Claire Sutton...


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Please say what you feel, LS. I thought your post was fine, and spot on. I like Claire - I think she has a great dress sense and always looks glamourous, but sometimes the cutsy baby speak gets on my nerves too.

DF on the other hand...ugghh! I switched on briefly yesterday and she was doing the Ojon hour. She said "time for us to have a break and time for you to order something", and then gave a look to camera, which left me half chilled and half nauseated. It was the "buy SOMETHING" that did it.

I think Ms Flint is a little too focused on meeting her sales targets for my liking!:mysmilie_81:
I don't know what came over me WS. I just think LS felt bad and she hadn't done anything wrong. (IMHO)
Your smilie is me to a tee.:mysmilie_61::mysmilie_1450::mysmilie_1017:

I agree re freedom of speech, but one should apply their liberal views equally across the board. LS said/did nothing wrong; nor did UL.:mysmilie_12:
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Not having a go either Lemon...we know you don't like Claire...every thread there has been knocking her you've contributed to. As me old mum says, if you've nothing good to say about someone say nothing!:mysmilie_11:

Les xxx

So people on here should only say good things about the presenters? Well, that would be pretty boring & nigh on impossible, lol.. Not everyone is going to like what they read here, but Lemonsqueezy didn't say anything bad about Claire, just her opinion of her sometimes silly & gushing behaviour whilst presenting.. That gets on my pip too & I don't care who knows it, lol :mysmilie_1102:
I don't like the baby voice presenting but I heard CS say some stuff I felt was inaccurate to the point of misleading given the experiences of many posters her myself included. She waffled on for quite a while about how in her opinion the Christmas rush doesn't ever make qvc deliveries slower, in fact it seems to speed them up and they arrive with the customer days faster than usual.
No Claire that isn't the case and qvc should look into improving the processing and dispatch times as a matter of urgency.
To me, she has adopted the sexist image of how women were perceived in the 50s and 60s. I find it quite disturbing and I am not even a feminist.
I'm sure she's a lovely person but I can't get past the cutesy voice and girlie mannerisms so I find her difficult to listen to. If she's presenting a programme I particularly want to see, I employ the mute button.
funnily enough I caught Debbie Flint doing the Decleor show yesterday. I admit this was probably the first show I had seen her do since her return, and it was embarrassing. At one time when talking to a TC who said she loved Decleor, Debbie said "what do you like about it, the VALUE?" (would have loved the camera to shoot to Fiona's face). She was talking throughout the show like Decleor was something you'd buy off a car boot sale and it was a breath of fresh air when Fiona was able to talk about some of the ingredients or ritual.

:mysmilie_82:Suzywoozy, I'm with you on Ms Flint. Her 'presenting' skills during the Decleor and Ojon shows were appalling. She sits there with her bland face - too much botox? - telling us to get on the phones to buy products, but makes no attempt to converse with the guest presenters. Rather she leaves them to go through a general spiel; there is little discussion as to how a particular product might help someone. Fiona was left repeating herself throughout the Decleor hour; with one of the better presenters, she would - as she has done in the past - have outlined the various advantages of each of the products.

Flint seems to think that presenting means fixing her flinty eyes at the camera, informing us as to how many goods have been sold, and then almost bullying people to buy. :mysmilie_73:

In my opinion, she is a rather frightening person, and this is made worse by her apparent inability to inform herself about the various products before she goes on air. In short, a very lazy, soulless presenter.

Harsh comments, yes, but that's my opinion.
:mysmilie_82:Suzywoozy, I'm with you on Ms Flint. Her 'presenting' skills during the Decleor and Ojon shows were appalling. She sits there with her bland face - too much botox? - telling us to get on the phones to buy products, but makes no attempt to converse with the guest presenters. Rather she leaves them to go through a general spiel; there is little discussion as to how a particular product might help someone. Fiona was left repeating herself throughout the Decleor hour; with one of the better presenters, she would - as she has done in the past - have outlined the various advantages of each of the products.

