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I remember her on the bid channels and I always thought she was a really pretty lady...but since she's had her child she has lost so much weight (she was never a big girl) I think she looks really quite un well. I'm hoping everything's ok as to me she looks painfully thin and gaunt looking..having seen her before I can see a marked difference.
The neighbour who used to live a few doors down called her boys Bo (Dukes of Hazard) and Bodhi (Point Break). I asked her if Bo was short for Beauregard as it is in DoH and got a puzzled look.
Isn't the Bodhi in Point Break a girl????
He has been crippled with sciatica since lockdown (for ages saying it was arthritis) on one leg and then a month ago on the other. Coupled with a cold which never seemed to abate it started to really get him down as he couldn’t sleep, sit and walking became very difficult. Then he started to have bladder problems, put it down to the cold but on Monday had enough and called doctor again who insisted he went to A&E immediately. They took a MRI and said he had to be taken by ambulance to another hospital for an op. I was given an hour to gather up a bag, phone a friend for a lift and meet him in a car park outside A&E to do hand over. Despite the rush by 3am he still hadn’t been moved was shoved on a trolly. The ambulance took him at 6am Tues and he was put on a fast to have op but each time they appeared with food he knew it wasn’t going to happen!
Had the op 9am this morning and apart from BP through the roof seems to be doing well. Apparently there was an abscess on a disc(I think) which they scraped away. In one way it was wonderful it happened so quickly but on the other it was frightening as I know lots of people who are on waiting lists for years so we wondered if it was something more sinister. The options given was leave it and possibly in wheelchair in a few months, take the risk of spinal surgery and something going wrong or it not solving the problem - really no choice at all. Especially stressful as he has never been overnight in hospital in his 70 years,

Speaking to a work colleague who also has sciatica he mentioned that his physio kept asking if he had bladder problems which he couldn’t understand the connection but apparently it can result in pressure on bladder and bowels resulting in having no control over them (doesnt bear thinking about). Anyone with sciatica should keep this in mind as it wasn’t something we would have known about until it became critical.

Just need to get him home away from danger of infection or COVID.

The above friend has been fantastic helping me and I went in to work to take my mind off it as I was climbing the walls at homenot being able to do anything and now cleared up to take off whatever time I need when he gets home (would have done anyway but now know I’m not leaving stuff half done so one less thing on my mind).

thanks for your good wishes. Sorry for long winded post.

Gosh! All our good wishes for a speedy recovery to you & Mr L xxx
Just read your posts LATI so pleased your husband is now home. Hopefully he will recover quickly.
Interesting about sciatica. Years ago I had it for around 6 months. I could hardly walk and was in so much pain. In the end I had to give up my job. Eventually it eased, but even now I have problems with my back. I had no help at all from my doctor, not even the offer of physio. It was an awful time, so your husband has all my sympathy.
LATI Just caught a quote of your post so sorry to hear about your stressful worrying time but pleased to hear you now have your hubby safely home.
Wishing him all the best for a comfortable recovery, you the strength to be able to care for him and yourself.
Take care both of you and you know we are always here. 🤗💓
What's lovely about this forum is the amount of support members get - and it means such a lot to know there are nice people out there when you need an extra hug.

I wish the newer presenters would just smile a bit more and be a bit more relaxed and friendly (which doesn't mean grinning like a Cheshire cat all the time). But I suppose they're under pressure to sell, sell, sell.
Just read your posts LATI so pleased your husband is now home. Hopefully he will recover quickly.
Interesting about sciatica. Years ago I had it for around 6 months. I could hardly walk and was in so much pain. In the end I had to give up my job. Eventually it eased, but even now I have problems with my back. I had no help at all from my doctor, not even the offer of physio. It was an awful time, so your husband has all my sympathy.
Anna just watch your waterworks as that is what caused the red light. In a way it was good there was no surgery taking appointments otherwise he would have been either fobbed off or put on a waiting list.
What's lovely about this forum is the amount of support members get - and it means such a lot to know there are nice people out there when you need an extra hug.

I wish the newer presenters would just smile a bit more and be a bit more relaxed and friendly (which doesn't mean grinning like a Cheshire cat all the time). But I suppose they're under pressure to sell, sell, sell.
Great forum, great people😀
He’s home! Sore and tired and a little deflated but that will pass.

again thanks for all your kind thoughts.
So glad you've got him home. safe & sound, LATI. My mum was in the RVH in August, and came out worse than she went in! She vowed never to go back there. I live in Scotland, so I know how hard it is, not to be able to visit. Thank goodness for mobile phones!
So glad you've got him home. safe & sound, LATI. My mum was in the RVH in August, and came out worse than she went in! She vowed never to go back there. I live in Scotland, so I know how hard it is, not to be able to visit. Thank goodness for mobile phones!
I’ve always been quite anti mobiles, I think it’s those people who need it surgically removed from their backsides, but I would have been totally lost without them so I’m eating humble pie.

Sorry about your mum, hubby was lucky with RVH so it’s individual experiences.

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