Dawn Bibby Twitter Tweets!


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Dippy One

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Dawn Bibby has been on holiday in Egypt this week and on Friday had a mini rant on twitter , these are the rants.

Just to say there are many reasons why I'm taking so many breaks. Primarily I need to for my sanity and well being.

Which is something I have needed to do for a long time. Fortunatley I have great friends who have a apartment in Egypt I can stay with.

Its a shame that being in the public eye people think they can comment when they don't know the full story. Ok rant over.

I don't intend to stop crafting folks. Just need time to get my head around major life changes.

More has happened than anyone knows or can comprehend. That is only my business! I'm just doing my best.

Appreciate all your positive support. Some things are not up for discussion.

Well forum members make of that what you will.
gosh...i kind of feel for her...although she comes across as a bit prickly, it is clear that she is hurting and in a bit of a bad place at the moment. hope she is okay and gets things sorted soon...but i do think that it would be a good move for her to stop social networking at the moment, or just retain a dignified silence...or is that just me?
I thought the same as you Livelovelaugh, it just prolongs the gossip.. Now everyones going to say 'did you read Dawn Bibby's tweet?' :thinking:
Why does she keep drawing attention to her situation by continually posting\ tweeting about it.

If I don't want folk to know about my business---I don't talk endlessly about it - whilst not talking about it.
I just wanted to add that I thought Jennifer Saunders silence throughout her cancer ordeal was very dignified and that other celebs should take note.
I completely agree with you all. She has said enough in her tweet to make me very curious about her situation and I want to know everything !. Rightly or wrongly it's only human nature I guess to be interested in other people's misfortunes.
i can imagine how awfull its been for her and how she is still at the stage where she will need to talk talk talk to get it out of her system.
I agree. Dawn has had a lot of loss to deal with & I think getting some counselling so she can process it all might help. Keep quiet & then people's interest will die down.
I had to stop following her on Twitter after all that. I was married to a violent alcoholic. When I left him, not only did I have to carry on working full time but I couldn't afford a week in a caravan let alone endless exotic holidays. I'm sure she has had a tough time but all this 'poor me' while loafing in the sun doesn't exactly endear her to me.

Hey, I can rant too! Anyway, I've now got a lovely husband and a super dog so it's all good (mostly!!!!)
I agree that if you have been through a bad time its good to "talk it out" as the Americans say. But surely Dawn has enough good friends that she can talk to without resorting to tweeting to everyone and their cat.
I think that Dawns rant is quite arrogant assuming that none of us mere mortals can comprehend the events that have gone on. As Mermaid pointed out she is not the only one to have suffered, I was married to a wife beating womaniser and had 3 children to protect and little money.Did JJ ever bring a 14 yr old girl home and say he wanted her to live with them as he was in love with her? did he give another woman 2 children whilst she was in hospital having his babies? I finally found the courage to divorce him and have been married for 18 years to the most wonderful man and live a peaceful loving life at last.
I wasn't interested in what went on.

None of my business.

Then I happened to read the start of this thread......and now I am wondering what happened!! :sad:

So that bit of twittering backfired, if the intention was to stop people speculating! :tongue:
I've been on telly, but please, don't ask me about it or my very interesting life, because I don't want to talk about it, that's why I've chosen a public medium not to talk about it on:mysmilie_11:


I'm not a crafter.

I don't follow DB's life.

Catch the odd 5 mins of her,here and there and think she looks really good lately.

Never commented on her life,except to ask what prompted the weightloss/tan and when told of her situation, I thought it was very sad.

I'm not on twitter.

I'm a nosey old so and so and enjoy having a gossip about all the presenters,but try hard (honest!) not to comment on personal features -no-one can help those.

last time I was really ranting about a presenter,was with reference to claudia's platinum blog.Very distasteful.

However Ms.Bibby - that really is coming across as a bit of a madam.I feel sorry for you - I have no idea whats gone on,in your personal life and yes,only you know.However lots of people cope with just as much hardship,if not more - and they can't all have friends in Egypt,to upkeep the tan.It would have been better to keep quiet.Anger is a powerful - yet wasteful - emotion.Let it go.
She originally tweeted that she was on holiday, fair enough that's the kind of thing that people tweet about. I think this provoked some sarky comments about the number of holidays she was taking and she replied to these. I think some of the things she has tweeted are a direct reply to people who have tweeted at her, and reading one side of the conversation can create a distorted impression of what she's saying. Maybe she would have been better just not replying and maybe people who are naffed off by what she tweets would be better not following her.
Boris Bear..... you hit the nail on the head.

Unfortunately there are some people who will not leave the subject matter alone and seem to feel that they have a "right to know" every little detail of Dawn's private life.
I am sure that anyone who was going through a similar experience to Dawn would also "snap" if they were constantly getting Emails and Pms demanding to know details or passing unnecessary spiteful comments.
im happily convinced that JJ finally realised that his friendship with "dorothy" was really more important than being with the wealthy, successful but miserable bibster. my gaydar was twitching like judy finnegan from the very first time i saw him.

welcome to the club JJ! :muscle::wink:
As I said ...." passing unnecessary spiteful comments."
Thank you for illustrating my point for me Burly Bear!

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