Diet TSV at the end of August


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They have to be joking at that price :angry: The stupidest TSV ever

I'm rather surprised by the price myself, and Catherine just mentioned that she didn't believe it would last the day or words to that effect, is she serious? The mind is boggled.

doesn't it include foodstuffs for 28 days? if that's the case, why is it expensive?
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It looks disgusting, and you still have to buy the vegetables to go with it.

Much cheaper, healthier and better quality to make it yourself.

I was thinking that myself. Didn't Catherine say in one of the video pieces that she cooked home made rice and courgettes to go with the chilli con carne? If you're going to have to cook anyway how much longer is it going to take to cook everything? You just need to measure your food, or use much smaller plates.
Fill half your plate with vegetables or salad, a quarter with a source of protein like chicken or fish, and a quarter with a source of carbohydrate like rice or potato.

Seemples :cheeky:
Like the look of the Nairns oat biscuits and the Granola cereal, I'll have to stock up next time I drop by Tesco's.:giggle:
Does anyone else think,that Catherine has been wearing unflattering clothes recently so that she could come on in a slinky dress tonight to emphasis her weight loss? I have seen her looking supposedly big(ish-lets face it she has never been exactly big!) as little as a week ago.
I feed a family of 4 (5 at the moment as I have been feeding my ex in return for help following my op) for less than the cost of this silly TSV.
Fill half your plate with vegetables or salad, a quarter with a source of protein like chicken or fish, and a quarter with a source of carbohydrate like rice or potato.
Bang on, Miss M. As others have said, also make sure that your plate isn't too big. If it's possible for you and can fit in with your daily life, have your main meal at lunchtime and a snack in the evening as it gives you longer to burn off the calories.
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If you can afford it, I can see it could be a good way to kickstart a more healthy eating plan & getting used to smaller portions/more suitable menus, whilst having the initial meals all planned for you but it shouldn't be viewed as a 'diet' you can simply abandon when you reach your target weight & the new way of planning meals & thinking would have to be implemented & considered as soon as you started it, or it would all be a waste of time, unless one was intending to stay on it permanently! lol

A little disappointed that exercise seemed to feature as such a relatively low priority, as it is such an important part of maintaining a desired weight & achieving better muscle tone etc.
Eldest DD has dropped a dress size in about 3 months just from going out for an hour or so's walk each night & it is this that has kickstarted her new way of thinking about what she eats etc.
(She's not on a diet but has cut out a lot of the snacks & carp, all her own decision & now sees the benefits of doing something other than sitting at a computer all evening! lol)
The other thing that got me about this TSV was that the guest looked to have put back on a lot of the weight she had lost in her 'after' photo, hardly the best recommendation.
doesn't it include foodstuffs for 28 days? if that's the case, why is it expensive?

Not everything, there's the notion of adding more vegetables etc. Sure £40 a week works out fairly ok, but not amazingly well.

To be honest, I found a lot of the items presented quite off-putting but like has been said, maybe it'll be the prompt some might need. It just strikes me a very strange TSV, perhaps more so than the multiple Northern Nights that have been on recently :smirk:
Does anyone else think,that Catherine has been wearing unflattering clothes recently so that she could come on in a slinky dress tonight to emphasis her weight loss? I have seen her looking supposedly big(ish-lets face it she has never been exactly big!) as little as a week ago.
I feed a family of 4 (5 at the moment as I have been feeding my ex in return for help following my op) for less than the cost of this silly TSV.

I agree...Catherine has been wearing some rather loose fitting stuff in an attempt to make her look bigger and - let's face it - she's one of the thinnest ones on there...I nearly choked when she said that she needed to sign up for the regular monthly delivery, as according to her, THAT was if you need to lose more than 8 Pounds! Where is she planning to lose it from??! It's only her ego that needs a diet as far as I can tell.:giggle:

I did have visions of QVC wheeling out a miserable looking Kathy and Anne as they are the 2 presenters they usually wheel out when they do this sort of thing; makes you wonder if they keep them purely for that purpose.

I remember a few years ago a VERY unhappy Kathy being forced on some regime and she was keeping us up-to-date with that and then it all went by the wayside...the camera doesn't lie as they say, and it was quite apparent that Kathy had given up long before the sweat on her t-shirt had dried...:tongue2:

Then Anne Dawson got the treatment. She fared better, didn't lose much weight, though I'll grant she looked a helluva lot better: but this appeared to be as much to do with the QVC makeover as anything else...amazing what a regime of facials, new hairstyle, highlights, spanx and a new wardrobe will do for you.

In fact, you'd probably be better off spending all the cash they want for this lot ON that kinda it will make ya feel better than this stuff!:angel:

Ah money is safe.

Too many shakes and porridge for my taste (the cheapest options I suppose).

Now where did I put that Krispy Kreme doughnut???? :giggle:
Sachet of Oats so simple, slim fast shake and a WW frozen meal - how much does that cost these days? A bit out of touch I am afraid.
No good for me as almost all of the main meals have onions in them and I'm allergic to onions:puke:

Mind you I'd certainly lose weight!!
This is way too expensive. With a bit of thought, you can plan your own version for a quarter of the price. Use small bowls, plates for portion control - I also have some plastic measuring cups that I bought ages ago from Rosemary Conley which come with a calorie counter - very easy to use.

As for the guest presenter - is she any relation to Julia Roberts? She looked very similar and had the same mannerisms - even her voice sounded similar?
Well, I'll stick my head above the parapet and admit that I was seriously considering this TSV, to kick start me into proper portions and healthier eating. I have been looking at the DC website and following Choppysox's posts, as I don't want to just drop a dress size - more like a small person!
I would like to applaud QVC for a really clever marketing push with this TSV. It looks lots cheaper, but only the one month supply is.(£161 vs. £195) As the AD from DC is £190 and free p+p for 35 days, rather than £161 for 28. Their cheaper deal only works if you stick with the AD for the 4 months and get the free hamper. Also, a big turn off to me was that they have made the choice of meals and they cannot be changed. DC direct lets you change the meals in your hamper and they have 24 choices of main meal, rather than the 7 that QVC is offering. It's a calculated risk that by the 4th month most people will have lost the weight they wanted, given up or gotten bored eating the same things and cancel the AD.
As most of the ingredients for the TSV are available in the supermarket, I will start there and go on the hunt for smaller plates! :tongue2:
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Concordia, there is also a plate you can buy which I purchased ages ago - I think it was called The Diet Plate. I bought it in preparation for my wedding years ago and it was fantastic - I would highly recommend it. I think you can buy it at Amazon now - they also sell a portion bowl too!
I think anything that can truly help people is a good thing. However, there are a number of problems with this system - the complete lack of variation in menu (as Concordia points out) would send me running to the hills! Also the lack of a vegetarian version is a big problem for a lot of people. And, is it just me, or does it look really unappetizing?
I think I mentioned before that I found a really good range of (American, so some recipe translation needed) cookery books by Sherri Eldridge. All of the recipes fall within the guidelines of the American Heart Association, are low fat and low calorie (with listed calories etc) and, best of all, they taste fantastic! And, I get to eat fish and veggie food and choose what I want to eat!

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