Oh but it’s Paraiba and Jake just filmed a VT about it.
Jake really needs to lay off filming all these VTs. He has the charm and charisma of a brick. Him and Ellis have a way of coming across as naturally patronising every time they speak.
I don't want to sound overly personal, but I'm afraid it can't be helped with the point I'm about to make – but I find it astonishing that Gemporia, a brand arrogant enough to compare itself to high-end names like Tiffany's and Boucheron, puts Jake in front of the camera with a visibly decaying, almost black front tooth, shirts that are far too tight, and an old-fashioned suit jacket that went out of fashion in the 1960s. I can only assume it’s a hand-me-down from an elderly family member.
Jake is the Managing Director now and is presumably on a substantial MD’s wage. You’d think that, before going on TV, he’d smarten himself up, buy a decent suit, or at least a decent suit jacket, buy some shirts that fit, and make an effort. Even if he doesn’t care about his own appearance, he’s now the ‘face’ of the channel and should have a moral obligation to look smart on air simply for the sake of the brand/channel image.
Jim always looks smart in a shirt and trousers. Jeff always puts effort into his appearance. Dave Troth always wears a shirt or smart top. Yet the MD of the company looks like a complete scruff.
You don't even have to buy an expensive suit or shirt to look smart. Nick always manages to look smart in just a Gemporia-branded polo shirt with black trousers, whilst being clean shaven and nicely combed hair. It's not difficult to look smart.
Imagine trying to convince people that you're the Harrods of shopping TV whilst looking like you've got your fashion advice off Albert Steptoe. I get second hand embarrassment for Jake whenever I see him appear on VTs.
"Gem Collector, I salute you". Patronising tit.