Flint seems to think that presenting means fixing her flinty eyes at the camera, informing us as to how many goods have been sold, and then almost bullying people to buy. :mysmilie_73:

In my opinion, she is a rather frightening person, and this is made worse by her apparent inability to inform herself about the various products before she goes on air. In short, a very lazy, soulless presenter.

Harsh comments, yes, but that's my opinion.

......and you are quite entitled to air them.
Seen as we're talking presenters....why on earth is Julian still on air?!! He seems like a lovely guy, but he is such a bafoon!! I caught him a couple of times today, going on about his grandmother and mother, and at one point started rambling on about the middle and working classes....the presenter was dumbfounded!!! Like I said, lovely guy but comes across as thick as custard!! As for Debbie Flint - did anyone see her grab Dennis' arm yesterday?!! I can't remember what was said, but the camera was on the products in front of them and she grabbed his arm in a very flirtatious manner and giggled. You couldn't see his face but you could tell by the tone of his voice that he was trying his best to ignore it - probably scared him half to death!!! Agree about CS, she was very wound up today and for the first time got on my nerves a bit. On the whole though I think she is one of the best.
after some years as a contributor to this forum, i think things work best when we concentrate our comments on the channels and presenters as opposed to other forum members.

you can be as complimentary, arse-licky, sycophantic OR bitchy, unkind, rude and downright nasty to anyone on TV who has chosen to put themselves up there.

shopping tv presenters are especially fair game as they believe they have the kind of personality and on-screen persona which we like and which will prompt us to buy. its a very simple relationship. You like me, you believe me, you buy from me. So, we are entitled to comment on whether thats the case or not.

so, with that in mind...
Claire Sutton = idiot.
Julian Ballantyne = pretentious "i train the guests" idiot.
Debbie Flint = hard-faced cow.

thank you.
Ooh "Flinty eyes" Flint - that ones going to stick isn't it?! Nice work Minnehaha! :mysmilie_17:

I believe that different selling styles work on different people so QVC tries top have styles that work on all of us. (and that means that some presenter's selling styles won't work on us and will in fact irk us to the point of switching off, watching on FFWD or making good use of the "mute" button.)

I've also come around to BurlyBears way of thinking on the subject of us slagging off the presenters on here. I had thought that some of the things said were gobsmackingly bitchy and cruel and it made me feel uncomfortable because we know that some of them read this board.

However, the presenters have no control over what people think, how people perceive them, and what people say about them - but they do have control over what they choose to read on the internet, plus - as BurlyBear says - our feelings about the presenters are directly linked to our purchasing decisions. QVC know it and exploit it which makes the presenters fair game.

I also have a theory that we express our negative feelings about QVC by slagging off the presenters because they are the public face of the faceless corporation.

But anyway... I also wholeheartedly agree with Watersiren that free speech cuts in all directions. I support everybody's right to post what they feel, whether they are starting a thread, adding to it, agreeing, disagreeing - whatever. :mysmilie_11:
i believe everybody should be able to express their opinion. If everyone agreed all the time it would be very boring, surely we're all mature enough to agree to disagree without it getting personal.
For what it's worth i totally agree claire sutton is annoying with that cutesy voice, and ott actions, i have to turn the sound down or else i want to scream and CH has the same effect on me. DF just scares me, she is far too hard sell and i agree with BB she comes across as very hard faced.
I do like julian for the reason that he appears far more honest than the others, he doesn't ooh and aah over absolutely everything and if he doesn't like something he says so. He was hilarious with the yankee lady yesterday when he put some of the candles under his nose and said oh no i don't like that. I'd much rather have that then CS or CH oohing and cooing over every single smell like it was the best thing they'd ever smelt in their life.

