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I had overactive, which they were going to kill off. My big brother got in done. He said you could not use public toilets for a while as your pee was radioactive. My hair and nails grew faster. I didn't get blasted and over time it has gone to very slightly under but not enough to get on the meds. Actually, I stopped going for the blood tests.
I can do radioctive wee if I eat beetroot.
Some people like to stir up trouble, unfortunately. Social media makes it much easier, and with the anonymity of a keyboard. People who do it disassociate themselves from the real world consequences of their actions. It could even be that this affected the marriage and contributed to it failing. I hope not, but you never know.
Some people like to stir up trouble, unfortunately. Social media makes it much easier, and with the anonymity of a keyboard. People who do it disassociate themselves from the real world consequences of their actions. It could even be that this affected the marriage and contributed to it failing. I hope not, but you never know.
You only have to see reports of people losing or not getting jobs for something they have posted on social media.
Many companies monitor social media for comments/behaviours of their employees. It’s understandable. If a member of my staff were “sl@gging off” work mates, management or the company itself I would want rid.
Many companies have realised that their security as well as their reputations are in their employees hands online, particularly on social media and have codes of conduct their staff are required to follow.
People really don't seem to realise that anyone can see what they put on social media and by anyone I mean the DWP, employers, HMRC and so many others. It's as good as putting yourself in the front page headlines in the Mail on Sunday.


That’s one reason why I haven’t got Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc etc accounts. If I want someone to know something I tell them in person. The rest of my private life is just that …… private.
FGS what is wrong with the woman. The shrinking violet persona didn’t last long.

Why would anyone think others are interested in this. Has she joined the menopause bandwagon yet or is that now only for D NcC who is “making it her life’s work” sorting it all out.

I despair
I sooo agree. I've become aware that I'm less tolerant and easily pissed off as I've gotten older. Its not just QVC presenters that irritate the hell out of me, but also preachy slebs ie Davina McCall - the only woman to have experienced the menopause. Nobody told her that Andrea McLean got there before her !

The Honours system got my back up today. I see Jay Blades the host of Repair Shop and whose only contribution is shaking the contributors hands, got an MBE for "services to heritage craft" from the Palace today. I immediately went into Mrs Meldrew mode, and wondered why ? apart from raising his profile on the programme, he only ever painted chair legs a different colour !!!! To my mind those very skilled artisan repair people are the ones worthy of publicity and any honour going, certainly not him ! I'm starting a petition for the gorgeous Will to get more recognition !!!!

Rant over

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