Chloe standing in on BW


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Simon and Julia probably decided to stay away, rather than feign delight at these atrocious offerings. Words fail me (and that doesn't happen very often :wink:)
mind numbingly dumb

The DumbtyNumbties are selling crystal cat keyrings for £34 delivered. "I'm sure people are gonna name them, give them names." Really? I mean, really? By the time I name my keyring, then the 'fridge, FrontDoor, cupboard ... What's next, each sheet of LooRoll ... GiveMeStrength. Snarlin'Snarly
You'll all be sorry you missed these when your invitation comes to a Haitian Voodoo party - could they be more appropriate?
Good old Mrs James. I loved that poster. What happened to her? I haven't seen any of her posts for ages.
I like skulls and I have a skull B&W bag ~ I hasten to add it's the only piece of B&W I own. I quite like some of the silver skull jewellery although I don't have any as sadly I'm probably a bit past it. To me skull jewellery is fun fashion, throw away jewellery and I can't imagine youngsters paying those prices for something that will be shortly discarded. I can't imagine who the QVC target market is for the coloured skulls are ~ a very small market I would have thought. Each to their own though and tbh I'd rather see someone in the out there skull necklace than today's frumpy Anthony tsv~ now that's hideous!
I'm certyainly with you on the TSV PP!! Don't get me wrong everyone will like different things, but in general B&W has taken a plunge downwards. They must have 1 or 2 ok pieces otherwise like you say who'se buying them at those prices but not a patch on what they once were imo.
I agree most of it is hideous now, but if I see a piece I like I just think 'I wonder how many stones will fall out?' I bought a ring last August and a stone fell out straight away, I got it fixed in the shop but it happened again. The second time I took it back with the receipt and asked for a refund, they didn't like it but gave me the refund. It's such a shame because his stuff used to be lovely. The designs are now mostly vulgar and the quality poor. :sad:

I came here to comment on that necklace, you beat me to it:giggle:
Isn't that beyond a joke :puke:

:mysmilie_466:They are both on waitlist!!! I think they are :mysmilie_460: (sorry if anyone has bought them:mysmilie_506:)

You'll all be sorry you missed these when your invitation comes to a Haitian Voodoo party - could they be more appropriate?
I thought of something on that line, but these are too cheap looking for them even I think:giggle:

I don't think they would have looked so cheap and nasty if the skulls were in black and white :thinking:
Have to agree that B & W have gone down the pan..... I have just a few the of pieces... roulette watch, couple of crystal and garnet necklaces and a hair clip which I might add are all gorgeous and get remarks whenever they are worn BUT for ages now, I have disliked the pieces shown
My little girl (aged 7) bought herself the little bag - think it was a TSV a couple of times? (This one from the outlet store for dressing up, they had racks and racks of them all with bits falling off all reduced to about £7.. . It's a right pile of tat. I've seen those denim jackets they do with stones all over the back in the outlet a few times too, there's invariably s pile of the stones on the floor underneath. Shoddy extortionately priced tat.
My little girl (aged 7) bought herself the little bag - think it was a TSV a couple of times? (This one from the outlet store for dressing up, they had racks and racks of them all with bits falling off all reduced to about £7.. . It's a right pile of tat. I've seen those denim jackets they do with stones all over the back in the outlet a few times too, there's invariably s pile of the stones on the floor underneath. Shoddy extortionately priced tat.
Funny, I have a similar image in my mind when they go on & on about how exquisite all the pieces are. I just think "yeh but what happens to the returns with bits missing"? Now I know :wink:
Funny, I have a similar image in my mind when they go on & on about how exquisite all the pieces are. I just think "yeh but what happens to the returns with bits missing"? Now I know :wink:

7 year old kids all rund the north west have them cluttering up their bedrooms for dress-up. It's all they're fit for.
In. My. Opinion. Blahblahblah.....:wink:
7 year old kids all rund the north west have them cluttering up their bedrooms for dress-up. It's all they're fit for.
In. My. Opinion. Blahblahblah.....:wink:
Well most of the pieces are certainly bright enough to cheer up a little girl's dressing up wardrobe :nod:

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