i am very confused about a lot of qvc sizing or should i say the information (or lack of) that qvc give.
for a start i dont know if the measurements are of the of the garments or what we should be. the lengths sometimes dont actually tally with the garments ( like the maxi dress last week that was only 42" but in reality 52") and now i see 2 hip widths in ronni nicole, hip width and slimmer hip, but only the one option to buy.
on this next dress i would need to go up at least 2 sizes to get the right chest fit because it is about 7 or 8 cm smaller than most of the other dresses
then you have all of the stuff that doesnt have any information at all, ever lol
i bought a ronni nicole dress last year as a 'to fit into' dress and never wore it. i wasnt overly impressed tbh but some of them do look lovely