Debbie Greenwood Lets The Air Circulate


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Flicked over for a brief moment - looked like all hell had broken loose at QVC and what on earth was going on with the winter trax womans hair!!??
that's who it was - was just gonna ask who was the show off with the weird hair. i only switched on to have a gander at debbie's frock, which i didn't think looked so bad 'in the flesh'. anna's on the other hand, was stuck to her legs with static. must have been a Q polyester number.
that's who it was - was just gonna ask who was the show off with the weird hair. i only switched on to have a gander at debbie's frock, which i didn't think looked so bad 'in the flesh'. anna's on the other hand, was stuck to her legs with static. must have been a Q polyester number.

I thought she'd been doing a make up session for Stacy, and had left her rollers in. Very strange :)
that's who it was - was just gonna ask who was the show off with the weird hair. i only switched on to have a gander at debbie's frock, which i didn't think looked so bad 'in the flesh'. anna's on the other hand, was stuck to her legs with static. must have been a Q polyester number.
Janie, you're not whittling it down for me hun, aren't practically all the dresses Q sell polyester these days lol?
That sequence of photos make it look like shes done a line of something other than chocolate:grin:

I am of course not suggesting she does drugs (standard disclaimer)

I'm glad I wasn't drinking when I read that, I would have pebbledashed the screen. V. Funny x
I looked to see if anything interesting was on (I live in hope!), and couldn't figure out what was happening!

If this is the depths Q are sinking to, the word desperation comes to mind :taphead:
I looked to see if anything interesting was on (I live in hope!), and couldn't figure out what was happening!

If this is the depths Q are sinking to, the word desperation comes to mind :taphead:
Desperation sums it up perfectly.
I saw the chocolate incident too. Anna supposedly flogging some Lily obrien chocs- no mention of quantity, flavours etc just lots of cackling, forced hilarity and acting like they'd never seen a bliddy chocolate before! Bet Debbie immediately regreted doing that. Its a nice idea to have a more relaxed, fun saturday show but they need to stop trying so hard with the whole "party" thing. Cringe- making.
I saw the chocolate incident too. Anna supposedly flogging some Lily obrien chocs- no mention of quantity, flavours etc just lots of cackling, forced hilarity and acting like they'd never seen a bliddy chocolate before! Bet Debbie immediately regreted doing that. Its a nice idea to have a more relaxed, fun saturday show but they need to stop trying so hard with the whole "party" thing. Cringe- making.

Ive said it before on here and been slated for it but chocolate thing that some women insist on playing up to really puzzles me. I felt the same when Dawn French used to do it. If someone behaved like that with alcohol people would be up in arms. Sorry to be a killjoy, if people like chocolate that's great but acting like she does whenever it's around is just demeaning. Remember when they had her birthday show and they gave her a chocolate fountain and she almost dipped her face in it. Gross.

Speaking of alcohol I notice there was a lot of that going on too. In the promo that they were running all week there was a clip of several people sat on a sofa, DG speaking to camera with an empty wine glass. The woman sat next to her with a bottle of wine in her hand reached around to take the glass off her and made as if to fill it..... The look on her face clearly said "lets get pissed".

Do I want to see QVC presenters downing cheap rosé and behaving on TV like kids who have smuggled a couple of bottles into a school disco? No, I don't. Do I want to see people behaving like they're out of control around food? No.

I notice some presenters seem to be keeping a distance from this fiasco, I can complelety see why.
Absolutely BB. It was like kids who've had one sip of plonk ,staggering around,giggling profusely "I'm soooo drunk". "Look at us we're so cool"
As for the chocolate thing, i hate anything with food where it involves stuffing as much as you can in your mouth . Yuk.

They need to stop this before they lose all credibility
The powers that be prob thought the presenters are professional enough to execute this Sat night party thing "unscripted." Big mistake. And there is always one who thinks they are the funny party animal, who isn't, and it's embarrassment all around confirmed by the looks on the faces of the rest of the invited.
I agree with you all. The concept of that first show with Dale was great, but it's all gone downhill since they brought in DF with the hard sell. Apart from the embarrassing atmosphere, what a rotten line up of products! I'm sure we'd all love to go to a party where the main theme was carpet steaming and household cleaning! Oh, and I mustn't forget the £600 Clogau Gold ring. Do they think people who enjoy this sort of thing are likely to buy? And is that what the Clogau reps want to be associated with? Personally, I really cannot stand people behaving like children, flashing a bit of booze and pretending to be drunk and having a good time. If I walked into Asda and found the staff behaving like that, I'd be back out the door and heading to a more professional supermarket. It could have been good but QVC have hit so wide of the mark, it's an embarrassment.
gawd, i wish i'd seen the chocolate thing....

do you think the presenters get a choice BB? always wondered how it's decided who does what, when.
gawd, i wish i'd seen the chocolate thing....

do you think the presenters get a choice BB? always wondered how it's decided who does what, when.

Put it this way, you've never seen JR do a food show have you?

I imagine that the longer you've been there the more shots you can call.
Put it this way, you've never seen JR do a food show have you?

I imagine that the longer you've been there the more shots you can call.

now you come to mention it, no. mind you, the way some of 'em stuff it in, you'd think there was a stampede to do food shows.
I agree with you all. The concept of that first show with Dale was great, but it's all gone downhill since they brought in DF with the hard sell. Apart from the embarrassing atmosphere, what a rotten line up of products! I'm sure we'd all love to go to a party where the main theme was carpet steaming and household cleaning! Oh, and I mustn't forget the £600 Clogau Gold ring. Do they think people who enjoy this sort of thing are likely to buy? And is that what the Clogau reps want to be associated with? Personally, I really cannot stand people behaving like children, flashing a bit of booze and pretending to be drunk and having a good time. If I walked into Asda and found the staff behaving like that, I'd be back out the door and heading to a more professional supermarket. It could have been good but QVC have hit so wide of the mark, it's an embarrassment.

I think there's been rumblings at Q towers due to the lack of new younger customers leaving them with with a shaky medium-long term business plan as their older ones pop off year by year.

There's probably been a meeting with them & a bunch of consultants to ascertain how they can get the "hip'n'happenin posse" into their retail world.
After a big story board with lots of speech bubbles, arrows, diagrams, blue skies and investor feedback they've decided that the answer is:
Ipods, use tweeting at every available opportunity to show that they're really "with it"
Introduce a party atmosphere where the presenters can all be "rebels" and do really naughty things like drink, show off, wear teeny short dresses, dodgy hair, more tweets, guzzling choccies & wine coz a bit of a shambles, free n easy look is great innit? WRONG LOL!

My view is that not only is a lot of this cringeworthy it's rather like polishing a poo! :nod:
I think they need to sort our their products, (variety of), fashions, prices & p&p first!

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