Charlie and her bleeding bears!


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This couple get right on my wick!! I don't want to hear about their relationship, or about how they run their business and definitely don't want to hear anymore of her ahhing in that ickle girl voice. Do they really need to be on as a couple? Grr!!! Cute bears though ;-)

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Yes I agree. They're typical of a couple without children. 'The bears are like their children'. Yeah right love. Do they keep you awake at night? She really hasn't a clue.
He mentioned that they had taken a cut in profit on the organic cotton animals. Does he expect us to be grateful or feel sorry for them ? It's a pity Q couldn't have passed on the saving to us.
Maybe not but have you seen the state of a teddy's nappy ?


Pooh Bear all over the place!

I have just switched over to see Lenny the Loon at 1pm, so I am catching the last few minutes of the bear show. I have said it before, but that woman does not look well to me. When they first came to QVC and on the promo, she was not nearly as gaunt looking. Her hubby on the other hand seems to be expanding! Craig presenting - a match made in heaven!!
Yes I agree. They're typical of a couple without children. 'The bears are like their children'. Yeah right love. Do they keep you awake at night? She really hasn't a clue.

I can't agree with that. I know many a couple without children and they are nothing like Charlie and Will.
I was going to say the same Sazza, I don't have children, but I don't talk in a babyish voice, or collect Teddy Bears, and I like to think I'm fairly normal!!!!
I have just switched over to see Lenny the Loon at 1pm, so I am catching the last few minutes of the bear show. I have said it before, but that woman does not look well to me. When they first came to QVC and on the promo, she was not nearly as gaunt looking. Her hubby on the other hand seems to be expanding! Craig presenting - a match made in heaven!!

I read that as Lenny the Lion the first time! :giggle:
I can't agree with that. I know many a couple without children and they are nothing like Charlie and Will.

Point taken. I should have said they're typical of some childless couples. We have two lots of friends who are exactly like Charlie and Will. Their whole world revolves around themselves as a couple, always out for dinner/off on holiday, look adoringly at eachother etc. I'm not envious - honest I'm not!
Point taken. I should have said they're typical of some childless couples. We have two lots of friends who are exactly like Charlie and Will. Their whole world revolves around themselves as a couple, always out for dinner/off on holiday, look adoringly at eachother etc. I'm not envious - honest I'm not!

Lol. We are childless and we have nothing to revolve our word around but ourselves!! Tell you what, it's great too!!! ;-) But we definitely definitely don't have bears, talk in baby voices or look adoringly at each other!! Yerch!! I know some couples like this too, it usually ends up as a front. Anyway, haven't they got a daughter? Sure they have mentioned before, and isn't she in the title film? Could be wrong.....they still wind me up regardless. He is domineering and she seems like a martyr. A waspy whispy martyr! She's in good company with the Thorntons lady :-/

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i find the comments about being childless quite offensive I and my husband are childless, not through choice, never never judge someone/something if you dont have the full facts, if you dont like the shows then switch off rather than complain
Charlie and Will behave in the way they do because they are, first and foremost, promoting their business. So however much they attempt to convince us that bears are their world they are, ultimately, speaking to us as prospective customers.
Ok definately in the minority here but I quite like them & love the bears...

Same here, I just let their conversation go over my head, how the teddy bear sellers act doesn't bother me one bit, I am interested in the bears. I just tend to live and let live or say it takes all sorts to make a world and well there's always the mute button.

piper and 3 charlie bears who are now in bed fast sleep
I think they do have a daughter, and I think she designed one of the bears. I am still wondering if Mr Bears is the brother of Adrian Buckley because there is a strong resemblance, and they sound alike too !
i find the comments about being childless quite offensive I and my husband are childless, not through choice, never never judge someone/something if you dont have the full facts, if you dont like the shows then switch off rather than complain

I fail to understand why anyone would find my comments offensive. Having miscarried my first child at 3 months, I know exactly how it feels to long for a child. What I said was that couples I know who are childless/childfree are noticeably different to our friends who have children. I think anyone who is a parent would agree that the minute you become a parent, your life is never the same again. That isn't to say that childless/childfree couples are different in a bad way.
As a 'Childfree' couple (i'm now going to use that term from now on lol) I didnt find any of the comments from Bensmum offensive at all. It was just a statement thats all. I know some couples like that as well lol. I hate all that love dovey stuff and baby talk but as said above they are selling the bears and appealing to people who like them, old, young, married, single! Whatever! They are selling something and trying to make it appealing (maybe doesnt work for everyone but hey thats life!). I do actually love the bears and was tempted to buy one for my friends little girl but they seem to be getting pretty expensive and for a 3 year old I doubt she would appreciate it more than Stan the Cat (soft toy)- who is a fiver from Pets at Home! lol

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