Cutbacks - who goes?


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Can we sack Jill Franks three times?? I find her at least three times more irritating than anyone else.

If not;

Jill Franks - the reasons have been gone over time and time again!

Carmel - really annoying voice. How come QVC managed to find not one but two awful Irish accents amongst all of the lovely ones that there are. Also she is one of the last to arrive.

Micael - same reasons as above.

Basically they are the presenters that I personally would not miss.
Mmmmmmm let me see.....

Debbie "roll up, roll up, come and see it here" Flint with her market stall patter...she winds me up big style.

Claire "coo chee coo, diddums" Sutton with her little girly girly voice...she makes my blood boil.

Jilly "play it safe and play the same record over and over again, stuck in a time warp" Insomniacs dream.

I do wish I could choose more than 3.
Mmmmm just three now that is difficult. Ok here goes:

Ummmm errrrr butummmm Kathy Taylor - can't seem to say a sentence without ummming etc
That new irish bloke - can't stand him
Carmel or whatever her phonominal name is
It is so difficult to pick just three as lots of them irritate me but in this first tranche of sackings I have to pick the ones who are currently getting on my wick the most :-

Debbie Flint - I find her insincere, pushy and hate her 'market stall' style.

Jill Franks - too much of a self centred airhead.

Alison Young - too full of herself and her 'years of experience'. How can we believe what she says when she has access to all of the products and a) if they were that good she would let the cameras do close ups of her and b)the other beauty gurus that come on would be much more wrinkle free . Oh and plus she sucks up far too much to that other snake oil seller - Lulu
Charlie - 'cos he's smarmy
Simon - 'cos he's smarmy
Dale - 'cos he's smarmy

:happy: that would make me watch more - but only to get my list ready for the next round!
hmm, I used to work in health commissioning so I will be approaching this task with my "targets and best value for money" hat on. Using this criteria I am going to have to pick the ones that make me switch off and not spend any money which is of course counter-productive to the whole purpose of shopping telly.

1. Jill Franks
2. Miceal (may have spelt it wrong)
3 Carmel

is there any chance of putting the rest of them on "special measures", i.e. giving them scope to improve and then hoofing them out the door if they don't?
AY - too ghastly for words or viewing!

Jill Franks - simply unbearable

Mummsie Sutton - she just gets on my t*ts!

Too many candicates for third place, it was so hard to chose!
Jill Franks - a head full of bubbles, and no idea how other people live
Anna Thingy - not remotely suited to telly. Careers mistress should have advised something along the lines of 'PE Teacher'.
Alison Young - shrill, rude and embarrassing.

Please, sir, can I have some more? :nod:
This was so difficult (yeah right!)

Jill Franks. Just can't stand her.

Charlie Brooks. Creepy, smarmy and any other insult you want to throw at him.

Anna. A nice girl, but looks scared stiff half the time and rather awkward in front of the camera.
Without a second thought :-

Jill Franks PLEASE !!!!!

Alison Young

Glen Campbell / Carmel Thomas. Toss up between the two.
Only 3!!!

Such a hard choice as would dearly love to see double that tbh. However, the 3 nominations are:

1. Jill Franks - I am such a girly, girl.. it's all me,,ME and 'I can't buy anything for my girlfriends under £50!! eek!!

2. Alison Young - Rude, arrogant, aggressive, Loud - Need I go on!!

3. Carmel - Just cannot take to her and got so, so fed up hearing about her ****** wedding every 2 seconds - argh!!
1 Jill Franks if I could vote for her 3 times I would but I want to stay on the firm
2 Micael, just no, he is like Dean Gaffneys dafter brother, and he cannot present at all I just cannot watch him
3 this is a bit harder, but I'm going to say Anna , I tried to like her but, she seems to actually want to alienate the viewer by reeling off facts she has obviously got off Wikipedia and being very patronising, watching a jewellery show with her presenting is impossible
1. Jill Franks, so annoying, if she's on there I have mute it.
2. Alison Young, rude and agressive.
3 Catherine Huntley, way too full of herself and too keen to talk about hersef rather than the products.
Miss Piggy cos I don't like her
Smarmy cos I don't like him
Gobby cos I don't like her

Not very constructive reasoning I accept but I'm The Hatchet Woman and I'm doing it cos I CAN!! :nod: And it would be a rather pleasant task actually. :wink:

If I'm interpreting this correctly, then these are exactly the three presenters I'd like to get shot of too!
You can't sack Catherine ............ she spends more on buying EVERY SINGLE PRODUCT she sells, so QVC are making money out of her :)
can't be bothered to read all six pages so apols if I've duplicated someone else's list.

Simon Biagi - so smug, false and OTT
Craig Rowe - others on here have described him far more eloquently than I could
Carmel. what can I say ?
Only three??
Think that's a bit generous of management to keep the rest on, are you sure you don't want to save more on wages?

Ah well, if it must be just three-

Jill Franks- If she really, really does, really,really use all the wonderful stuff she reckons she can't live without, why does she look like Iggy Pop's twin sister? If her one shouldered tops get any more revealing of the skin & bone she'll look even more like him in those ads that put me off my dinner.

Jilly what's her name. Can't do with her droning on & refusing to get her ears pierced but still presenting jewellery shows, don't be such a wimp!

Claire Sutton. How many times did she fail the audition for Playschool before she ended up at QVC? Her little girly voice & little girly hair are enough to make you vomit. I have visions of her ending up on her pension looking like Bette Davis's Baby Jane.
just cannot BELIEVE while i've been catching up that no-one's mentioned my number one because she is WAY out in front -

1. anne dawson - nails on a blackboard voice and nearly as unpleasant to look at.
2. claire sutton - oooo. LOOOOOOOK at me! i'm soooo cute and pwetty and girly ans sweeeet.
3. catherine huntley - oooo. LOOOOOOOK at me! god i'm soooooo hot!

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