Dickie 'bird' Jackson


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Oh god my neighbour has just ordered his compost i did tell her so we shall see:mysmilie_13:
He caught me once with a big container of useless lawn magic, I can't stand the smug looking gnome and I switch off/over as soon as I see/hear him....
Am i right in thinking he is on today tomorrow and sunday god qvc dont let the grass grow if you pardon the pun
He doesn't mention if his seed is accredited by the RSPB or any other wildlife or ornithological charity, all of which sell various bird food combos. Their prices are cheeper (!) and profits go back into the charity.
Sounds like it was too wet in the bag before it was delivered to you - add a bit of warmth and hey presto the mould takes hold.

Luckily there's a white van man near us who sells all sorts if garden stuff - topsoil, compost, farmhouse manure (mature not steaming) etc with free delivery. So useful, we never have to lug 80 litre bags from the garden centre.

OOPS I didn't quote Boffy's post sorry
He doesn't mention if his seed is accredited by the RSPB or any other wildlife or ornithological charity, all of which sell various bird food combos. Their prices are cheeper (!) and profits go back into the charity.

I have just said EXACTLY the same to my DD if it is so good why has he not had it endorsed by the RSPB or similar charity.

It looks as though he is selling the "snake oil" of bird food.
I say this every year. Get yourselves down to Home Bargains or even the Pound shops and buy their cheap plant food, preferably by a company called Doff. They do a high-potash flower and fruit food which encourages blossom and a lower potash/higher nitrogen type for salads, veg and especially peas and beans whose roots devour nitrogen. The secret is to feed and water often and regularly and keep dead heading so the plant keeps producing flowers.

I'll find and post a few pics of my pots etc treated in this way.

Sorry to sound like Percy Thrower but RJ drives me mad with his 'expert' ideas. I'm sure he's a good gardener but not when flogging on QVC. I wonder if he feels uneasy with some of the stuff he enthuses over ?

I watch the garden shows out of some warped fascination and in the perennial hope of seeing something worth buying.
Yes, this is on the basis of "Trust me, I'm a Shopping Telly Presenter" because all we have to go on is what he says, no independent accreditation from any RSPB or similar body, as Eric's Mum said earlier.

But I suppose for someone who physically can't get down to the shops or garden centres and bring the stuff home, this is the only way to shop so why should they bother.
Yes, this is on the basis of "Trust me, I'm a Shopping Telly Presenter" because all we have to go on is what he says, no independent accreditation from any RSPB or similar body, as Eric's Mum said earlier.

But I suppose for someone who physically can't get down to the shops or garden centres and bring the stuff home, this is the only way to shop so why should they bother.

I agree, I suppose the only people who benefit from QVC are people who can't use the Internet, don't own a computer or simply only "trust" (however misplaced) QVC. I'd like to think everyone else was savvy enough to shop around and get the best deal.
Yes, I can see the reasoning for buying from Q for those people who don't drive and can't lug heavy gardening things like compost - but Q aren't daft and this is another market they aim at, as well as those you've already mentioned in your post. By coincidence, I was talking to a work colleague yesterday, and she was saying she ordered over £200 worth of plants, compost and other garden 'odds and sods' from Q last year, and was not impressed with the results at all - she's a keen gardener, so knows what she's about. She commented that it was the first time she'd ordered things like this from shopping telly and would be the last! I'd endorse what a fellow poster has already said, my experience of buying compost and other gardening bits from Poundland has been very good, can't think of a single thing I've bought there that hasn't been well worth a £1!

I agree, I suppose the only people who benefit from QVC are people who can't use the Internet, don't own a computer or simply only "trust" (however misplaced) QVC. I'd like to think everyone else was savvy enough to shop around and get the best deal.
As I mentioned in another post I buy my bird food from B&M and you get a 12.75kg bag for £4.99. Add in a bag of suet 99p, peanuts 99p, mealworms 99p and any other bag of what they've got which is usually 99p, also 50 fat balls for £3.99 - that's still only £13 and the TSV is £30 inc postage. I use all these products and I can tell you the birds clear the table in 20 minutes and I've seen more than a dozen birds on the table and feeder at one time so they do like the food. I don't get flocks of pigeons either, just a pair of collared doves and one very fat wood pigeon comes along occasionally.

I do like Richard Jackson as you know and I was tempted, but I've seen sense and not gone for this TSV as I still think it is way overpriced.

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