you used all her products you will NEVER look like her!!We are not stupid,and we can tell when work has been done.It would'nt be so bad if she admitted that she may have had the odd shot of Botox,but I doubt she will ever do that.
IF her concoctions really were solely responsible for the appearance of her face, she's flogglng it in the wrong place and for the wrong price. She should be promoting it around the world as the first full effective miracle cream and charging a fortune for a tiny pot of it.

The fact that she isn't says it all.
jus watchin lulu's TSV......yes i like her products BUT she has jus said her skin is down to these products!!!!!!!!!!!!!!LOOK at the difference in her face an her neck....she has had work on her facE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GOOD GOD DO THEY THINK WE ARE STUPID!!!!!!!!

YES THEY DO!! And we are really, we keep buying - well some of us do! My daughter brought me a tub of the Time Bomb cleanser from T K Maxx one time for about a fiver..all it's worth in my opinion - yes it cleansed, yes it exfoliated but it didn't roll back the years (unfortunately!)...I've never tried anything else from the range and don't intend to.
Lulu should'nt be allowed on to spout this rubbish.It's so obvious that she has had work done and if you used all her products you will NEVER look like her!!We are not stupid,and we can tell when work has been done.It would'nt be so bad if she admitted that she may have had the odd shot of Botox,but I doubt she will ever do that.

She has admitted that she had Botox a few years back. She has had work done. So ****** obvious. There are signs to look for when face lifts have been done. She may think she is fooling an awful lot of people but those in the know can see it.
She's got a good figure but i don't think her skin is that wonderful :talking: Hair, clothes, make-up - it's all smoke and mirrors
her pension pot must be working for her as she seems to be on all the time.
I would never, ever buy from these "celebrity: I have now found the mirical cure to stay young for you" brand. I would love, indeed probably would pay to look into her bathroom/bedroom and have a look at what she really uses as a face routine - esoecially as she has to loook good all the time. Would she really be using her own stuff????? With all the money she has available to her??????

Ok grumpy today, rant over lol
Ok. I am fairly new to this forum but I must be naive too.................Did I not hear AY state that she would not present products if the seller had had work done??? So, I think Lulu is genuine....................Alison would not lie, would she?:wink:
I remember reading, about a year ago, an interview in the newspaper with some top plastic surgeon.
He actually spilled the beans about some of the celebrities he's done 'work' on, especially face lifts, as he said he got a bit fed up with the way some of them banged on about how they were so natural.
Lulu was one of the people he named as having operated on.
i have just had a thought that lulu looks like joan rivers hair extensions and all!:grin:
I remember a couple of years ago Dale Winton was presenting Never Mind The Buzzcocks, and he said that he was fed up of Lulu saying that she hadn't had work done when the fact was she had used the same cosmetic surgeon he had. It's stupid for people with obvious work to deny it, they're not fooling the vast majority of viewers, so why bother? Our Lu has had a hell of a lot of work, and it's reached the stage where the 'youthful' look is being overtaken by the caricatured look so often seen on people who don't know when to stop. As I said on a different thread, in America, and increasingly here, it's becoming more acceptable to look weird than aged, so beauty isn't just skin deep, it's skin tight.
Anyone confirm she is wearing a wig ?? As her hair today is EXACTLY the way it was at midnight with perfectly chopped edges, and very "springy" at the crown.

I actually wouldn't mind a wig like that.

As for her face, plenty has been said about that.
she had a weave and it was straggly. i think that she still has it but no longer than her own hair so it looks thicker.
My Gosh, she was looking droopier than a bride's drawers in that last hour. Lined, puffy tired eyes (mind you she has been at le Q since last night) but even so - no amount of product can cover up crow's feet and ting like that. She almost *gasp* looked her age - and to be fair, she DOES look grand for 108, but even so...
Old Lu is 62 on November 3rd.Come on love. Cough up & tell the truth. At least Cher admits to having done God knows what done. :giggle:

Its none of anyones business tis true but the reason people are so interested is because you tell such enormous porkies.

As for your products. I would not use your stuff if I was desperate love. Time Bomb ?? I 'd like to shove your bomb where the sun don't shine. Give me Judith Williams any day of the week. Her products outsine yours & she out classes you.
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I never watch Lulu or her stinkbomb stuff as the packaging alone looks cheap and nasty so what's the contents like (?) BUT I (accidently) tuned in to the 9 o'clock show tonight and OMG she has SO had a lower face lift, if she's saying she hasn't, it's BS! It's very obvious and it's not even a good one, her face is too tight. Looks like she's also had her lips done.
cant abide watching the woman. She is an embarrassment to Scots and Scotland the way she switches on her fake accent when it suits her. Her products look as nasty as she does. Her face is so full of fillers and botox she no longer needs to wear a mask on 31st October!

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