Diet TSV at the end of August


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Someone else mentioned about portion control and talked about buying vintage dishes as they are smaller.

I dug out one bowl that I have left over from a dinner set I bought in the late 80's, it is surprising how much smaller it is than the bowls I have now, and in the 80s I never thought of as being anything other than a normal size!!
Someone else mentioned about portion control and talked about buying vintage dishes as they are smaller.

I dug out one bowl that I have left over from a dinner set I bought in the late 80's, it is surprising how much smaller it is than the bowls I have now, and in the 80s I never thought of as being anything other than a normal size!!

I think a couple of people mentioned something along those lines Choppysocks & I was one of them at one point as my plates etc. are all mainly from the 50's etc. & are considerably smaller than many modern dinner plates!

Since using them full-time, we have cut our meal portions down by at least a third I would say (if it doesn't fit in the central section inside the rim, it doesn't go on! lol) & are happy & satisfied with these amounts now & tbh, couldn't eat an 'old sized' portion any more, it would be simply too much to manage!

On something like your DC diet, smaller plates might also help as, psychologically, it looks as though you have a bit more of a 'plateful' than a sad little dollop of food sat in the centre looking a bit lonely! lol

And yes, we have all lost weight from this alone, quite a bit actually, so it is worth a try to give a little thought to which bowls/plates you are about to use! :flower:
I think a couple of people mentioned something along those lines Choppysocks & I was one of them at one point as my plates etc. are all mainly from the 50's etc. & are considerably smaller than many modern dinner plates!

Since using them full-time, we have cut our meal portions down by at least a third I would say (if it doesn't fit in the central section inside the rim, it doesn't go on! lol) & are happy & satisfied with these amounts now & tbh, couldn't eat an 'old sized' portion any more, it would be simply too much to manage!

On something like your DC diet, smaller plates might also help as, psychologically, it looks as though you have a bit more of a 'plateful' than a sad little dollop of food sat in the centre looking a bit lonely! lol

And yes, we have all lost weight from this alone, quite a bit actually, so it is worth a try to give a little thought to which bowls/plates you are about to use! :flower:

Thanks, sorry I couldn't remember who it was that mentioned it. I was thinking about this as I used to collect vintage tea cups, but never plates, if I were to buy some 50's ones, do you think they would be ok in a dishwasher?
I am so ashamed........

I thought I have BEATEN my QVC addiction, the only thing I have bought in the last 3 months is the litre of ABC body wash and I only got that because I have reconstructive surgery coming up, and I thought the antibacterial properties would be gemtler than a chemical one, at getting my skin as bug free as possible :angel:

But this Diet Chef TSV has me LONGING to buy it!!

How weak am I?????? :envy:

I am thinking post-surgery I will have 6 weeks of being able to do very little indeed and how handy to have this food tucked away.

My head says "get yer self to Sainsbury's woman" but my weak-wobbly-telly-shopping self says "Oo-er QVC, food, delivered, TSV, want-it, need-it" :sad::sad::sad:

I suppose once a QVC addict, always a QVC addict :cheeky:
I was thinking about this as I used to collect vintage tea cups, but never plates, if I were to buy some 50's ones, do you think they would be ok in a dishwasher?

Probably not, as liable to crack, especially if they have any impending hairline cracks you can virtually barely see? (They're ever so easy to wash up though, food residue just slides off the glazes, honestly, doesn't seem to stick like modern plates!) Don't put 'em in microwave either as rims are often metallic!

We're up in the Potteries so tripping over the stuff at car boot sales, best place to pick some up as unless unusual or rare patterns, you can't usually give old china away & if it's for experimental purposes, it doesn't have to be anything too flash anyway!
(Mine is mainly old Alfred Meakin stuff, I just like the colours & patterns!) :flower:
after your surgery I think you deserve to look after yourself and take things easy Sally and if these meals on tap would help your recovery then I'd say go for it! you've done so well losing all that weight so don't beat yourself up about it! x
Someone else mentioned about portion control and talked about buying vintage dishes as they are smaller.

I dug out one bowl that I have left over from a dinner set I bought in the late 80's, it is surprising how much smaller it is than the bowls I have now, and in the 80s I never thought of as being anything other than a normal size!!

When you think about it old dinner plates had a central area and a rim maybe an inch or more wide around the outside whilst a lot of plates now just have a raised edge right at the outside. (I haven't read all the thread so sorry if I'm repeating what anyone else has said). So portion sizes probably have increased.

I've also heard portion control mentioned in the context of over-weight children. Apparently a lot of parents don't realise what's a reasonable portion for a child and are simply giving their children too large a quantity of fodd.
Probably not, as liable to crack, especially if they have any impending hairline cracks you can virtually barely see? (They're ever so easy to wash up though, food residue just slides off the glazes, honestly, doesn't seem to stick like modern plates!) Don't put 'em in microwave either as rims are often metallic!

