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Miss Grumpy

Registered Shopper
Jun 22, 2015
There's a lot wrong with QVC; products, presenters and post and packing come immediately to mind.

But I want to praise Customer Services. In fifteen years of shopping, I found them almost invariably very helpful. If I get the odd one who isn't, I ring back a minute later and always get an assistant who is helpful.

My horror story started a fortnight ago when I posted back a nearly £300 broken Caci machine. Five minutes after leaving the Post Office I broke out in a cold sweat, realising I should have got extra insurance for it. It went on the 27 August, and did not show up as returned until today. What the heck do they do in the returns department for nearly a fortnight???

However, yesterday, like a gibbering wreck, thinking I had lost that money for good, I rang CS. They told me that so long as I had the proof of postage slip, they would honour the return, even if it never arrived. I could have kissed the girl down the phone.
That's not anything special, any company would have to refund you if you have proof of returns it's the law. Amazon CS makes QVCs look out dated.
That's not anything special, any company would have to refund you if you have proof of purchase, it's the law.

Many thanks for that reply. Could you just clarify it for me please?

Would any company give a refund if you say you posted something back, and have proof of posting something to that company? I thought it would be up to the customer to track the missing parcel via the Post Office.

A reply would be much appreciated, many thanks.
Many thanks for that reply. Could you just clarify it for me please?

Would any company give a refund if you say you posted something back, and have proof of posting something to that company? I thought it would be up to the customer to track the missing parcel via the Post Office.

A reply would be much appreciated, many thanks.

No it's not up to the customer, once you pay Royal Mail you're buying their service, so it's up to them to deliver if they don't, you can still claim compensation even without insurance so long as you've got proof, which you have. I'm not quite sure what you want clarifying so I hope this answer is suffice.
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Amazon have gave me a refund before today with just the barcode from my returns slip, even before they had the item back, is this answer ok?
Amazon have gave me a refund before today with just the barcode from my returns slip, even before they had the item back, is this answer ok?

Yes, thank you for your replies.

Amazon is different, I thought, having been amazed to get a refund from them before I even returned the goods!

I thought that the Post Office's legal liability was for something like £28 compensation, maximum, unless the customer paid for extra insurance. I seem to be way out of date on consumer law. If you could comment on this, I would be very grateful, thanks.
Yes, thank you for your replies.

Amazon is different, I thought, having been amazed to get a refund from them before I even returned the goods!

I thought that the Post Office's legal liability was for something like £28 compensation, maximum, unless the customer paid for extra insurance. I seem to be way out of date on consumer law. If you could comment on this, I would be very grateful, thanks.

I don't really see how my comments are worthy of anything, I'm just repeating what I've been told in the past, so long as you're pleased that's all that matters.
With customer service it depends who you talk to.I have had very good advice but on occasion bad advice by someone who sounded like they couldn't be bothered.

Glad you had a positive one.......
"... I posted back a nearly £300 broken Caci machine. Five minutes after leaving the Post Office I broke out in a cold sweat, realising I should have got extra insurance for it."

I would have broken out in a sweat too, although it would be five minutes after paying £300 for something! Yes, QVC customer services staff are great in my experience. All's well, that ends well.
I have rang CS re: Caci not holding the charge and they are sending a Hermes courier to pick up, shame I didn’t think about it when I was returning another item that wasn’t a 100% working.
QVC are pretty good but I'm not sure every online retailer would take this approach, wasn't there a thread about Lola Rose customer service claiming they'd never received a return and said the signature for its receipt wasn't anyone that worked for them?

Ebay is a toughie, I'm not sure about Amazon marketplace sellers. As a seller on ebay when I post an item the contract for delivery is between me and Royal Mail, and if a buyer returns an item the contract is between RM and the buyer. I'm never convinced by those listings that say "will forward proof of posting to the buyer in the event of parcel going astray" The sender has to claim I always thought so I can see why you'd think you'd have to claim Miss Grumpy for your QVC return. I've had QVC refund for a return that's gone astray and it's a huge relief, not least because claiming against RM is a complete and utter pain in the @rse!

Glad you'll get your refund, a huge relief for that kind of price-point! Plus, mentioning it on here may help others facing a similar situation :mysmilie_59: and, I know I'm a Pollyanna, it's nice to read a positive thread :mysmilie_50:
Thanks to everyone who replied. Erm, yes, I understand why some of you thought £300 was a lot to pay. It must have been a brainstorm caused by the momentary belief in a gadget to promote eternal youth.
I have rang CS re: Caci not holding the charge and they are sending a Hermes courier to pick up, shame I didn’t think about it when I was returning another item that wasn’t a 100% working.

That's interesting, another Caci which failed to work soon after you bought it. It seems like the whole lot were duff. No wonder they disappeared off the website after all those one star reviews.

Interesting difference in Customer Services. When I rang up I was only offered a return label, through the post, for which I had to wait a week, to send it back via the Post Office. I wasn't offered the chance to ring up my cheerful Hermes chap.
A lot of it is context specific, also. If you're a relatively 'good' (i.e. profitable) customer with a low returns rate and few or no incidences of parcels going missing, then they're going to be more accommodating of the odd mishap. However, if you're the type of customer for whom parcels regularly 'go missing' or 'have items missing from them', then they're naturally going to be a little more cautious in issuing a refund. You're clearly in the former camp.
Yes, thank you for your replies.

Amazon is different, I thought, having been amazed to get a refund from them before I even returned the goods!

I thought that the Post Office's legal liability was for something like £28 compensation, maximum, unless the customer paid for extra insurance. I seem to be way out of date on consumer law. If you could comment on this, I would be very grateful, thanks.

That is correct, compensation from RM is dependant on how you sent it. QVC are usually quite happy to refund if you show them your proof of postage but if claiming from RM then they have maximums depending on service used.
I've always found QVC customer service very good but I think its luck of the draw sometimes. No idea on the legalities in this case but good that it doesn't matter anyway.

I had a result with Links of London this week. I noticed a broken link on a necklace I bought in May/June. I couldn't find the blasted receipt though! Just my luck I thought. Went into the store and they changed it for a new one without the receipt! They log all purchases on their system and if its within a year they will replace it no problem. Really pleased with that.
the lola rose fiasco makes qvc look positively fabulous. on the whole qvc are good so are amazon. amazon are far quicker at refunds though
That is correct, compensation from RM is dependant on how you sent it. QVC are usually quite happy to refund if you show them your proof of postage but if claiming from RM then they have maximums depending on service used.

I must say the few times I have been to the Post Office to send/return anything I have always been asked the value of the item but then our local staff are brilliant better than the main Post Office.
Thank you Sazza, Peppermint Patti, shopperholic and all those who chipped in with help and advice.

It seems I was right in thinking that the Post Office would only compensate me for £28 as I had not asked for extra insurance. This is a terrible lesson, and I do hope it has been of some use to people. MORAL: Remember when posting anything of value to find out when and why and for how much extra payment the P O will provide compensation on it if it goes missing.

I was delighted that Customer Services were so kind and helpful to a snivelling me. Update; two days after it appeared as RETURNED on their system, I still have not had a refund. But at least I know I will get one!
If it's faulty, always get QVC to pick it up, especially costing so much money. Glad it's all worked out for you. :mysmilie_14:

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