Charlie bears...all sold out!


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Slothy Joe has arrived - he's gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hmmmm ............. did he tell you where his twin has got to? I've got visions of mine doing a world trip and arriving with stickers all over his Charlie Bears bag. Mind you, we had more snow today so he may arrive on skis.
Hmmmm ............. did he tell you where his twin has got to? I've got visions of mine doing a world trip and arriving with stickers all over his Charlie Bears bag. Mind you, we had more snow today so he may arrive on skis.

LOL! If it's snowing, what's the betting he's hibernating somewhere till it gets a bit warmer.
Corey arrived yesterday, and has settled in happily. He is the most gorgeous bear I have ever seen. Funny thing, though - when he emerged from his little bag, he insisted his name was Ralph. So Ralph he is.
Hannah arrived

...complete with carrot.

She's lovely and has the facial expression my girls use when they haven't done something naughty as in "I didn't bit thru the sky phone line in 5 places...honest"

She does at least stay in one place long enough to cuddle unlike the real buns.

Jude xxx
Charlie bears....all sold out!

Corey arrived yesterday, and has settled in happily. He is the most gorgeous bear I have ever seen. Funny thing, though - when he emerged from his little bag, he insisted his name was Ralph. So Ralph he is.

He'll be selling you pearls next!
Finley sends hugs to all the new arrivals. He's very relieved to know he's not the only one to venture out of the Bear Lair for pastures new.
So was it Diesel you went for in the end? Let us know when he arrives and how gorgeous he is!

It was Diesel!! ( Wedding anniversary in June might be an excuse for another!)

I'm hoping he'll arrive tomorrow!
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A late arrival to this thread, I went into Ashby today and brought home a Josh bear for my 8 year old Josh's birthday in a couple of weeks. He loves Charlie Bears and already has Joshua. I was after Gabriel aswell for my little one but the stock had been delayed until Tuesday :( There's no rush though, I'm going to put it away until he's much bigger (my Gabriel not the bear Gabriel lol)

I will admit to being a Charlie Bears fan too. I have about 6 but can't remember their names off the top of my head. It's hard enough remembering the three kids!!!
Finley sends hugs to all the new arrivals. He's very relieved to know he's not the only one to venture out of the Bear Lair for pastures new.

Well............please ask Finley to shout Slothy Joe's name VERY loudly, because he's still not turned up 'chez moi.' :17:

I'm in daily contact with the guy and he's frantically trying to chase it up for me. Parcelforce are saying there's a backlog, but as he and I said - other bears have arrived at their new homes safely so that could be an excuse. So ......... it'll be Monday now - if I'm lucky.
Being an honorary member of TBA (Teddy Bears Anonymous) I am trying very hard to resist yet another bear.
I was thwarted by the sell outs, very frustrated and now reading this thread about all the bears on the's getting to me............and now I'm drooling through the catalogue with pen in hand ticking them off!
I really want Diesel, it was love at first sight , but dare I?.........Cn i sneak him in? Will he be noticed? Can I get away with 'Oh this bear? he's been lounging here for ages......'?

I have a feeling that somehow Diesel will join Lewis and Grayson and my other bears (I won't say how many. lol but I am an addict after all)
A florist in my city sells lots of Charlie Bears - I was wandering past on the way back from the hairdresser's yesterday and I was so tempted. However I've elected to wait until Hannah arrives before buying again ... assuming I don't have to go past the door again!
OH Takes pleasure punching my soft toys and laughing manically..what is it with blokes that make them want to do ex was the same!
:YIKES: That's seriously weird Merryone, get shot of him and get the bears!! :RUNAWAY: :pPC:
Because Jen sold out on QVC I ordered her direct from the Charlie Bears website - and it was cheaper (£24.99 including delivery). She is gorgeous and will join Sarah that we bought for my daughter Sarah last year. Charlie Bears are great value for money and the quality is excellent. If you are tempted, all I can say on this occasion is don't resist temptation!!

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