It appears that, with certain product ranges, the Q has 'specialist' in house presenters; Charlie Bears - Charlie Brook; Gardening - Julian Ballantyne; and Catherine Huntley seems to be the main presenter for LG shows, probably because she "and all the family are LG addicts" as she is so fond of telling us. Watching a show with Lulu she did today, it was quite embarrassing; la Chuntley couldn't heap enough flattery upon her - was she hoping for a freebie? - and this is possibly another reason she does the majority of the shows. This woman has a family and, I would imagine. quite a lavish lifestyle, yet she can spend hundreds of pounds on a handbag? I would concur, however, that she earns her money, so can spend it how she wishes. I'm the same, but only have myself to consider - and my two boxers - but my priorities, financially, are obviously miles apart from her's.