Gemporia - struggling financially?


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Been away for a week anyone do a brief recap :)

Must say the slight revamp to the Gems website looks VERY familiar compare the sale graphics and sectioning to another channel with 3 letters (not QVC) and apart from the colours snap
I did wonder if the shenanigans here bought to a head by the fake Jainey B might have had any impact on recent events - or increased the momentum. As staff own 75 per cent of the company I would think that meeting may have involved a vote. Not saying it was the sole reason but it might have added some weight to decision-making. Particularly with the real Jainey putting disclaimers about it out on social media so quickly. Either she saw it, or someone told her.
Was it Mirabelle? She was always messaging in, and sending Christmas presents to the presenters.

Jainey Bennett's got a bit of a cheek saying that Gemporia's "just a business". The company's used preying on the lonely and vulnerable as a sales tool for at least the last few years, ramping it up during the Covid lockdowns.

Not only do they proudly show that sad vt over and over of tbe lonely lady saying that the presenters make her feel like she's "part of the family", and have done for years now, but the presenters are always oversharing sad personal stuff to get sales.

If the woman on the till at my local Tesco started telling me about her sister's piles, or her mum's dog dying as I was emptying my basket, I would run a mile. Yet Gemporia thinks this is perfectly OK as it lulls viewers into trusting the presenters with their cash.

It's a nasty way of using people, and the presenters never say no to the gifts, like the poor folks who believe Ellis etc. when she says stuff like "Ooh, I really wanted that scarf/lipstick/candle, but I have to wait and see what's left at the end of the show", so they buy it for her.
I find that disgusting I never realised this was going on my head must of been in the shed. More reason not I watch Ellis.
I find that disgusting I never realised this was going on my head must of been in the shed. More reason not I watch Ellis.
They have nearly all been positioning themselves as the viewers' friends. Presenters often comment on the gifts they receive from viewers. Mirabelle was apparently the loudest in her adulation. Frankly, it's tacky and cynical to take advantage of potentially very lonely and vulnerable people in this way.

As if a Gemporia presenter wouldn't really be able to get their mitts on anything mass produced before it went to air.
The staff are members of the Facebook group and it was mentioned there, so I imagine they came and had a look at the JaineyTroll. I think Ellis was likening the 'glut' of jadeite to paraiba tourmaline years ago and telling us once its gone, its gone. The thing is I don't remember endless paraiba tourmaline shows and I've been watching for years. I do remember Roman glass though, I didn't like that at all and seem to remember a lot of that at one time.
The staff are members of the Facebook group and it was mentioned there, so I imagine they came and had a look at the JaineyTroll. I think Ellis was likening the 'glut' of jadeite to paraiba tourmaline years ago and telling us once its gone, its gone. The thing is I don't remember endless paraiba tourmaline shows and I've been watching for years. I do remember Roman glass though, I didn't like that at all and seem to remember a lot of that at one time.
But Gemporia's been saying that once jade's gone, it's gone since their "one-off event" last autumn, but there's been new jade come to air practically every day over the months since then.

Which tells me that, for some reason, rather than hang on to this irreplaceable material, traders and collectors are looking to offload it as quickly as possible. Which then leads me to think that some people might end up being very shocked indeed if they try selling their "legacy pieces" in the future.

And if this material is so rare and good, and heirloom quality, why is it being set into, or set with, gold overlay on silver?
I havent bought anything for years but I love reading this forum with all your comments. In the past I bought loads, in fact I have two ring boxes which are both nearly full. I never wear any of it these days which is a shame because I did get some good stuff but also some that I wonder why I bought it. I thought I would just switch over to Gems to see what was going on. It was Hattie acting like a performing seal. I know it was her birthday but she couldnt sit still and her arms were all over the place. I had to switch off.
I havent bought anything for years but I love reading this forum with all your comments. In the past I bought loads, in fact I have two ring boxes which are both nearly full. I never wear any of it these days which is a shame because I did get some good stuff but also some that I wonder why I bought it. I thought I would just switch over to Gems to see what was going on. It was Hattie acting like a performing seal. I know it was her birthday but she couldnt sit still and her arms were all over the place. I had to switch off.
She's too hyper for me. Find her hard to watch.
I havent bought anything for years but I love reading this forum with all your comments. In the past I bought loads, in fact I have two ring boxes which are both nearly full. I never wear any of it these days which is a shame because I did get some good stuff but also some that I wonder why I bought it. I thought I would just switch over to Gems to see what was going on. It was Hattie acting like a performing seal. I know it was her birthday but she couldnt sit still and her arms were all over the place. I had to switch off.
She's always the same whether it's her birthday or not. Always hyper and gobby.
She's always the same whether it's her birthday or not. Always hyper and gobby.
I switched on just in time to see Hattie waving her arms around, and apologising (well, screeching) to Dave for "getting the price wrong" for the current on-air item. Dave replied by saying she'd probably got all the other prices in the show wrong, too.

It's embarrassing watching two grown adults lying badly to flog stuff they're obviously not fussed about. Dave couldn't even be bothered to do the offended scowl and voice he normally does when Gemporia "makes a mistake" and stuff is allegedly sold at far too low a price.

