Cutbacks - who goes?


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Seriously, am i only allowed 3!!

Well if i must then
1 Catherine - im sure she could find an acting job anyway!
2 Jill (if you make a mistake and get rid of Jilly instead i would not be disappointed
3 I really cant decide between Craig or Anna!!! Perhaps Craig as then nobody else would present Kelly Hoppen and she might hop off too!!
So QVC are paying you sh*tloads and you haven't even read the brief properly. Suggest you revisit the paperwork to see who qualifies for the boot.

lol, oops, I was just speaking out loud :cheeky:

Erm, Dale, Julia and probably Alison Young :D
Only three? that is so tough!

Debbie Flint for sure - can't stand her talking down
Catherine Huntley - for the reasons already stated, I love me so much, why talk about the stupid products when we can talk about me.
Charlie Boy - for sheer dreariness, ignorance and hypocrisy

Are you sure three is enough Burlz - so unfair as my three are no worse than the other worsts.
1. Craig Rowe - the fake sincerity gets on my ti*s and I have a deep rooted suspicion that he's a petulant primadonna behind the "cheeky chappy" facade.

2. Jill Franks. For all the reasons everyone else has mentioned.

3. Had quite a few candidates vying for 3rd place. But it's got to be Meehaw. Because 1. He looks like Dean Gaffney off Eastenders and 2. He also looks like a riding jockey, not a shopping channel presenter. Shallow reasons, I know, but there you go.

Charlie, Craig, Anna

Mr Bear/ Sir/ Boss, ......can we sack some more and make even more savings please?????
Charlie, Craig, Anna

Mr Bear/ Sir/ Boss, ......can we sack some more and make even more savings please?????

The problem MissKat that has been bothering me, is sacking their top presenters would mean a considerable loss in sales. Think in the end the cuts will come to the lowest sellers. use the phrase advisedly.
I think that my 3 would have to be...

Jilly Halliday - doesn't have pierced ears so jewellery presentations are rubbish, she can't say her prices properly without drawling the numbers together and her hair doesn't encourage me to buy any haircare products she shows
Jill Franks - professes to own and use every skincare/haircare product and still looks like crap therefore making me not trust her recommendations
Carmel - shavata would struggle to fix her eyebrows, her voice makes my **** itch and she constantly looks like a rabbit caught in the headlights. I think she'd be better over on ideal world where her presenting style would go down a treat

do we have to stop at 3? I can think of at least another 4 to be on remand for another day
I'd happily take the task on and I wouldn't even request remuneration ~ It would be a pleasure not to have to listen to Catherine it's all about Me never mind the product just look at my hair Huntley ever again. Then moving swiftly on to Carmel simply because she's annoying me and it's all so fake and forced. Next for the chop would be Dale because he bores me rigid and I've never yet watched any of his shows in their entirety.
If you need a cheap hatchet woman then I'm your man as there are more on my list and as we've established I'm very cheap.
Craig.. he is a fool to himself, spending all his money on his poor sister,perhaps he could join the foreign legion to get away from her....

Carmel.. I think she could do with a month on a health farm, she makes JF look fat.

Julia.. because she is begining to look very tired,and I believe that it's time she took the weight off.....and concentrate on writing her best sellers.
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Kathy Taylor..... A lovely lady but her presenting skills are dire.

Jilly Halliday...... Same old stock phrases, jump to the phones, proving to be popular etc very boring to watch.

Anna/Carmel......Either, or, you decide. No reason other than I don't like them very much.
Jill Franks cause she is sooooo boring. I watched her doing bare minerals at the weekend and had to turn off I was so bored - that is a first with BE for me. I'd give Anne Dawson extra shows cause I think shes nice and sells the product well.
Jilly Halliday - dreadful presenter, lazy, boring, has no dress sense and don't get me started on the hair!!
Anna ? - made such an impression that I can't remember her surname either. Hasn't improved at all and has absolutely no charisma.
Claire Sutton - very patronising and insincere. Time she went home to her mummy.

Very difficult decision boss and the reserve list is ready and waiting. The rest of them had better get their acts together or else!!

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