Charlie and her bleeding bears!


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To add a bit of balance, I know a lot of couple with children who are completely self-centred and wouldn't know about responsibility if if bit them on the bum! You can't make assumptions based on people that easily. People are child free for lots of reasons just like people have child for lots of different reasons. But back to the bears, don't seem anything special or equally offensive to me.
I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure, the reasons people are quoting for not liking Charlotte and Will actually have nothing to do with having kids/not having kids. I think the original comment might have come across of more of a sweeping generalisation that it actually was.
I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure, the reasons people are quoting for not liking Charlotte and Will actually have nothing to do with having kids/not having kids. I think the original comment might have come across of more of a sweeping generalisation that it actually was.

think it was - I'm child free by choice and do own a rather large amount of cuddly toys..however I did so before I met my husband, he just added to the pile..however, we're married now and he has a step daughter who's what does that make me..anyway our bears curse and swear...

..we are not huge CB fans and they do seem to have gone up in price!!!
As a 'Childfree' couple (i'm now going to use that term from now on lol) I didnt find any of the comments from Bensmum offensive at all. It was just a statement thats all. I know some couples like that as well lol. I hate all that love dovey stuff and baby talk but as said above they are selling the bears and appealing to people who like them, old, young, married, single! Whatever! They are selling something and trying to make it appealing (maybe doesnt work for everyone but hey thats life!). I do actually love the bears and was tempted to buy one for my friends little girl but they seem to be getting pretty expensive and for a 3 year old I doubt she would appreciate it more than Stan the Cat (soft toy)- who is a fiver from Pets at Home! lol

Same here. I wasn't offended, but the bit about childfree couples swanning off on hols and being self-centred did make me chuckle! :tongue: I do actually find the bears cute and, believe me, if I had someone to buy them for I would! I dislike the couple purely because he talks too much business, and she's always going on about what he tells her to do all the time. You are on TV fgs, we don't want to hear your bickering!

Bexi - I do like your term, so I am going to pinch it too!:rock: Our situation isn't entirely through choice either, but as the years go on I am secretley relieved, I am having way too much fun to be concerned about it now, hehe!

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