Claire Sutton...


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I remember QVC as being more fun and less serious in the old days. I remember DF had a really dirty laugh. As I said before I haven't seen that many of her shows since she came back but the comments about her hard sell mode don't tie in with how I remember her in the good old days. I don't know whether she has changed or it's a case of rose-tinted spectacles.

Thanks BB it's probably a mixture of she's changed a bit and the rose tinted specs.
I remember QVC as being more fun and less serious in the old days. I remember DF had a really dirty laugh. As I said before I haven't seen that many of her shows since she came back but the comments about her hard sell mode don't tie in with how I remember her in the good old days. I don't know whether she has changed or it's a case of rose-tinted spectacles.

She definitely was more fun in the early days. I caught a glimpse of her trying not to let her sense of humour get the better of her yesterday when she was presenting a gardening item with Richard Jackson - the item in question was for trimming your topiary :mysmilie_493:and it was obvious she'd been told not to refer to trimming bushes...........:mysmilie_11:
She definitely was more fun in the early days. I caught a glimpse of her trying not to let her sense of humour get the better of her yesterday when she was presenting a gardening item with Richard Jackson - the item in question was for trimming your topiary :mysmilie_493:and it was obvious she'd been told not to refer to trimming bushes...........:mysmilie_11:
Don't get me started on trimming bushes........:mysmilie_61:
people change and a lot has changed in telly shopping too. When it first established itself you could possible get away with a few things that would now seem very un-professional and maybe DF falls into that category, plus she has not had an easy time of it once she left QVC and the "skills" she has had to learn are bound to be part of her now, we all adapt ourself to our environment and she has had to adapt to a few in the last few years leaving her with hard sales techniques (?)
I think Claire is lovely, if a little OTT and girly. But DF, just cannot stand her.

Tell you what would be fine, Queen Julia nad DF presenting a two hour jewellery show together. JR would be waxing lyrical about each item, and telling little stories about her Mum, of course, Sophie. And DF would just keep fixing the camera with those steely eyes, and saying "come on ladies, buy it now!"
It doesn't, I am afraid. Characters/type of people (for lack of better words) like DF and CS are totally foreign to the younger generation women and QVC customers, who many also happen to be at top jobs. Especially, CS's demeanour is a shock to the system. I have never met a lady in a professional environment who would think or dare speak like this. I am really surprised that her bosses have not had a word with her yet.
I agree, the younger generation would probably be unimpressed, and perceive them as being Desperate Housewives, and a bit simples.:mysmilie_17:

What is it with DF referring to 4 easy pays (yadda yadda) as four pay,:mysmilie_697: or should that be forepl@y, very subliminal those QVC folks.:mysmilie_1100:

Imo she would deffo appeal to men.....especially the sort who *enjoy* the girly, subservient Stepford type of women or those latent Mummy's Boys who crave nurturing and possibly love to wear nappies..... :mysmilie_11:
Oh yes the Mummy's Boy brigade, love nothing better than a subservient Stepford type of woman.:mysmilie_1614:

latent Mummy's Boys who crave nurturing and possibly love to wear nappies..... :mysmilie_11:
Accompanied by a dose of bitty:mysmilie_1486:
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:mysmilie_82: Accompanied by a dose of bitty:mysmilie_1486:

OMG!! The mental image that conjours up!! :mysmilie_374: :mysmilie_697: It reminds me of Kara Tritton who used to get so weird over those hideous dolls and someone on here said she imagined her breastfeeding the vile things........:mysmilie_61:
OMG!! The mental image that conjours up!! :mysmilie_374: :mysmilie_697: It reminds me of Kara Tritton who used to get so weird over those hideous dolls and someone on here said she imagined her breastfeeding the vile things........:mysmilie_61:
:mysmilie_697: Makes you wonder why Kara left QVC.:mysmilie_11:
Holly Willoughby is the same, it's like she's talking to a child the way she speaks to people.
Holly and Claire make my mute button work overtime lol
I think Claire is lovely, if a little OTT and girly. But DF, just cannot stand her.