It's all feeling very tired now. Gemporia has lost its way, and it can't really go back to being what it was (buying directly from mine owners etc) because the mine owners are now dealing directly with the big jewellery houses. Who I imagine have a lot more cash to flash, and can outbid Gemporia at every turn.

So Gemporia has been left buying what it can from trade fairs, and for whatever reason there's a lot of jade around. That can only go so far, as more and more people start to get bored. And the more jade that appears on screen, the more people are going to question the presenters' and buyers' strident declarations and protestations of rarity.

I think at some point Gemporia is going to embrace created and faux gemstones and base metals. They're almost there already, with selling treated and recreated "mosaic" gems, as well as base metals in Hattie's scarf rings.
You must have a lot of time on your hands for these in-depth comments. Plus, how do you know so much about the company? You seem incredibly bitter and spiteful, have you worked for gemporia before? Why don’t you just concentrate on the next step instead of being so negative, there’s a whole lovely world out there. Afterall, no one is making you watch gems, if you’re not happy, turn it off, you don’t sound like you buy anything, so you won’t be missed. If you have any integrity, you’ll simply ignore this, afterall, you’re a viewer, not an employee (how do you know about margin and diff gemstone names?) so put the kettle on and change channel. Stop with all this negativity

Shut up Steve 🤫
I switched on just in time to see Hattie waving her arms around, and apologising (well, screeching) to Dave for "getting the price wrong" for the current on-air item. Dave replied by saying she'd probably got all the other prices in the show wrong, too.

It's embarrassing watching two grown adults lying badly to flog stuff they're obviously not fussed about. Dave couldn't even be bothered to do the offended scowl and voice he normally does when Gemporia "makes a mistake" and stuff is allegedly sold at far too low a price.

It's all feeling very tired now. Gemporia has lost its way, and it can't really go back to being what it was (buying directly from mine owners etc) because the mine owners are now dealing directly with the big jewellery houses. Who I imagine have a lot more cash to flash, and can outbid Gemporia at every turn.

So Gemporia has been left buying what it can from trade fairs, and for whatever reason there's a lot of jade around. That can only go so far, as more and more people start to get bored. And the more jade that appears on screen, the more people are going to question the presenters' and buyers' strident declarations and protestations of rarity.

I think at some point Gemporia is going to embrace created and faux gemstones and base metals. They're almost there already, with selling treated and recreated "mosaic" gems, as well as base metals in Hattie's scarf rings.
They had a brief spell of flogging synthetic diamonds on Jewellery Maker too.

Something they said they would never do.
I switched on just in time to see Hattie waving her arms around, and apologising (well, screeching) to Dave for "getting the price wrong" for the current on-air item. Dave replied by saying she'd probably got all the other prices in the show wrong, too.

It's embarrassing watching two grown adults lying badly to flog stuff they're obviously not fussed about. Dave couldn't even be bothered to do the offended scowl and voice he normally does when Gemporia "makes a mistake" and stuff is allegedly sold at far too low a price.

It's all feeling very tired now. Gemporia has lost its way, and it can't really go back to being what it was (buying directly from mine owners etc) because the mine owners are now dealing directly with the big jewellery houses. Who I imagine have a lot more cash to flash, and can outbid Gemporia at every turn.

So Gemporia has been left buying what it can from trade fairs, and for whatever reason there's a lot of jade around. That can only go so far, as more and more people start to get bored. And the more jade that appears on screen, the more people are going to question the presenters' and buyers' strident declarations and protestations of rarity.

I think at some point Gemporia is going to embrace created and faux gemstones and base metals. They're almost there already, with selling treated and recreated "mosaic" gems, as well as base metals in Hattie's scarf rings.
I think this is the tactic that upsets me most as it’s so ostensibly made up. How can they constantly be making ‘mistakes’ or doing sneaky deals while management are not in the office? And Dave does that faux scowl/annoyance to convince you that you have a bargain and he’s cross, shakes his head, splutters a bit. But it happens every week!
Will Gemporia ever be a dependable honest channel again with principles etc.? I would like to think so, but I fear it cannot recover from the depths it fell into! Greed ? Was that the reason? I have made my last purchases and awaiting refund. Will continue reading the comments here on the forum! TJC has improved over time but still sells a lot of tat however it states what it is made of. The buyers are a nightmare except Anshu he doesn't drag everything out and is quite entertaining when on with Chris. Vickram is also good but Nitesh as soon as I see him I switch off!! Chloe beggars belief and Lindsey well..........So all in all I think I'm done with telly shopping for a while.
As staff own 75 per cent of the company I would think that meeting may have involved a vote.
Share ownership does not necessarily equate to having voting rights, as there are different classes of shares eg A, B & C (which is not unusual).
Caught a bit of the pre-recorded stuff last night

Firstly at least they now tell people it is pre-recorded, however, the small message on the bottom of the screen isn't as clear as it should be.

Secondly, it was embarrassing watching Troth man and the presenter screeching saying "this won't be here after this" well it was and still is.

Eventually, a different item comes on (after the obligatory 25-minute spiel from David) and it sells out. Nobody has bothered to edit this repeat and they waste the previous 10 minutes "selling it" when it wasn't actually available. So 35/40 minutes where the customer if they are watching at this time are unable to buy anything that they are airing.

That is beyond even Ideal World's amateurish standards of showing repeat shows.

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