Gremlins or incompetence ?


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Registered Shopper
Apr 27, 2009
I've noticed lately that there are more cock ups than ever on the shows.

Lack of sizing information (so please call Liverpool),
wrong details for the items shown (this happens more and more),
studio noise in the background (either people shouting/laughing, or lots of crashing),
camera angles that are all over the place
and no stock of a particular colour or size even if its a 'new today'.

For instance, there was a new today Kipling bag with a lovely pastel colour being presented and then the Presenter was told through her earpiece that colour wasn't in stock. The Tiana B dress tsv (ok its awful), but there was no size 14 in green and none of the sizes went up to the usual 20. Ok this may be the supplier and not be qvc's fault, but all these 'failings' are on the increase.

QVC is now becoming like a shabby department store that needs either overhauling or shut down altogether.
Yes, it can be a bit shambolic sometimes.
Sometimes it's funny, other times frustrating.
My particular bug-bear is the camera direction. Often a presenter will say something like, "And if you look at the inside of the bag ...." and Dingman Camerman is in la-la land.

yes, I glanced at one of the Tiana B hours today, and even I could tell that the sizings they were giving had been swapped between Chest and Length!

It's shopping TV - what do you expect. :tongue:

Seriously, i expect the behind the scene staff are basically budding tv and production staff with their first step on the ladder, we all have to start somewhere.
True, we have to start somewhere, but in Q's case that first step on the ladder is starting at the bottom of a very deep well.
A bit of an insult there to school leavers and foreigners, Lottie. Especially by saying 'worse still', sounds racist. Maybe the place is being taken over by presenters relatives who are more experienced as models and wanna be pop stars?
i notice a lot of crashing in the background and they never look at the right camera AY is the worst for that though it may be the actual cameraperson not actually HER
A bit of an insult there to school leavers and foreigners, Lottie. Especially by saying 'worse still', sounds racist.

It's not an insult to school leavers, the people that are suffering are those being made redundant in their droves in order for firms not to have to pay larger salaries for experienced workers. It's been happening for years now and it's why there is no such thing as a family firm and job security any more.

I can't see how objecting to migrant workers is racist. I have nothing against other cultures at all but I do get pretty peed off with people who come to this country, stay for just less than 6 months, make use of all its services/infrastructure and then piddle off back to whereever claiming all their PAYE back and spending the money NOT in this country - then coming back and doing the same again.
Have you not realised why this country is in such a mess yet? It's basic economics and as much of my work is spent helping people to get jobs who are consistently being put on the scrap heap in favour of cheaper alternatives (non-British) I think I have a right to make comment.

It's happening far too often and putting unnecessary strain on local schools and health services.
Wake up and smell the cawfee and don't read racism into my comments which you clearly do not understand.

I'm sick of the doogooding nanny eeeejits who bleat racism each time someone makes a stand to try and maintain what little is left of our culture and industry. Try buying British for a change - or is that racist too?
Oh I's all designer and made in China :cheeky:
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Oh and I must praise QVC for one thing while I'm on my soapbox - the callcentre is in LIVERPOOL, England. :clapping:

Am I also racist because I detest call centres in India?

Of course not.....:cheeky:

I want my money to go towards paying for a future for our school leavers and long-term workers, not give it all to other countries who don't even have a basic tax system yet we pay millions to those same countries in aid while they send rockets into space!
It would be interesting to know just how many natives of Britain who have worked in another country in Europe, claim child benefit from that country once they have returned back here. Answers on a postcard please.
Quite Brissles.
Then again, there are those who take advantage, but the blame lies entirely with silly government policies that allow this sort of thing along with greedy companies who are out to make a buck by employing on minimum wage.
I, as a British citizen, have worked both in Australia and Cyprus as a Midwife in Australia and a classroom assistant in Cyprus. I was treated with courtesy and respect by all races and cultures because I could do the work I was paid to do. While in Australia I received all their benefits and paid into their tax system. I don't feel coming from another race or culture made any difference to how I performed my duties...I feel it shameful that we cannot treat people equaly regardless of their race or culture. There are good and bad in all races and cultures but to label all foreigners as poor workers is racist, in my opinion, and to use this as an excuse for poor practice in QVC is not acceptable, sorry Lottie.
Exactly where have I labelled ALL FOREIGNERS as poor workers Huggles? Thank you for completely misunderstanding my comments.