Tell you what would be fine, Queen Julia nad DF presenting a two hour jewellery show together. JR would be waxing lyrical about each item, and telling little stories about her Mum, of course, Sophie. And DF would just keep fixing the camera with those steely eyes, and saying "come on ladies, buy it now!"

I can't stand DF, she really gets on my nerves, she looks really rough and her voice grates like mad, why on earth did they bring her back she spoils the show for me.
I think Claire is what she is. I seem to recall her saying that she was from Rochdale but she has no accent so probably has come from quite a privelaged background and possibly been doted on by her parents. I think she also said that her mum owned tea rooms as well. She was a bit ott yesterday but I met her at the Ideal Home show many moons ago and she was lovely.
Holly Willoughby is the same, it's like she's talking to a child the way she speaks to people.
Holly and Claire make my mute button work overtime lol

Now isn't that funny?! I cannot bear Holly Willoughby but I have no probs with Claire.

My BS meter says that this is who Claire is whereas HW is putting it on in cynical way cos it works for her.

There are women who learned to do this as a child and still do it - even in the corporate world. It sets my teeth on edge when it's done in a professional setting IRL. I know a company director who calls her boss "Daddy". *shudders* (He wants to get into her pants of course!) But it's working for her. She's 600% pay rise in about the last 4 years, 8 promotions and now a Directorship. He has complete control of the company and can do what he likes - and she can wiggle and giggle. Perfect!

Nice work if you can get it! :D
See I don't mind Holly Willoughby,but to me CS has"decided" to speak that way maybe because she thinks it's endearing or girly.
To me the faux posh accent is contrived and her attempts at squeeling and gushing to the viewer come accross as false and immature.
Now isn't that funny?! I cannot bear Holly Willoughby but I have no probs with Claire.

My BS meter says that this is who Claire is whereas HW is putting it on in cynical way cos it works for her.

There are women who learned to do this as a child and still do it - even in the corporate world. It sets my teeth on edge when it's done in a professional setting IRL. I know a company director who calls her boss "Daddy". *shudders* ([I]He[/I] wants to get into her pants of course!) But it's working for her. She's 600% pay rise in about the last 4 years, 8 promotions and now a Directorship. He has complete control of the company and can do what he likes - and she can wiggle and giggle. Perfect!

Nice work if you can get it! :D

:mysmilie_701::mysmilie_701: that's very disturbing
i always assumed DF came from a time when the hard sell was the norm. i remember the first time i went to the U.S and experienced shopping channels there were some where there were no presenters on screen at all, just packshots of the product, which always seemed to be coin collections and bloke literally yelling about value, stock etc. somethimes there were two blokes yelling at eachother. no sign of a female. it was bizarre to say the least. when i got home i immediately signed up for the OnDigital service (remember that?) which showed SHOP! that was it, i was hooked. when i got SKY and QVC i nearly wet my pants with excitement. ANYway, i digress :O) i just meant that i thought all shopping telly was like that in Flint's day.
i always assumed DF came from a time when the hard sell was the norm. i remember the first time i went to the U.S and experienced shopping channels there were some where there were no presenters on screen at all, just packshots of the product, which always seemed to be coin collections and bloke literally yelling about value, stock etc. somethimes there were two blokes yelling at eachother. no sign of a female. it was bizarre to say the least. when i got home i immediately signed up for the OnDigital service (remember that?) which showed SHOP! that was it, i was hooked. when i got SKY and QVC i nearly wet my pants with excitement. ANYway, i digress :O) i just meant that i thought all shopping telly was like that in Flint's day.

Nah it was more like the big chaotic scene from a Marx Bros movie. The cruddy sets used collapse, utter tat for the main part with rare moments of good products that stopped the presenters losing both their minds and self respect. However the atmosphere wasn't quite so intense. It was fun at the time but it has improved and we've got used to that.
I could tolerate CS as I did think that that was her way but last week she was on with the Yogi (?) hair wand thing and she asked to have a bit curled and she squealed so much saying things like 'just another bit please' I felt embarassed for her. It made me question whether it is all a bit affected.

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