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Deleted member 3549

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What is happening to me...?? Once upon a time I would have QVC on the background if there was nothing else on TV, I was a good customer and would order something nearly every week....

Now (and I think finding this forum has awoken alot of us!) I haven't really bought much over the last few months, I've realised that I don't need the beauty TSV's as a) I already have plenty and b) they are not special offers...other websites have just as good deals and free p&p and furthermore, in a few months they will have equally as 'good' a deal on!!

Watching Bare Escentuals and actually ready to turn it off...not sure it is Claire and her 'unique' presentation style...or just the absolute talking down to the customer. She has just stated that in relation to the supersize bare mineral makeup at £32.... Its such a good price, if you don't know the colour you exactly need...why not buy 2 of them and make it prescriptive to your skin....£64 for foundation... is she taking the mick!!!??

Can you imagine what this woman would be like if she was even drunk???? The shouting, the talking like she is talking to 5 year olds.....

QVC really need to wake up and see that something is starting to go wrong with their shows. Its like the 'Icarus Paradox' where organisations think they are invincible and their product/brand won't ever go wrong...(eg how M&S used to be). Nothing is guaranteed and I think they need to start listening to their customers..
MissKatYou took the words right out of my mouth. I have it on in the background at the moment and am seconds away from switching off and i like BE! This particular show is like play school for make up users. Claire we're not babies you can talk to us like we're adults we will understand
I am also much more careful about the things that i buy. I ashamedly have cupboards full of tiddly sizes that i don't want from various kits i bought in a moment of madness. I only buy something now if i really need it or if it's an exceptional TSV and these are few and far between nowdays.
Can't stand the woman. Even if there is something I want to watch (not a lot these days) and she is presenting, off it goes!
Thos thread made me :) This morning when I got up I switched tv on and 1st thing i saw was the over exhuberant claire and within a nanosecond I switched to another channel as nobody could be that 'up' at that time in the morning unless they are on some real good medication
I'm determined to work my way through the toiletries/make up I have and not purchase any more until I run out.
I am also not buying any more handbags, jewellery, shoes or clothes unless they are overwhelmingly gorgeous and wonderful.
I have been having a fairly ruthless clear out. Selling a lot of stuff on the bay and just taking other bits to the second hand shop. I am sick of stockpiling and hoarding. I have wasted so much money and I can't sort out what I am wearing because I just have way too much. I cannot shut my drawers - so to speak. I dread putting my ironing away as I have to battle to find space for it.
I have had enough. I think QVC and magazines and adverts encourage people buy more and more and all our houses are jam-packed with items. I have read about people who have died and the services cannot get into their houses, (or even find them) because of all the gear lying about. I sometimes think we live in an extraordinarily dysfunctional society. Rant over.
Us 'Old-Timers' who have watched QVC from the beginning can see the decline, but I guess they have new customers joining on a daily basis who are new to it all and haven't yet cottoned onto the repetitiveness and banality of (some of) the presenters. I'm sure it won't take too long though!
I too used to have it on in the background, but now I find the drivel that's mostly spouted, along with the sameness of the brands, too much to endure. I now select which hours I watch and they are pretty few and far between!
I'm determined to work my way through the toiletries/make up I have and not purchase any more until I run out.
I am also not buying any more handbags, jewellery, shoes or clothes unless they are overwhelmingly gorgeous and wonderful.
I have been having a fairly ruthless clear out. Selling a lot of stuff on the bay and just taking other bits to the second hand shop. I am sick of stockpiling and hoarding. I have wasted so much money and I can't sort out what I am wearing because I just have way too much. I cannot shut my drawers - so to speak. I dread putting my ironing away as I have to battle to find space for it.
I have had enough. I think QVC and magazines and adverts encourage people buy more and more and all our houses are jam-packed with items. I have read about people who have died and the services cannot get into their houses, (or even find them) because of all the gear lying about. I sometimes think we live in an extraordinarily dysfunctional society. Rant over.

Well said I totally agree xx
I am sick of stockpiling and hoarding. I have wasted so much money and I can't sort out what I am wearing because I just have way too much. I cannot shut my drawers - so to speak. I dread putting my ironing away as I have to battle to find space for it.

Thanks Rosielinks - I now realise I am not alone!!
the more they hard sell, the less I buy. Like others I am trying to make a decent effort to use all the stuff I have stockpiled/stashed away. Without doubt QVC isnt the place it used to be, they were kings of the home shopping castle, their crown has slipped and choked them. Instead of updating their image and retraining some of their presenters they have just plodded on, manipulated the viewers and hiked their prices - and especially the p&p.

We are not daft!
the more they hard sell, the less I buy. Like others I am trying to make a decent effort to use all the stuff I have stockpiled/stashed away. Without doubt QVC isnt the place it used to be, they were kings of the home shopping castle, their crown has slipped and choked them. Instead of updating their image and retraining some of their presenters they have just plodded on, manipulated the viewers and hiked their prices - and especially the p&p.

We are not daft!

Er, think they've always done the "hard sell". Its because you (or all of us) watch it too much that its treated more like a normal tv channel rather than what it really is and thats a selling channel.
Er, think they've always done the "hard sell". Its because you (or all of us) watch it too much that its treated more like a normal tv channel rather than what it really is and thats a selling channel.

