Decleor Model Tanya


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It was doing an Alpha H show that caused Tanya's skin issues!

Well yes that certainly would challenge all but the most robust of skins. The multiple applications without due rest I mean. I wasn't aware Tanya did some Alpha-H shows so yes that, and the Decleor glycolic no much wonder her skin was "weakened/compromised."
Wasn't it Frankie on Alpha-h show? They did point out that Frankie was modelling all day and her skin wasn't irritated

It was a while ago , From what I remember It was during one of the fabulous at 40 shows ( or similar) , and Tanya was the model for that hour , so she cant have had more than one or two of alpha H's products on her skin , so I find it hard to believe that Alpha h skincare can be blamed for her skin issues.
It was a while ago , From what I remember It was during one of the fabulous at 40 shows ( or similar) , and Tanya was the model for that hour , so she cant have had more than one or two of alpha H's products on her skin , so I find it hard to believe that Alpha h skincare can be blamed for her skin issues.

Oh ok if it was just one show then I'd be in agreement that wouldn't likely be the cause. Some skins really don't get on well with glycol ices though modern products are buffered better than they used to be, and with the right routine they can work wonders for most.
Oh ok if it was just one show then I'd be in agreement that wouldn't likely be the cause. Some skins really don't get on well with glycol ices though modern products are buffered better than they used to be, and with the right routine they can work wonders for most.

I only saw her on the one show , but she could have been on others.
It was a while ago , From what I remember It was during one of the fabulous at 40 shows ( or similar) , and Tanya was the model for that hour , so she cant have had more than one or two of alpha H's products on her skin , so I find it hard to believe that Alpha h skincare can be blamed for her skin issues.

It was a whole hour show about 2-3 years ago now that was the cause!

If your skin doesn't like a product it is amazing how quickly and severely it can react.......I used tiny bit of Liz Earle Bodywash and had a horrendous reaction to it, came on so quickly and took ages to clear, nearly ended up on steroids and antibiotics!
All this tells me is that Tanya probably shouldn't be using either Decleor or Alpha H. In fact she probably should avoid facials altogether and be much gentler on her skin and have a much simpler routine designed for sensitized skin. Sensitized skin is when over use of a cocktail of different products on sensitive skin can cause years of problems when anything and everything results in red dry blotchy sore skin. I know because I had this problem for most of my 20's. A Decleor facial seemed to trigger the problem in the first place. Clarins facials, Eve Lom facials and a plethora of other products made my skin really sore and painful. Even water made my skin dry and sore-I live in a hard water area.

What finally worked for me was to cut everything out and use Neutralia in the bath, water with a bit of aqueous cream on my face. As it got a bit better I found Nivea Visage sensitive moisturiser (now discontinued maybe) worked well. The old formula cleanse and polish with Almond milk was almost a miracle relief, and a clarins sensitive serum which contains liquorice (they still sell it I believe) is designed for sensitized skin and worked amazingly well.

14 years later I can now use a wider range again and even use some Decleor cleanser in the shower with no problems, and Emma Hardie Moringa Balm the rest of the time. I use Judith Williams phytomineral range for creams and serums and boost them with SBC. However I would never in a million years put an Alpha H product anywhere near my skin (It is not designed for skin like mine)or have another facial (any brand)as both things are too harsh and I don't want to return to the bad old days. I had a 10 minute mini facial from Emma Hardie at last years beauty bash but even that was enough to make my skin grumble and I use her cleanser with no problem every day. A full facial would have been a lot worse. It's the facial, not necessarily the product that gives sensitive skin a real bashing.

Edit* If you are not using the right level of moisturiser for your skin and it is too dry this can make it even more sensitive.
I have skin redness issues and what I think is some form of capillary damage. Maybe some form of rosacea I'm not really sure. My skin can certainly get a little upset if I use something it does not like.

My fist experience with Glycolics was some years back. I can't remember the brand but it was a wash off cleanser and I think it probably contributed or was the trigger to my skin damage. Not helped by the fact I used to use it in the bath and seep in the scalding hot water for about 30 minutes each night. (I find nothing relaxes me and puts me in a really calm zone like a scalding hot bath!) sometimes applying Elemis Lavender Mask, removing it and not even drying my face afterwards (hindsight is a great thing.)

Anyway my skin is touch sensitive and even using a muslin cloth will increase redness. Bit I have found the Elemis cleansing Balm ok and surprisingly their cloth does not seem to aggravate my skin too much. Have yet to try the Emma Hardie and their cloths.

I occasionally get a Decleor facial at a department store and whilst my face will be visibly flushed for some time afterwards I can live with this and the radiance and facial-redefining for some weeks later is worth it (If you are lucky enough to find a good therapist that is - I can't stand namby-pampy massage and some therapist are scared of sensitive skin!)

With regard to Alpha-H I would have thought that was a really no-go area for me but for some reason decided to order the Liquid Gold ( the Caroline Hirons and A model recommends praise spoke to me too much to ignore!) anyway in terms of redness I was amazed that it did I not aggravate my redness at all, in fact probably the opposite which really surprised me. It did however seem to give me hard sore red bumps that literally took months to disappear so I stopped. Cue some months later I decided to try again, again the bumps appeared but this time I decided to persevere and they soon disappeared and I have kept it up, about once or twice a week with really great results and I definitely feel better about my naked skin. Go figure? Just goes to show that you never know until you give something a try and what doesn't seem to work one time can miraculously work at another!
I've never thought the Alpha H demos actually use Liquid Gold on the cotton pads when there a model on the couch for multiple hours on a TSV day. It's potent stuff and even if your skin tolerates it they recommend only one application in a 48 hour period. My optimum LG application is less frequent than this and gives good results.

