Just wanted to add that anyone who's bought the TSV should make sure that the plants are kept indoors until all danger of frost is past. The plants need warmth - cold or damp will kill them in hours.
For those of us in the south, that means keeping them indoors until around the middle of May. For anyone in Scotland, that can mean the end of May, or sometimes even the beginning of June.
They'll need to be hardened off before you plant them out. This means putting the plants out during the day, and bringing them in at night, for 2 - 3 weeks before they're planted out.
It gives the leaves time to toughen up, so they don't wilt or scorch in bright sunlight and can withstand heavy rain.
So sorry if I'm teaching granny to suck eggs here, but QVC's very good at flogging plants without mentioning anything at all about how to keep them alive. :11::11::11:
Toadette's absolutely right about the TSV plants flowering all summer, but in the case of the geraniums and busy lizzies, will have to be dug up and brought inside for the winter if you want them to grow again in 2010.
They root very easily from cuttings, though, so you could overwinter some smaller plants if space is at a premium.