We're up in the Potteries so tripping over the stuff at car boot sales, best place to pick some up as unless unusual or rare patterns, you can't usually give old china away & if it's for experimental purposes, it doesn't have to be anything too flash anyway!
(Mine is mainly old Alfred Meakin stuff, I just like the colours & patterns!) :flower:

Oo Alfred Meakin does some lovely designs, I have some of his tea cups in a lovely orange and yellow colour. (I have them all in a box since I moved:() I think I may look out for some and just wash them in the sink as advised.
When you think about it old dinner plates had a central area and a rim maybe an inch or more wide around the outside whilst a lot of plates now just have a raised edge right at the outside.

Precisely BB! My current largest dinner plates are 10" in diameter but the central area inside the (very broad!) rim where the food is placed is only about 6 1/2", a heck of a difference to an almost 'flat' plate!
Oo Alfred Meakin does some lovely designs, I have some of his tea cups in a lovely orange and yellow colour. (I have them all in a box since I moved:() I think I may look out for some and just wash them in the sink as advised.

Oddly enough, orange is probably my least favourite colour generally but all my crockery features it very strongly! Oranges, yellows & leaf greens mainly!
Save electricity - wash up by hand! lol
(I have to as all the cutlery is silver/silver plate too! lol)

Honestly Choppy, it's a habit like anything else & you do get used to smaller portions after a while - last Xmas, son & fiancee turned up & were given what I thought was a goodly portion & he gawped at the plate & said 'Blimey, is that it? What happened to you lot, you used to eat twice this........!' :giggle:
(He wasn't hungry when he'd finished though & admitted they too, probably ate more than they really wanted most of the time!)
Just thought I would update you. I have been on the DC diet for two weeks (see my seperate thread), but really it is one and a half weeks as I had three days waiting for my second hamper to arrive, and had a blip in the middle of week of one where I had a take away. So far (I've just weighed myself and bearing in mind that this morning I have had breakfast and coffee and at least 500ml of water I would usually weigh myself first thing before eating/drinking LOL) I have lost 5lbs. I do not have a lot to lose, wanted to lose 10lbs, so halfway there already. I'm well pleased.
Just thought I would update you. I have been on the DC diet for two weeks (see my seperate thread), but really it is one and a half weeks as I had three days waiting for my second hamper to arrive, and had a blip in the middle of week of one where I had a take away. So far (I've just weighed myself and bearing in mind that this morning I have had breakfast and coffee and at least 500ml of water I would usually weigh myself first thing before eating/drinking LOL) I have lost 5lbs. I do not have a lot to lose, wanted to lose 10lbs, so halfway there already. I'm well pleased.

Well done choppy!
Well this must be one of the few TSV's where we have not had the number before hand :( I really do not want to stay up for the launch due to work early tomorrow, combined with the fact that I doubt I will get it as there prob won't be a veggie option.
Diet Chef 28 Day Diet Program with 112 Assorted Meals & Snacks
Item Number: 432679
QVC Price £190.00
Today's Special Value Price £156.72
Availability In stock
UK P&P £4.50

Slim down in time for Christmas and feel fab in your little black dress with the easy-to-follow diet programme from Diet Chef. The 28-day food programme includes chef-prepared ready meals for dinner, soups and shakes for lunch, granola and porridge for breakfast and healthy snacks for that extra energy boost. Perfect for hectic schedules, the portion-controlled meals come in sealed pouches which can he heated by microwave or saucepan in minutes. Not available for purchase by anyone under 18. Call freephone 0800 50 40 30 to order the Auto Delivery option.
It is £190 on the diet chef website. Those people that they were following don't really need to lose any weight - should show folks who are actually overweight, not just a larger dress size than they would like to be.
I'm rather surprised by the price myself, and Catherine just mentioned that she didn't believe it would last the day or words to that effect, is she serious? The mind is boggled.
Whatever happened to buying fresh food, with plenty of fruit and vegetables and doing some exercise to lose weight...No need to join a gym...just go for a long walk every evening!!! and save your £160 (inc p & p) on this. Oh yeah and don't forget to drink lots of water!

Personally, I have cut down eating too much junk but I still have a takeaway once a fortnight...but I took up spinning (stationary cycling) and I have lost a good bit of weight and have toned up as well.

So now it appears that all this food has been pre-cooked and all you do is re-heat unhealthy is that????
Very expensive, better of with eating your locla supermarket food small portions and some exercise. That will do the trick.
It looks disgusting, and you still have to buy the vegetables to go with it.

Much cheaper, healthier and better quality to make it yourself.

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