Daniel Green has left


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I agree with most of the posters on here, Daniel did a good job and didn't come across as insincere and never hyped things up like quite a few of them do! It must be hard to come into a team of people who have worked together for years, and also to appear happy every day, when probably you're not and missing your old life.

Good luck Daniel; I'm sure there's life after QVCUK......!
I do not think, perssonally, that Daniel Green is a naturally talented presenter. Perhaps he could find another avenue in television. I'm not sad to see him go, but surprised. His family haven't given it a chance in England really. Surely before he accepted the job, they talked it over. I would have thought at least 6 months would be a suitable trial period.
Have his wife and daughter even lived over here full time since he started at QVC?
I'm sorry to see him go - it was obvious that he was nervous and his nerves seemed to get worse rather than better, but I did like him and found him very personable and really good in the kitchen hours, he felt more at ease there I think.

I don't know, part of me suspects that he may have been on some sort of 3 month probation period or something (he started in February, and it's now May so could have been) and they've just not renewed his contract...it does seem a little quick, and odd that he went so soon - especially seeing as Craig had a 12 month contract and is still there (and I like Craig too...). He could genuinely have not been happy - and missed his family, which is understandable. Whatever the reason is - I hope he has success and happiness in the future!
Sorry everyone. i have been reading the forum for a while. In my eagerness to make a first post - i only copied and pasted from the blog. Lessoon learnt epecially as i have been called a troll.
Sorry everyone. i have been reading the forum for a while. In my eagerness to make a first post - i only copied and pasted from the blog. Lessoon learnt epecially as i have been called a troll.

Don't worry i've been called far worse :D welcome from me :)
Hello Dancing Saint - good name. I can't dance and I sure ain't no saint!:20:
I liked him and thought he was getting better all the time. Shame he has left, and I agree with a comment above that wondered if he had been under a probation period, as it seems odd he went so quickly.

I hope all the negative comments on here didn't lead management to give him the push!! (although I doubt that!).
I liked him and thought he was getting better all the time. Shame he has left, and I agree with a comment above that wondered if he had been under a probation period, as it seems odd he went so quickly.

I hope all the negative comments on here didn't lead management to give him the push!! (although I doubt that!).

I very much doubt it I would think if he was on probation and he was given the heave ho, then i would have thought it was sales figures.
I personally don't buy when certain presenters are on air.
I very much doubt it I would think if he was on probation and he was given the heave ho, then i would have thought it was sales figures.
I personally don't buy when certain presenters are on air.

Well that wouldn't necessarily make sense - a presenter gets given certain hours and some shows must sell more than others regardless of the presenters.

It is possible, of course, that Daniel was on a trial from both QVC and HIS perspective and he just didn't feel it was the right 'fit' for him. Sometimes you just know a decision you have made is the wrong one and need to take decisive action to rectify it. I know I've done that.
If it comes down to sales figures, there are a few of them I find a complete turn off, in more ways than one. The sight of them handling an item puts me off the item, no matter how much I might be interested in the thing in its own right. I'm sure that effect must be common, although probably we all have different presenters who evoke the Eeeeew response.

My own bete-noirs are Jill Franks and Craig. OTOH, Claire has got me to buy an awful lot of things that looked gorgeous on her!
:22:If QVC were planning on ‘releasing’ Daniel, would they have given him the BAFTAS gig?

Methinks not.:33:

P.S. Hi & welcome Dancing Saint.
I agree Jasper. I think its come as just as much of a shock to QVC as it did to us.

Hi Dancing Saint - welcome to us sinners!!!
It is possible, of course, that Daniel was on a trial from both QVC and HIS perspective and he just didn't feel it was the right 'fit' for him. Sometimes you just know a decision you have made is the wrong one and need to take decisive action to rectify it. I know I've done that.

I agree Nicky-j - he certainly seemed most comfortable presenting with an accompanying guest presenter in a more 'American' style, i.e. in a sort of chat show format, rather than the on his own, staring at the camera, 'newsreader' format?
Maybe he just felt QVC UK wasn't really for him? He was very good doing the fashion hours I thought & seemed to have a genuine interest, asking/making intelligent, relevant questions/comments & of course on the weekend cooking show he did, he was truly in his element! I actually think he could do a lot better than QVC UK tbh & maybe thought the same himself? :)
by the way Daniel was brought in (unannounced and through the backdoor, unlike the Craig funfair), it has always been very clear to me that this was not a formal QVCUK appointment. i believe QVCUK, facing financial difficulties due to sales drop, had to do smth to break the downward trend, to change customers attitudes/spending behaviour.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" /><o:p></o:p>
so, one solution was to bring D in to spice things up for a while and "see how it goes". i'm sure this decision was taken in common accord with D.<o:p></o:p>
i am actually surprised at how many lovely people on the forum have unequivocally accepted D's reason for leaving.<o:p></o:p>
when an employee wishes to leave an organisation without intending to allow their employer to offer them incentives to stay and at the same time they do not wish to upset the employer or to 'burn their bridges' with the organisation, there is one rule in the rulebook the employee must use: "the family card".<o:p></o:p>
on the balance of probabilities as we cannot know the facts, for all the reasons N-J stated and by the way QVCUK have behaved (as Jasper and I described), this was a decision that D must have taken. and although he might have been brought in on a temporary basis, QVCUK must have looked into it in the longer term.<o:p></o:p>

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