I disagree, I dont think their selling was as hard in the past. They were far more subtle at one time, it is really 'in your face' now and that just switches me right off.
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Try watching with the sound muted & whilst listening to Collins & Herring (6Music) the weird dubbing effect makes much more sense than the inane twaddle the presenters come out certainly made the yawn making 'swirl, tap, buff' more interesting the other morning.
some of the presenters gush like a severed artery and it is not attractive or persausive (JF and C S you know who I mean!). There is an air of semi hysteria when either of these two are on air and it so fake and unconvincing. I am working my way through my beauty stash, no longer buy beauty from them, it's Boots for me and (whisper it low) yer actual literal supermarket and the odd up market treat from John Lewis. I bought some Prada perfume there recently and they gave me some excellent freebies too. I think QVC could do with a real shake up, but as their only on air competitor is Ideal World I reckon they do not feel the need.
This thread is really apt because as I was turning on my laptop with QVC on in the background, I was just thinking that QVc had gone into its own vortex. It seems at the moment, to be a tiny microcosm (I think that is the right word) of its own. It does not represent real people today, nor does it reflect the real world - with its unusual, old fashioned clothing at twice the price of everywhere else, its gem day full of stuff nobody can afford to buy, and its complete lack of bargains and really good prices. You guys are right, everything is really repetitve, old fashioned and extremely expensive on QVC right now. I don't know where they get the buyers from, probably America where there products seem to originate from. I do like QVC normally, but like everywhere else it is tightening its belt and because of this its performance and products lack creativity and excitement. It was old fashioned before, lets be honest and now I suppose the cut backs have made it worse. In fact, I would go further and say that its clothing department is bonkers and the beauty department is getting there. Apart from that, everything -its presentations and the ranges are so safe at the moment. Someone at QVc needs to step out of the box and try something new. I think all the staff there are afraid of someone high up because it is so predictable. QVC America is slick and more dynamic than its stuffy British counterpart. Sorry QVC, but I felt it should be said.
MissKat, this thread completely resonates with me right now. I turned on QVC this morning, out of habit, saw Craig on the TSV repeat and immediately turned over. But it got me thinking that I have not purchased anything in the last 3 months, and have not even been tempted to purchase anything. Like the other posters, I have a lovely beauty stash, which I am working my way through, but lately my skincare (previously LE, but now the vastly superior A'kin) has been sourced cheaper from the web, and bath stuff, I may just go back to The Body Shop. As for make-up, love LG, but will only buy if it is a fabulous TSV.

QVC does seem really out of touch with todays credit crunched times, and makes really uncomfortable viewing sometimes!
Er, think they've always done the "hard sell". Its because you (or all of us) watch it too much that its treated more like a normal tv channel rather than what it really is and thats a selling channel.

I don't wholly agree with you here. I've only been watching QVC for 3 years and in that short time I can see how the presenters have recently become completely OTT. Many of them use superlatives in every sentence, are so (falsely) enthusiastic they sound just ridiculous, and interrupt the presenter at every opportunity to babble about something they know next to nothing about. I think all this started when a new "Head of Presenter Training" joined about a year ago.

I know what you mean about us treating it as a normal tv channel. With this sort of channel it could be a case of familiarity breeds contempt.
I too used to have QVC on in the background and admit I have been sucked in to buying some stuff that if I'd been in a shop I wouldn't have looked twice at.

I don't want to be talked down to (JR is getting worse for this every time I see her) or spoken to like a halfwit (Clare Sutton PLEASE go find a Tellytubby re-run to watch, you'll love it!) or indeed screeched and bellowed at by a so called "resident beauty expert". Again, if I was in the "real world" department store I wouldn't put up with sales assistants talking to me like that I'd ask to speak to a manager or simply walk away.

QVC needs a complete shake up from the top down in my opinion. Stop selling ridiculous over priced American clothing, extortionately over priced handbags and start giving customers what they want. We are not all dripping in money and can buy expensive jewellery on a whim. How about something for us credit crunchers? And more easypay.

My do I feel better for that!!:angry::cheeky:
This thread is really apt because as I was turning on my laptop with QVC on in the background, I was just thinking that QVc had gone into its own vortex. It seems at the moment, to be a tiny microcosm (I think that is the right word) of its own. It does not represent real people today, nor does it reflect the real world - with its unusual, old fashioned clothing at twice the price of everywhere else, its gem day full of stuff nobody can afford to buy, and its complete lack of bargains and really good prices. You guys are right, everything is really repetitve, old fashioned and extremely expensive on QVC right now. I don't know where they get the buyers from, probably America where there products seem to originate from. I do like QVC normally, but like everywhere else it is tightening its belt and because of this its performance and products lack creativity and excitement. It was old fashioned before, lets be honest and now I suppose the cut backs have made it worse. In fact, I would go further and say that its clothing department is bonkers and the beauty department is getting there. Apart from that, everything -its presentations and the ranges are so safe at the moment. Someone at QVc needs to step out of the box and try something new. I think all the staff there are afraid of someone high up because it is so predictable. QVC America is slick and more dynamic than its stuffy British counterpart. Sorry QVC, but I felt it should be said.

I was thinking exactly the same ringtree! I tuned into Gem Day at various points (mainly to appreciate the Art Deco trailers :giggle:) and thought the prices were high. I remember when QVC used to have whole hours of citrine, Russian Diopside etc and prices for pieces set in silver were often under £30 and in gold not much more than £50. Most things on Gem Day seemed to be over £100 and were routinely over £200. I know the price of metals has soared, and there are other competitors in the field etc, but I just can't think who is buying this stuff. It's true that those with money always have money and that sales of luxury goods increase in a recession but those with serious brass are not IMHO the sorts to be buying 'recently discovered' gemstones in 9ct gold for £250. As for clothing, with a couple of exceptions (I have a couple of Centipede coats and OH likes Trespass) QVC's offerings are IMHO bizarre in 'style' and unfeasibly overpriced. I also agree that QVC's obvious attempts to pare down to core business to see it through the hard times means it appears less creative (a great way to express what I was thinking) and repetitive. I think it's quite telling that even though I have more disposable income now than at any other time in my QVC shopping career (student days *finally* behind me) I spend less than ever with them :sleepy:

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