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Why don't you set up an account using your forum name? Just use it to join in with the group and nothing else. I don't use it anymore as am sick of my newsfeed. I dont care what people are having for dinner!! However, I am happy to chat in a closed group. In fact, I may create a new profile for myself!

From mobile, please excuse any silly errors!! :)
However private you make yourself you're still not safe from FB intrusion and hacking into your account. I joined a few years ago because an old work colleague urged me to because she had posted some photos taken at a work reunion I didn't attend. That's all I ever did, visited the site once or twice to view them and read the comments, I didn't even post anything myself but someone unknown hacked into my account and started posting bogus messages from 'me' which I was alerted to by a former ST forum member who realised the posts couldn't possibly be from me. I tried to delete my account but it's impossible to get away from the evil site and you cannot contact anyone to remove your account. So I changed my password, twice, and left it at that but still get emails regularly from FB saying I have notifications pending and friends requests but I won't touch it with a bargepole.
I agree, it is a nightmare. But for those already on there it may do no harm to join the group.

I am hoping this link will take you straight there! I am having trouble with it at the mo, I may even need to turn it into a page rather than a group, but then I can't control who can join. Hmm...

Sorry, have removed that as think I may have to do a page...bear with me. Sorry!
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wasn't the drop designed for chatting about non qvc topics? How about we utilise that more before branching off into those who do Facebook and those who dont

I just think it will be a shame to have two separate groups.
wasn't the drop designed for chatting about non qvc topics? How about we utilise that more before branching off into those who do Facebook and those who dont

I just think it will be a shame to have two separate groups.

If this site disappears there will be no forum. I don't want to leave the forum, i'm supporting Graham all the way, he deserves it as he's put a lot of his life into this place, but at the minute its not looking good, and we're just trying to sort out another way to keep in touch. How can we help Graham, i don't know, think he needs more advertising, as if QVC are backing out how is he going to keep this site going without the money it needs. Complicated. But as im sure everyone here would agree, Graham has to come first, he needs our help and support :rock:
Same here Busy and FF. But don't be too hasty, I have faith in Graham and I'm sure he will fight back and keep this site going.

Didn't mean to sound hasty PPC, it was just a reaction to the thought of "them and us" I suppose! I have no doubt that Graham will bounce back as ST is his baby and we NEED him as much as he NEEDS us right now.
I am not a fan of Facebook or Twitter, I have no idea what they are all about at all. I have even ventured anywhere near them. :talking:So I am definately an oldie.
I would happily join a group to keep in touch with all you guys. But (forgive me for saying this) I am not yet old enough to be wistful of the olden days of landlines if you are lucky and letter writing. My problem is not with the concept of facebook, it's how they automatically go into your contacts list and your photos, without being asked. I don't necessarily want every old contact to know I am on FB. I want to keep many aspects of my life private. I just gon't know how to put control of all of that back into my own hands. Until then I steer clear. I just don't trust it. As for Twitter, it is just a forum for abuse. I am the first person to believe in free speech, but people on twitter are free to either berate you for disagreeing with them or berate you for saying what you think! Why can't people just say what they think on a topic and leave it at that? Disagree if you like but don't be abusive. I know I am probably being unrealistic as people can be a**eholes so I avoid altogether. I just know that if they met me face to face I would be happy to say what I think to their face (I strongly belive if you don't have the guts to do that don't say it at all). I guess I am saying that the internet provides an invisible shield for cowards, and this puts me off those sites.

you have to adjust your privacy settings. so many people join facebook at have their settings set to public and then wonder why they get strangers contating them etc. also make sure it has https in the url - if i click a link on fb that wants to install an ap or take me to an unsecured page, i press the back button.

of course it's possible to delete your account. i know 2 people personally who have done so - both had the same reason, nothing to do with facebook, just didn't like seeing their grandchildren's language.
Facebook and twitter are just a good laugh. As Janie said you set your privacy settings as to what you want, so there's no intrusion. All of my work colleagues have been on it for ages and they finally talked me into it - great decision and I don't regret it in the slightest. Any of my friends that post 'what I had for breakfast' type chat I just filter there news feed on ignore. I went to a boarding school and as such lost contact with loads of friends. Over the last 2 years I've reconnected with over 30 from all over the world and restarted some friendships. I even met one in Las Vegas.

My father who is 66 took some convincing. He eventually joined and loves it. He found one of his old school teachers who had emigrated to New Zealand in 1968. When dad went on a two week cruise from Australia to NZ he stayed with him in Auckland for a few days and had a wonderful time.

I've always been a techno phone but I gave it a go. It's quite easy and really is good fun - you need to accept it for what it is. It's great to see snaps from mates on their travels and even greater when you find someone who you lost contact with.

Anyway just my tuppence worth :)
I get all sorts of people I don't know want to be my friend. I just ignore them. I have everything private, do not post any photos of any sort. Got very pissed off with a friend who put a photo of me up on facebook. Yes, it was a photo with another friend, I sent him a copy some years back and suddenly he fecking posted it on facebook!!!! Oh, nothing dirty, just the two of us smiling for a photo at a perfume event.
Didn't mean to sound hasty PPC, it was just a reaction to the thought of "them and us" I suppose! I have no doubt that Graham will bounce back as ST is his baby and we NEED him as much as he NEEDS us right now.
The hasty comment wasn't aimed at you Busy (or FF) it was directed at those who are promoting FB.
gawd....we're already getting us and them. nobody's 'promoting' facebook PPC. for my part, i just didn't want to lose touch with any of you if the worst happened is all. there's one or two on here i'm friends with on facebook anyway. there's plenty of room for both.

i've been on fb for 18 months now and never had a friend request or message from someone i don't know.
What about Myfreeforum?
Would it be possible to set up a forum on there?

I belong to one that was set up on there by a group of friends, so we could keep in touch, after a bigger forum that we were members of folded.There are only a dozen of us on it & it doesn't cost anything as far as I know, though I wasn't the one who actually set it up.
I don't do twitter but indulge in facebook and enjoy it. Oh and yes I do have a social life. Like this forum I see things that I like and will post on and things that I don't and wont. Horses for courses really!! Like this page it's a public forum and will attract cliques etc! All part and parcel of what is to be expected really!
What about Myfreeforum?
Would it be possible to set up a forum on there?

I belong to one that was set up on there by a group of friends, so we could keep in touch, after a bigger forum that we were members of folded.There are only a dozen of us on it & it doesn't cost anything as far as I know, though I wasn't the one who actually set it up.

yes, there are plenty of free forums around.
I'm happy here and talk of this forum closing and contingency plans seems wrong to me. I've no doubt Graham would rebuild a shoppingtelly.com from scratch if he had to; he's done a pretty swift job in the past when there have been devastating server failures.

Jude xx
There is no them and us as far as i can see. There`s a thriving forum which will hopefully go from strength to strength and fight its way through adversity and there`s a contingency plan. Nothing more, nothing less. We all only need to wear one pair of shoes but we always have a spare don`t we ?
I`ve not long since arrived here and feel I`m only just getting to know people, well as much as you can get ever get to know people via a puter but you know what I mean and here`s hoping the forum will go on forever but I`d hate to lose my " window " for chat so I`m happy to click the FB link just in case.
If this forum suddenly disappears without warning (and we all hope it won't), without the FB contingency plan we would have no way of ever getting together again, as far as I can see.

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