You say you paid into the tax system when you worked abroad - therein lies the difference to what is happening in this country right now - hence workers are reclaiming all PAYE paid beofre departing every 6 months. I presume you also spent money in those countries where you were working as opposed to running away every 6 months to take it all "back home".

Often the reason for poor workmanship comes down to inexperienced workers replacing experienced - for cost reasons. THAT is what I was referring to! If someone has no experience, they can work as hard as they like, it doesn't mean that they will be good at something - as you clearly think you were as you were lucky enougn to be both educated and skilled. I work with many people who have not had that privilege and I constantly see them being taken on for a month here and a month there and sacked when the foreign workers return from their "holidays". How do you think they feel?

Ask yourself, if you worked in other countries and didn't pay tax and didn't spend your earnings in that country, how would that country survive economically?

That is why this country is in such a mess.
Personally I think tax evasion is a crime - legalised or not.
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But Lottie your comment wasn't about any of the above comments, all it said was '...worse still, foreigners' which states that foreigners are a worse option. This reads as a very bigotted way of looking at the problems at QVC by blaming their difficulties on people from other cultures. By the way you also said 'school leavers', again, without thinking that this may cause offence to a whole generation of youngsters. I can only say again, there is good and bad in all of us regardless of our age, culture or race and (in my opinion) it's unfair to attribute blame that way.
But Lottie your comment wasn't about any of the above comments, all it said was '...worse still, foreigners' which states that foreigners are a worse option. This reads as a very bigotted way of looking at the problems at QVC by blaming their difficulties on people from other cultures.

It might read bigoted to you, but it doesn't to me. I have gone out of my way to explain what I meant, not what you thought I meant. I have no clue what the reason for QVCs poor customer service might be, I was merely making a suggestion - but you make it sound like I am stating fact, which I am not.

I didn't say foreigners, I said forriners. Can you not see there was an element of tongue-in-cheek to my initial comment, but as you decided to launch in and make sweeping accusations, I'm quite willing to back up my statement if I have to.

Of course there is good and bad in all, I have never said otherwise FFS!
I also have children who are almost school leavers, I teach school leavers, I see the problems they face and I also work with adults who are constantly having problems with life due to migrant worker issues. I also married someone who wasn't even European, let alone British, so purleeeese do not label me when you haven't a clue about me or where I even come from!

Just because I have a dislike for the current governmental policies which enable people to take advantage of our society does not make me a racist. Just because I think we need to invest in British industry (by that I mean industry in this country, not white supremacist bosses). I even (shock horror) put St George's flags in my window box when it's the World cup. None of this makes me a racist, but hey, you keep digging.
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This seems to be a sensitive subject for you Lottie. I'll leave this alone now.
Why not have a nice cuppa and a chocolate biccy, and let's get back to bitching about QVC :nod:

*Sorry - of course I mean "debating" :smirk:
Back in my day 'offence' was what you chatted over in the garden. Now its been commandeered by all and sundry, as have the words "not acceptable". There is something about being older, knowing one hasn't much time left on earth, where you can say what you like, and if somone takes 'a fence' then thats their problem, because one isn't going to be around too long to worry about it.
Back in my day 'offence' was what you chatted over in the garden. Now its been commandeered by all and sundry, as have the words "not acceptable". There is something about being older, knowing one hasn't much time left on earth, where you can say what you like, and if somone takes 'a fence' then thats their problem, because one isn't going to be around too long to worry about it.

Spot on!! :)

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