Gordon Bennett, they've just advertised another Craft Day for next week (Starting Monday 9pm in case you can hardly wait)!!!!!!!!!!! I'm sorry, but after more than 6 hours of Nigel May yesterday and the prospect of another 3 hours of him today this is just too much (and I'm sorry but he is NOT a craft expert or he'd be a dash sight less cack-handed when he deigns to try to "help"). One thing I can't stand is rudeness, and certain presenters, Nigel and Ellis being among the worst, constantly interrupt in such a way that you know they've paid not one bit of attention to what's being said. I know it must be a hard job, but they're paid to do it and are in the public eye. Lots of people have hard jobs, but if they want to keep them they have to make an effort to improve! There was a show last week when Stephanie Weightman was on with Rob Addams, I think, and she actually talked virtually without a breath for 49 minutes before he was allowed a minute or two to do a demo, which she still kept interrupting with her "important news". I'm sorry but I don't call that a craft show! Presenters keep saying they know the demos are important but .. blah blah blah updates, blah blah, things are LITERALLY flying out ... blah blah: but reading around various forums it's becoming increasingly obvious that people who are no longer new to the channel are looking in briefly then sourcing materials elsewhere - if they cut back even further on the demos surely they'll end up cutting off their nose to spite their face!!
And if Nigel and co DO read this and other forums as he says, it might be a good idea to take heed of the fact that craft is starting to become a dirty word!
Sorry about going on so much, but I really used to look forward to the programmes and learn from them: now all I seem to get is die-cut decoupage, CD Roms etc!