Does My Bum Look Big In This?


Help Support ShoppingTelly:

Dear Meg, I would like to offer my services , as an avid consumer of detective fiction, to investigate the recent attempt to fit you up over the 'Dreamies Affair'. I suspect someone close to home does not have your best interests at heart. My fee, if hired, will be an invitation to the party for myself and Master Boris and Miss Katya.

Help me! Helps me Flying Pigs - Now!
Oh Meg! I will begin my investigation straight away. Who was in the room with you at the time of the alleged incident? I will need to send the dreamies bag over to the Crime investigation Unit for pawprint/finprint matching. Hang on in there! I am sure that my colleagues here on ST will have more questions for you.
Yeesh Flying pigs.


The old dear said she's "sixpence short of a shilling" ..... so I guess she's poor!​
I recognise Mr Fish Meg but is that a mouse with a red mohican? That one needs arresting by the fashion police. I am suspicious of Ms Spider who could easily have abseiled on to the table, nicked the dreamies and abseiled out again. I think you might need to retain a lawyer to ensure you are getting your rights protected.
Meg, I think you ought to know that a friend of a friends friend who works for the CIA (Cats Intelligence Agency), has let me know that there are suspicions that Dreamigate is a bit of a red herring, and that Mr Fish, or Bloefish as he's known to the CIA, may have fitted you up in order to get his fins on the stolen uranium which seems to have been forgotten about and, which I assume, you came across by chance?

Mafia boss Jimmy Gandolphini made Bloefish an offer he couldn't refuse unless he wanted to sleep with the other fishes, and it's thought he is planning to sell the uranium on to Chairman Miaow.

The FBI (Fish Bureau of Investigation) cat-agorically denies all of this and Mr Fish is gutted that it may be him that ends up in the Can. Have to say it is looking like Mr Fish may have had his chips.

Of course neither the CIA or FBI can actually prove their suspicions so Flying Fish, sorry Flying Pigs, will have her work cut out trying to get to the tail end of all this.

There is a web of intrigue being spun here, especially with the arrival of the spider?
There's no doubt in my mind that Mr Fish is the ringleader in this and he's got demonic power over his accomplices - look at the way he's got his fins around them in a mock embrace!

Wouldn't you think that a mouse with enough cojones to sport a red Mohican would look considerably tougher than that? And as for the goggle-eyed arachnid, I've never seen a spider look that terrified - not even when my foot is crushing down on it!

Justice for Meg!!
As Secret Agent Frazzled has indicated Meg both the Cats Intelligence Agency and the Fish Bureau of Investigation have become involved in Dreamigate. Incy Wincy Spider has been identified as a member of AA (Arachnids Anonymous) an organisation linked to Mr Fish.I fear that the Americans are clamouring for your extradition to the USA.
We need to start a petition and send it to the Home Secretary before they start extradition proceedings if we don't we could have a
cat-astrophy on our hands ! Dare I say if the government refuses we need to consider that the FBI could well resort to catnapping
As Secret Agent Frazzled has indicated Meg both the Cats Intelligence Agency and the Fish Bureau of Investigation have become involved in Dreamigate. Incy Wincy Spider has been identified as a member of AA (Arachnids Anonymous) an organisation linked to Mr Fish.I fear that the Americans are clamouring for your extradition to the USA.

We need to start a petition and send it to the Home Secretary before they start extradition proceedings if we don't we could have a
cat-astrophy on our hands ! Dare I say if the government refuses we need to consider that the FBI could well resort to catnapping

Meg , I hope that I am not being deceived by Master Boris and Miss Katya.I understood they were British but Secret Agent Frazzled has alerted my suspicions. However as Master Boris only shows interest in eating, sleeping on people's knees and running riot in the house ably assisted by Miss Katya I think my fears are groundless. To avoid the catastrophy Agent Diamond Diva refers to I am starting the petition immediately. I think it will help your case if Incy Wincy Spider, Mohican Mouse and Mr. Fish sign up first. It would be extremely fishy if they refuse.I am overjoyed to see how well you are holding up in the latest picture released from your detentention centre. A powerful pawful to rally your many supporters.
EXCLUSIVE! Tomorrow world exclusive on Meg's story. Flying Pigs will reveal the sensational truth about 'Dreamigate' here on ST - the only place to be on the web!
EXCLUSIVE! Tomorrow world exclusive on Meg's story. Flying Pigs will reveal the sensational truth about 'Dreamigate' here on ST - the only place to be on the web!
Maybe Flying Pigs has been kidnapped, could exlain the absence of the update.

DOH DOH DOH :song::song::song:

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