Grand Opening....


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Well I think Kathy looks blumming fab! Not keen on the circus theme but that's because I don't like circuses. Loved the Honora TSV. Kelly Hoppen is typically understated. Hers was never going to be an exciting TSV now was it?
I thinks the sets look nice as does Kathy Taylor. The peony lady on the other hand is driving me mad - want to ring in and tell her that there is a W in the word floWer.
Yeah - I switched on to watch and Kathy looks gorg, the new set is lovely but I was expecting a bit more of a fanfare. But then I guess it's shopping TV and they still have to flog stuff so...:grin:
I cant understand all the hoohaa. Their move is'nt going to affect us one bit is it ? qvc employees are the ones moving dressing rooms, offices, technical equipment and be driving in a different direction - do I really want to know about this ? ER NO, ACTUALLY, it may well be 'exciting' for those involved, but sadly not us. On screen sets could be made to look different whether in Chiswick or China, so unless the P & P is going to be reduced whether we live in the Hebrides or the Greek Islands, its all a bit irrelevant really.
I agree 100% with Brissles, I have no idea why we should be excited about the move. The set looks nice and Kathy looks lovely. I will not be watching much today, I can't be bothered with most of the guests...Lulu Guinness with her twee voice makes me run for the mute button, then we have Kelly Hoppen with her very beige products , next the irritating Flarrrrrs lady not forgetting the very hyper Kim from Montreal canada. so my money is very safe today.....
I completely agree with everyone.....the change is underwhelming....thought they'd cash in on a bit and give us constant "deals" whether its pricing,P&P,"surprises".....actually really surprised there wasn't more of this over the Jubilee

Kathy looks STUNNING but I so want to like her and I just can't......I'd be sacked in my job if I couldn't get it right....she has to talk in her job...why does she trip over so many words all the time?

Kelly Hoppen is STILL boring and that damn woman is still saying FLOURS - I mean I know some very well spoken people...but they can still pronounce flowers
I love both the TSVs, although haven't bought anything (yet) and hope not to, and I don't want to be negative but unless QVC were going to give us special deals etc. throughout the day then how is it exciting for us? I also find it a bit odd, because when I worked for an company that moved offices, years ago, we did not announce to all our customers 'hey we are moving, isn't it exciting for you'. If the Q want us to be excited then offer us more, otherwise I am left stone cold - and NO, Will, it is not exciting for us, just 'same old, same old' with a different background.
1. Kathy looks very good, arms toned etc - well done.

2. They've spent all this money on new sets but they could have just moved the old ones over from Battersea. It's the viewers who will be paying after all.

3. The sets are very dark and they've dropped a boo boo with those stairs. The go is far too deep and the rise too shallow and with them being a spiral too, they will be sorry. It makes them too difficult for the models. They are going to need some carpet on them or something.

4. Same old, same old camera people though and "one step behind" people in the gallery. Why can't the people in the gallery follow what the person on camera is saying? We need a close up shot of the item being talked about when the presenter is describing it not half an hour later, thank you. Also we need sizing immediately the item come on air not when all the stock has gone.

5. A "must have" special offer would have been nice too.
I don't get why they keep going on about the "move", what difference does it make to us, so I say a resounding "so what". Now if they want to involve us and make a big deal of it how about giving us something back as a gesture ... like free P&P all grand opening day. But oh no, that would be too good wouldn't it ... no what do we get, the very overpriced "Kelly Hoppen and her giant conk" range, and ruddy Lulu "I'm so up myself" Guiness!! I won't be tuning in much today, new studio sets or not :eek:(
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I cant understand all the hoohaa. Their move is'nt going to affect us one bit is it ? qvc employees are the ones moving dressing rooms, offices, technical equipment and be driving in a different direction - do I really want to know about this ? ER NO, ACTUALLY, it may well be 'exciting' for those involved, but sadly not us. On screen sets could be made to look different whether in Chiswick or China, so unless the P & P is going to be reduced whether we live in the Hebrides or the Greek Islands, its all a bit irrelevant really.

exactly what i said on the hrh thread. i thought it was just me who didn't get it. the whole of the bbc moved studios a year ago - was there any brouhaha about that?? no. why? because it makes zero difference to the viewers. or does qvc think it's more important/exciting than the beeb?
What a load of hype about nothing.

Agree with everyone else.
So they get to move offices, have to go a different way to work, so what!
Why should they think it's of any interest to customers? They must be SO self absorbed that they think the whole world is fascinated by their day to day existence.

Get over yourselves, you are sales people no more no less.
TheBigMove --- WIIFM? What's In It For Me???

Absolutely nothing Snarly, you are meant to be excited and thrilled at their new environment, and over the moon with the newness of it all - I might have to take a valium in a minute if I don't calm down, I am gripping my knickers as we speak!!

(I know sarcasm is the lowest form of wit but could not help it) :dull:
I watched the repeat Honora hour this morning & part of the sales patter was that 'this is the last TSV from the old studios' like it was some sort of momento, just couldn't understand that! It's a bracelet ( & not an appealing one to me) do I care where they presented it---NO!
It looks like they've moved into spare space in the London Dungeons! All dark and oppressive, I don't like it at all. I was hoping that there would be something really special happening for the day - Free P&P maybe, or special kits only available today. I understand a move is a big thing for QVC employees but you should've included the viewers too. I presume they think that giving us Hoppen and Guinness in the same day is doing us a big favour. I wonder what the outside space is like - let's hope someone pushes RJ into the canal behind their building!

I'm waiting for the P&P to go up even more to pay for all this.
It'll take more than postage going up a bit to pay for it. It cost £18million to fit the ****** place out!! 18 chuffing million!

Apparently there are 600 employees at Chiswick Park. Wonder what they all do?! I'm not sure why but I'm quite surprised there are so many staff.

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