'For you'


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I agree with all of the above, but the thing that is currently annoying me the most is Alison Keenan's constant use of the word 'mighty'. It really bugs me and I am having to switch her off because it makes me cringe so much, which is a shame as I quite like her usually.

I think that is what rankles so much - I expect AY, JF, CR etc to be annoying so am prepared for it but expected better from AK. << wanders off with a stress induced eye twitch, batting away imaginary flys >>
Now you've mentioned AK, I've thought of another of her annoyances - "treat yourself." I might not be able to afford to in the first place, and, anyway, I think I'd rather do that with a bar of chocolate :D
Keenan's over use of 'precious metal' gets on my wick too. Fgs woman just say platinum, gold or silver, it really isn't difficult to distinguish between them. :rolleyes:
I have lurked for many years but have at last joined - mainly because I wanted to say the phrase 'for you' has had me screaming at the telly for years now. I wondered if I was the only person who noticed and hated it - really glad to see I'm not!!

There are bound to be other phrases which grate also but I can't think of them at the moment.
I have lurked for many years but have at last joined - mainly because I wanted to say the phrase 'for you' has had me screaming at the telly for years now. I wondered if I was the only person who noticed and hated it - really glad to see I'm not!!

There are bound to be other phrases which grate also but I can't think of them at the moment.

I can't live without this (lipstick, sink plunger, diamoneeeek nose ring etc)

wear it with city shorts or your white linen trousers

UN.........believable (Dale)

This feather bed/memory topper etc will cradle your body and these 80000 count sheets will caress your skin especially if you sleep in the buff

I've got one of these at home, and one of these, and that one, oh and this one, I've two of those in my kitchen, my mum has this in every colour,

In........credible (Dale, always annoys me! can't watch him)
Charlie Brook when he's ending t-calls: 'ba-bye now ba-bye ba-bye ba-bye...' makes me want to dig my toenails out with a rusty butterknife.

'this item is so-and-so pounds 'and change''

Yon Meaty Man from Buccleugh, Exmoor, King's Realm etc 'You have x in number of these...'

'I'm just going to have to check with the gallery - are we SURE that's the right price?' *fake amazement* 'Well, this item for THAT price is just remarkable...'
he he fabulous thread!

Some phrases seem to spread like a rash don't they! While others are presenter particular, re AK's 'to my mind' and 'mighty'...

my bugbear is the number of SO SO PRETTY items currently being aired. I'm overwhelmed by so-so prettiness!

Attica x
" a a ma azing" whispered in tones of hushed reverence as if contemplating the Sistine Chapel when it is only a piece of Dimoneek and then we also have "AMAZING"!!!! squealed in girlish joy as if the latest boy band has just arrived in the playground.
'Buy it, use it, wear it, try it out for 30 days...if you're not happy then just send it back to us...' (and we'll refund you the money then ring you up and suspend your account)

'Look at the ROOT SYSTEM ON THAT!'

'I bought something similar to this on the high street just the other week, it was more expensive than this and doesn't have half the functionality...I wish I'd waited now...' (we believe you, honest we do...)

'affordable luxury' on bedding that costs £100+ or a polyester top at £54

'prestigious formula' (that is no different to something you can pick up in Boots for £3.99)
'Buy it, use it, wear it, try it out for 30 days...if you're not happy then just send it back to us...' (and we'll refund you the money then ring you up and suspend your account)

'Look at the ROOT SYSTEM ON THAT!'

'I bought something similar to this on the high street just the other week, it was more expensive than this and doesn't have half the functionality...I wish I'd waited now...' (we believe you, honest we do...)

'affordable luxury' on bedding that costs £100+ or a polyester top at £54

'prestigious formula' (that is no different to something you can pick up in Boots for £3.99)

Does Richard Jackson's growl count? :giggle:

I like Catherine Huntley but wish she wouldn't "awww" at every t-caller as if they are a particularly cute kitten :dull:

A couple of daft things presenters say that don't seem to grate with me:

Anthony Heywood's pronunciation of the word 'jacquard' in over-blown faux French

Debbie Greenwood's notion of the extremely late mid thirties (going to cling to that one for the next two decades :giggle:)

Alison Young's assertion that nurses don't get paid enough always chimed with me too.

I appreciate these are probably things that others find irritating but they make me smile...:smirk:
agree with most of the posts but just two I've not come across yet on this thread, Charlie Brook and his "just shy of.." when telling us the price, and my most unfavourite Alison Young-ism has to be "mil for mil.." which she used to trot out with every product she was trying to stitch us into...couldn't we just...:mysmilie_11:
Agree with everyone on here, AY shouting at the guest or camera and talking over everyone else on set does my head in.

This is a brillant thread, in work the now, should be working but cant stop laughing at all the comments!

thanks folks for brightening up my day! :clapping:
I laugh when AY says eau de parfum. The one that really annoys me is JR "I would be really norrrrrrty and split that into 10 gifts...etc etc"
Alison Keenan went through a long phase of saying "wicked." It really used to make me cringe. She once mentioned her teenage lads were saying it and she'd picked it up. Well, maybe they could get away away with it at their age, but it just sounds wrong for a middle aged woman trying to be 'down with the kids!' :rock:
Keenan still says it occasionally, and you're right she sounds ridiculous. Tbh I don't even like it when kids say it.
Just thought of another one..Anthony always says "assessories" instead of accessories. Only a small moan & I like he otherwise but this makes me shout at the screen like a schoolmarm...
The way Anthony says assessories, always makes me think of Supernanny with her 'not asseptable'. I could punch the tele!

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