Another hangover thread -sorry


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Jun 24, 2008
As you know, the slightest night out will mean that I have to literally write off the following day - I know mediastar has suggested trying milk thistle capsules before I go out, but I looked up the side affects and it says they can cause a "dicky tummy", ok, I know that not everybody will be affected but I'm pretty sure I would be as I'd only have to eat a couple of sugar free mints or a small amount of dried apricots, and I'm "an embarrassment" and I don't have a dog I can blame lol!

Friend of mine's hubby's away for the week, so she organised a small get together at her house. The plan was to meet at about 3.30 Sat, have a quick look round the shops, have a few drinks in her local, then go along to her house. I was working till 3, so planned to catch train to hers straight after work. However, knowing how I am on drink, especially on an empty stomach, I decided to go home first have a shower, change of clothes and a good meal. Told her I'd skip the town bit and get to hers around 6pm. So home I came have a spag bol (no glass of wine) some fruit and yoghurt for dessert. So what alcohol should I take...bottle of wine - No, I'd end up drinking all of it and getting the hangover from hell, alcopops? Mmm maybe but again too easy to quaff and would have to buy a fair old few to last the evening. So I thought Ok, I'll take a quarter bottle of gin and a couple of nice mixers, I won't mix my drinks, should be fine.

Got there about 6 ish and stayed till about 9.30 as they decided that we should go back into town and do karaoke, I didn't stay for that as it's not really my scene, but that was ok 'cause my mate knows I like to get home quite early anyway. I had quite a few gins and when I left there was still a bit left in the bottle, I felt merry don't get me wrong, but no way drunk. Got home by about 10.30 had no more alcohol, went to bed about 11ish watched a bit of telly. I did my usual trick of taking a putting a bottle of water and a packet of anadin on the bedside table and planned to take one if I woke in the small hours so I'd wake headache free, this is a lifesaver I'll tell you....I did this and when I woke up properly at about 8.45 I got up not feeling too bad had tea and toast, but soon realised that I felt pretty rubbish..didn't have a headache, didn't feel sick, just rough as old boots, managed to get a few bits done around the house, but spend most of the day asleep on the sofa, didn't have the energy to go out at all and felt that way until I went to bed. Woken up this morning full of the joys of spring, but It's a work day ...booo!

I don't want to stop socialising with my friends but I think I've got to the stage where Im gonna have to start taking soft drinks with me, but it's hard when you're with other people getting merry. I'm ok if I have a couple of glasses of wine at home, ok if I go to the pub quiz and have a couple of drinks, but put me in a social scene with drink - I'm almost guaranteed to feel like ***** the next day. I'd be interested in other people's experiences. thanks!
I know exactly what you mean "merryone" ( perhaps too merry) , I have found as I have got older ( now 53) I just can't drink much now and sometimes can feel dreadful on not a great deal of alcohol at all, I used to be able to have "skin full" and then go out the next night and have a few more, now it would write off at least a day for me, but I have learnt my lesson and just don't do it now, as hate feeling ropey and taking ages to feel better. I try and eat a decent meal before I go out and try not to get egged on by mates to drink too much, although it is hard and people seem to think you a misery guts if you don't get really drunk sometimes, i avoid cocktails as they are lethal for me and spirits always seem to give me a headache, but I do like wine, lager and Guinness, not all in the same glass.
I think as you get older you body can't get rid of the alcohol as it could when you were younger so you end up feeling rough for much longer.
I am lucky that most of my mates are reasonably sensible when it comes to a drink but you do see some sights out on a Saturday night in Birmingham and I think us a nation has a strange attitude to alcohol sometimes
Really the only time I can drink alcohol these days is on holiday when not functioning on full gas the next day isn't an issue. I noticed my powers of recovery ebbing away in my 20's, so I know a "good" night out writes off the next day. I am 52 next birthday and can happily join a social gathering sticking to sparkling water, tea and coffee. I tend to drive places as that's a cast iron reason for not drinking... I miss being able to have a glass of wine, but would rather be fully functioning the next day... Just another choice I make... And don't we all?
Like everyone else in my teens and 20's I'd be able to drink myself stupid, get up early for work the next morning and then do it all again the next night...I'm not saying I didn't get hangovers, but somehow I could tolerate them better. Even if I've got a whole day off to recover, and can lie in till as long as I like, I still hate doing it, I hate wasting a whole day feeling eughh even if I've nothing planned!
In my 'yoof' could drink quite happily and be the first one awake the next day ��

Can't stand the taste of drink nowadays - wine tastes like vinegar, spirits give me a headache ...
I haven't touched a drop in thirty years since my friends 21st when I got so drunk, I swear I drank myself sober but oh my word was I ill the next day, and I mean really ill. It was then as if my brain switched off the "I like to drink" switch because I've never even felt like one since, the smell knocks me sick. So in thirty years, my family and friends just instinctively hand me my favourite drink, black currant and soda, when we're at social gatherings or just family get togethers. Non of my family or friends are big drinkers though, but when I see other people getting plastered I just think phew! I'm glad that's not me. :mysmilie_17:
I've thought about it and though I would not intentionally have a skinful of drinks on a school night, I think I'd probably rather have to go to work with a hangover, than to write off a precious day off with one. Ok, if you're that bad ie, banging headache, nauseous though I tend not to get myself in that state, yes, you're obviously better off at home, however, I wondering whether having to work through that general euggh feeling would possibly take your mind off it a bit, ok, you're not able to nod off to sleep when you want, but at least once you've got through the day, you don't feel like you've wasted a day! If I'm at home and not feeling my best due to the night before, and as I said it doesn't take much, I tend to languish around the house in my jamas, doing as little as I can get away with, having naps that don't actually refresh me, wheras maybe if I did have to go to work, it may be a struggle but I'd come home dog tired and hopefully have myself a good nights sleep! It's weird I can lie in till all hours of the morning after a night out and still not feel refreshed, the aspirin and water by the beside though is a great trick though. Thing is I enjoy a drink, I very very rarely get drunk, occasionally merry. Just wished that I didn't get hangover so readily!

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