To me the presenters are sales people whose job it is to get us to part with our money and if we don't like the way they do it, or the way they present themselves, then i think we have every right to comment on it. They remind me of car salesman they are all over you when you are looking and want to buy and then it becomes harder sell till you sign on the dotted line. When you walk out the showroom they're on to their next target.

They encourage people to call in purely so they can use them to tell everyone about the value for money on the products. Does anyone really believe they are interested in listening to them twitter on about their grandchildren or operations.

I'm sure they're all lovely in real life but let's not be under any illusions that they are any different to the annoying sales assistants in shops who tell you that you look lovely in absolutely everything you try on, eventhough you know your bum does look big in it.
I agree with all you have said, LEL.
I must confess that I'm very disappointed in Debbie Flint. I think the appeal she had was because of the way she interacted with others like Paul, Rob etc. and because the hard sell seemed secondary to having fun. I won't labour the point about times and methods changing because it's been done to death on other threads.When I see her steely eyes now, I start to wonder if she was brought back to do just what she is doing. If so, and if the comments on this forum are anything to go by, QVC have got it massively wrong.
Maybe this works with the newer customers, not us old school lot who remember the halcyon days and maybe it is us that are out of step in this brash gimmee,gimmee culture.We liked to be seduced into parting with our money with a bit of subtle flattery and ego stroking...and why not.....
Ooh "Flinty eyes" Flint - that ones going to stick isn't it?! Nice work Minnehaha! :mysmilie_17:

:mysmilie_687:Thank you, kind LA'k.

Sorry to hear about your recent tribulations re the non-delivery of your Elemis TSVs, but your recent shopping trip to Guildford seems to have made up for some of the distress caused by DX.

:mysmilie_696::mysmilie_82::mysmilie_76: Happy Christmas:mysmilie_1730:
Seen as we're talking presenters....why on earth is Julian still on air?!! He seems like a lovely guy, but he is such a bafoon!! I caught him a couple of times today, going on about his grandmother and mother, and at one point started rambling on about the middle and working classes....the presenter was dumbfounded!!! Like I said, lovely guy but comes across as thick as custard!! As for Debbie Flint - did anyone see her grab Dennis' arm yesterday?!! I can't remember what was said, but the camera was on the products in front of them and she grabbed his arm in a very flirtatious manner and giggled. You couldn't see his face but you could tell by the tone of his voice that he was trying his best to ignore it - probably scared him half to death!!! Agree about CS, she was very wound up today and for the first time got on my nerves a bit. On the whole though I think she is one of the best.

It just goes to to show how different we all are, to me Julian is one of the better and normal presenters that I have never switched off...Debbie Flint and Craig always get muted or switched off in my house.
Craig is unwatchable for me. Debbie Flint is way past her sell by date - she has zero warmth. Clare yesterday was unbearable. Talking of her Mummy in that cutesy voice is like nails on a blackboard.
I do like julian for the reason that he appears far more honest than the others, he doesn't ooh and aah over absolutely everything and if he doesn't like something he says so. He was hilarious with the yankee lady yesterday when he put some of the candles under his nose and said oh no i don't like that. I'd much rather have that then CS or CH oohing and cooing over every single smell like it was the best thing they'd ever smelt in their life.

I agree with you here LE Lover and I also admire Anthony Heywood for this also.

CS however I can take or leave. I caught a bit of her yesterday selling a pink Quickchange (?) cordless screwdriver which I thought looked innovative as it had all the drill heads attached to it and looked really easy to use however CS had to keep banging on about it being "girly pink". I also laughed to myself when she was presenting an aerobed and said it would be great now in the run up to Christmas with extra guests and then went on to say she wished she had had one at weekend when some relatives were snowed in and stayed at hers. Said she had to get the soft bed out for them. Me, I'm sitting there thinking, well if she hasn't got one why should I bother buying one? Now had it been Craig I'm sure he would have had one in every room just in case!

On the subject of DF I can't bear to watch her anymore. x

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