Dr Denese did a glycolic wash in a dark blue pump bottle which I love and have a single remaining bottle in my stash. It might be this one you tried HIAJ, it has a strong smell of soluble aspirin. Again I can only use it once a week and never in conjunction with Liquid Gold; it knocks Elemis Tri-Enzyme into a cocked hat.
Yes Elemis Herbal Lavender mask dabbed on spots takes them right down. I was given this tip long ago by a Elemis SA.

AHA and enzymes make me itch like hell. Last year my roseaca went nuts because of the sun(it was a shock actually having sun during the summer), so I had to go back on the prescription cream until it settled down. Lesson learn Kiehls spf50 under moisturiser everyday now. I know my face does not like any products with rose oil in them, I break out in spots. The famous Strivetion (sp) which I was given a 20ml tube from SpaceNK, decided to use on my neck(my neck never breaks out), caused after one application large red lumps on said neck.

Decleor for some reason puts rose in their sensitive range, the SA was rather surprised when I explained sorry I cannot use it because of the rose. They are trained that rose is good for sensitive skin(no it is not). Same with the Elemis Bliss capsules I can use the lavender but not the rose ones. Any time I got them in a TSV I swapped the rose ones with a friend(she could not use the lavender as it gives her a headache), and I got her lavender ones. Elemis eye mask I had to stop using as my under eyes became red and sore after using(I believe there is rose in it???).

The point being we are all different but over time you get to know what annoys your face and what is okay.
sometimes oilier skin can be very sensitive. I can use glycolics but I don't abuse them. in fact I have used glycolics for decades well before alpha-h. if they suit you they are a godsend. I can spot a glycolic skin a mile off. I don't as a rule manually exfoliate. I don't have to. I don't use loads of masks to refine my skin as I don't have to. I use one glycolic moisturiser a day and a facial soap/or alpha h cream cleanser to remove make-up.

my rule of thumb is simple is best. some of the routines I read about on facebook. double cleansing/masks/several oil layers/moisturisers/serums then a night routine that's even worse with a load more products. no wonder the skin is confused. as soon as I started using premium brands my skin was a joke. greasy/spotty and very sore.

Tanya skin after her decleor routine looks awful. at the start of the day she looks ok by the middle of the day she looks spotty and very sore. she has quite oily skin anyway and that range is very oil based and highly scented. I feel her pain I could not endure any decleor product or elemis none with essential oils.

if I want a sensorial experience I can use any bath product and get it there but alas not my face
Yes Elemis Herbal Lavender mask dabbed on spots takes them right down. I was given this tip long ago by a Elemis SA.

AHA and enzymes make me itch like hell. Last year my roseaca went nuts because of the sun(it was a shock actually having sun during the summer), so I had to go back on the prescription cream until it settled down. Lesson learn Kiehls spf50 under moisturiser everyday now. I know my face does not like any products with rose oil in them, I break out in spots. The famous Strivetion (sp) which I was given a 20ml tube from SpaceNK, decided to use on my neck(my neck never breaks out), caused after one application large red lumps on said neck.

Decleor for some reason puts rose in their sensitive range, the SA was rather surprised when I explained sorry I cannot use it because of the rose. They are trained that rose is good for sensitive skin(no it is not). Same with the Elemis Bliss capsules I can use the lavender but not the rose ones. Any time I got them in a TSV I swapped the rose ones with a friend(she could not use the lavender as it gives her a headache), and I got her lavender ones. Elemis eye mask I had to stop using as my under eyes became red and sore after using(I believe there is rose in it???).

The point being we are all different but over time you get to know what annoys your face and what is okay.

I have sensitive skin and the Decleor rose aromessence and balm are great on my skin. Just shows we are all different!!
No don't think it was that one Akimbo, though it could have been, think it was lemon scented in Metalic packaging, I could well have picked it up at t k max. Anyway far too strong for my skin! Donna that Elemis Mask is a good product but perhaps I shouldn't have been using it very night!
I still find it hard to believe that 2 or 3 years on Fiona and Decleor haven't been able to sort or at least manage Tanya skin, the products are surpose to be so wonderful and aren't exactly cheap!! , I think like others have said Tanya would be best to strip all the products back and use a simple routine to get her skin under control, Modelling is her lively hood after all!! , Mayb she would be used for other beauty shows then , You never see her on the Mally or Laura geller shows.
It isn't just the products, it's Fiona, she is so rough with Tanya, she really pulls and tugs on her. Why Fiona is a front woman for such a high end skin brand is beyond me. If I bumped into Fiona in the qvc building and didn't know who is was I would assume she was the cleaner, not a ambassador for a high end skin brand. Not to mention she is annoying and just chunts out the same lines of "this is what we're famous for" etc... time and time again. At least Judith Williams and Alexis
L'Occitane are good adverts for their brands.
Oh and Mally doing the rubbing of the hand over the other to show how well the product stays on. When if you look really closely she slightly cups the rubbing hand. If she was doing it right then she should rub a few fingers over the hand. Now that would really sort the bullet proof claim.

AGREE. Mally must think we are thick. I had some of her eye products and they are no more "bulletproof" than the ones I got in Superdrug.
I have sensitive skin and can't use the PCM cream from Elemis, I don't know what it is but something in that makes my rocessa,blow up really red and angry. I know lots of people like it but personally it doesn't like my skin for some reason. I haven't had a problem with the Decleor products as of yet. I guess everyone is different.

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