Dear QVC, re: Philosophy


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Registered Shopper
Jun 24, 2008

I used to look forward to your Philosophy shows with a giddy anticipation slightly unbecoming for someone of my age. But this was back when I was but a mere Philosophy virgin - new to the whole experience, easily impressed and quickly satisfied. Now that I've been around the Philosophy block a few times, I feel all old and jaded and cynical and - frankly - used.

It's all become routine, boring and a bit of a chore really. Now, when you invite me to spend the evening with you, I can barely rouse myself to turn you on to see what's on offer. I've become resentful of your endless rotation of predictable moves: Hope in Jar, Hope in a Tube, Hope in a Handbag, Amazing Everything. It's all so unsatisfying - I'd rather be spending my time with a good book and a box of chocolates.

Yes, I will concede that every now and again you give the impression of making an effort, throwing in a new move in the shape of a new lip gloss flavour or a super size neck cream (yawn). But it all seems so insincere - token empty gestures to make me forget that you're taking me for granted. But just because you initially won me over, it doesn't mean you don't have to work to keep me interested.

I admit that lately my eye has wandered and I've been attracted to others - alluring American websites, offering a wide variety of new and exciting possibilities. I know long distance relationships can be difficult - but I have needs and wants which these mysterious foreigners seem only too happy to satisfy.

I've been loyal, I've sung your praises to doubtful friends, I looked the other way during your dirty little affairs with Basso and I've even paid your unreasonable P&P. But I'm realising I'm worth more than that. I'm worth more than yet another silo sized Purity and a token Poreless Flawless.

I deserve the stimulating Caramel Apple, Orange Cranberry and Frango Mint shower gels. I deserve the delicate touch of the Sugar Handbook. And I most definitely deserve the rough and tumble green apple salt scrub!

So, Mr Quality Value and Convenience - you've got one more chance to buck up your ideas, pull your finger out and act like the retailer I so richly deserve, or else it's over between us (and I'll be fighting for custody of the L'Occitane).

Yours sincerely
Beautifully put and sooooooooooo true! Was thinking along the same lines earlier - you should see the Philosophy counters in Sephora and Nordstrom in USA, the range is so much larger than the few tiddly bits that QVC stock.
I agree totally. I still tune into the shows when I can but don't go out of my way. I watched the last show tonight expecting to see some of the new items on the site and was sooooo dissapointed to see the same old skincare. The shows really seem to focus on newbies to the range which seems stupid - they're ignoring a lot of their customers.

I for one can't get on with their skincare except for the odd item here and there. The only reason I order now is to try a new item knowing that I can return it (the one advantage over ordering elsewhere) but even so the extortionate p&p makes me think twice now. And no matter how many times someone tries to sell me the same old stuff I won't fall for it!

I love the showergels and yet they're so rarely featured - why? When they are it's often the Graces rather than all the goodies they get elsewhere. Surely Lee is able to get more stock and more variety? There were at least two kits not mentioned at all tonight and it seems such a waste. After today's boring shows I'm looking elsewhere for the items I really want - anyone know of any good sites? Perhaps someone who offers a much better selection will be happy for my money.

I hope someone from QVC or Philosophy are reading this and taking note. You're about to loose a huge percentage of your customers if you don't change things.

(Saying all that, I have to say that I think beauty on QVC has become a bit stale of late - there's just not much variety these days :( )
philosophy flagging

i remembermy first philosophy tsv. it was the one with the grace body soufle in a big jar, the perfume spray,the solid perfume,shower gel, cleanser,small hope in a jar and full size lip and eye cream. it came so beautifully boxed it was a sight to behold. the tsv from most of the brands are not great anymore.i have said this many times on this thread that they think the qvc customer is soft and will buy anything and to be honest most do. anather culprit is yankee candles they reall dont give the discounts anymore. or the value for money. we the customers dont really benefit when an item has a £3 dicount on it and the postage times where i live is the full 10 working days and the p&p is expensive.
i like qvc its a fun way to spend some time watching your fav shows and buy some nice goodies but i dont take it any more seriously than that, there are other meansof shopping and better products elswhere.
Another plea to QVC and Lee!

Yes, I really want more variety in the Philosophy shows. I know their mainstay is the skincare and the gorgeous Grace range. But there is only so much fragrance, body lotion, shower gel etc of one scent a girl wants! Falling in Love is not at all my thing. (now if it were the actual thing, rather than a fragrance, I'd think otherwise!). I would love to see more of the exciting ranges available in the US: More autumnal, wintry fragrances, not just fruity and tropical ones. And how about the 'houses' range:Coffee House, Haunted House, School House and so on? And the other little 'box sets" : the cookbooks, the Cookie Exchange or Warm By the Fire? And more exciting little lip shines and balms: Under the Mistletoe, Fresh from the Oven, Kiss-kiss-kiss? And please, please, please can we have First Snow?
Because if QVC don't I'll end up scouring a well-known online auction site!
Wouldn't it be great if someone clever could scoop up alll these emails and bring them to the attention of QVC and Lee?
i'm adding my name to this wholeheartedly; QVC.....LISTEN TO US !!!
Even Lee seems slightly embarrassed to be churning out the same old stuff time and time again with fake enthusiasm. There must have only been 3 of the TSV so it would sell out pronto and have us all believe everyone is still excited. :(

PS....i loved the t-caller who said she was allergic to it ;)
I watched the TSV launch (but didn't buy on account of not liking Hope in a Jar and being vastly overstocked with Purity, albeit original formula) but switched off as the rest of the show was so same old same old and didn't see any of the other shows. Looked at what they had on and wasn't inspired at all.

Great post Ms Melly
Couldn't agree more, i'm tired of the same old stuff being wheeled out time after time, where are the new products? Where are the interesting TSV's?? Well i've stopped giving them my money - thank God for eBay which has a much bigger selection lol
I've become resentful of your endless rotation of predictable moves: Hope in Jar, Hope in a Tube, Hope in a Handbag, Amazing Everything. It's all so unsatisfying - I'd rather be spending my time with a good book and a box of chocolates.

Yes, I will concede that every now and again you give the impression of making an effort, throwing in a new move in the shape of a new lip gloss flavour or a super size neck cream (yawn). But it all seems so insincere - token empty gestures to make me forget that you're taking me for granted. But just because you initially won me over, it doesn't mean you don't have to work to keep me interested.

Hear hear Mrs Melly - and unfortunately it's not just Philosophy. I find the same thing with other brands too (the forthcoming LE TSV seems to be the same old same old to me for example - why not put Superskin moisturiser and the new handwash in??). I hope QVC and all the brands sit up and take notice.
Great post!

Maybe one is only supposed to watch QVC for about a year! That's probably how long it takes to work your way through the "cycle" and that's why we are all becoming bored watching the same old products all the time.
Brilliant post and exactly how I feel about my beloved Philosophy and their shows on QVC now. I didn't watch any yesterday and on the last TSV day I think I probably watched about 10 minutes max. They are just a yawn fest now.

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